USCB Radical feminist porn professor goes nuts


New Member
USCB radical feminist porn professor whose area of emphasis is black cultural studies, pornography and sex work assaulted a 16 year old girl, violated
her free speech (in a special free speech zone), committed assault, and vandalism. This perhaps should be considered a hate crime as well since she committed the violence because she disagreed with someones religious beliefs.
Is it way past time to cut student loans to institutions that teach such mindless dribble.


PhD. New York University (American History and History of the African Dispora
M.A. New York University (American History and History of the African Dispora)
B.A. Emory University (History)
Dissertation: "A Taste for Brown Sugar: The History of Black Women in American Pornography."
1* professors university web page
hey OP,

how about you put your money where your mouth is and post your name, address, and headshot for any unhinged militant types to see.

i am sure you will have no problem doing this since it is consistent with the beliefs and "free speech" you defend.


After reading the article I have to agree....

showing pictures of aborted fetuses is not doing the cause any good.

If the argument is free speech then sure.. go put up pictures of blacks on crosses and Jew in the holocaust at synagogues ... see how well you go with that...
Actually I am not taking a side on the issue of abortion.
What I am taking a side on is civil rights, and the radical
liberal agenda at todays schools. After all this nutty professor
teaches classes on black pornography and regularly
shows porn films in class. Should we really
have to pay for this? Should a professor that shows porn
be able to stop someone else from showing an image that offends her.
Actually I am not taking a side on the issue of abortion.
What I am taking a side on is civil rights, and the radical
liberal agenda at todays schools. After all this nutty professor
teaches classes on black pornography and regularly
shows porn films in class. Should we really
have to pay for this? Should a professor that shows porn
be able to stop someone else from showing an image that offends her.

is a dead fetus really he same as a dick in the face?
Actually I am not taking a side on the issue of abortion.
What I am taking a side on is civil rights, and the radical
liberal agenda at todays schools. After all this nutty professor
teaches classes on black pornography and regularly
shows porn films in class. Should we really
have to pay for this? Should a professor that shows porn
be able to stop someone else from showing an image that offends her.

people have to sign up for the class, which is an academic study.

these homicidal "pro-lifers" are showing their pornographic images to anyone that walks by, in clear violation of UCSB's rules (as was noted in the article itself).

i'm not sure how you have the gall to complain of "radical agendas" when the group in question is posting the names, addresses, and headshots of abortion doctors so that christian terrorists may more easily murder them.

you really are quite a dumbass.
They are both civil wrights the dead fetus is a womans educational issue and freedom of
religion issue. The porn is much more offensive to me simply because it is another
case of mindless dribble by liberals being funded by US tax dollars. It should also
be noted that the abortion rights girls were conducting themselves within school policy,
and were in a special university free speech zone.
is a dead fetus really he same as a dick in the face?

i wonder how our bigoted friend would feel about a group posting pictures of gay sex in public view, along with the names, addresses, and headshots of bigots like him who want to deny service to gays in the name of "religious freedom".

i'm sure he will defend all of that though in order to be consistent rather than a hypocrite.
LOL the right wingers on this site are fucking nuts. I don't even know what to say anymore.

Grasping much?
They are both civil wrights the dead fetus is a womans educational issue and freedom of
religion issue. The porn is much more offensive to me simply because it is another
case of mindless dribble by liberals being funded by US tax dollars. It should also
be noted that the abortion rights girls were conducting themselves within school policy,
and were in a special university free speech zone.

school policy does not allow you to post up pictures of dead fetuses around campus. it even said that in the article, you lying POS.

posting large pictures of aborted fetuses is not covered by religious freedom and is not a "civil wright [SIC]".

i'm pretty sure that women do not need to be educated about what happens to a fetus during an abortion, but i'm sure they appreciate the condescension from a bigoted fucktard like yourself.
people have to sign up for the class, which is an academic study.

"pro-lifers" are showing their pornographic images to anyone that walks by, in clear violation of UCSB's rules (as was noted in the article itself).

you really are quite a dumbass.

Nowhere in the article did it say or even suggest it was a violation of the school rules. In fact the school has publicly stated it was well within there rules. The pictures were also not "posted around campus" they were on a 3' display being held by the girl in a specially designated free speech zone designed for contentious issues of this sort. Do you think if you lie enough people will believe you?
Nowhere in the article did it say or even suggest it was a violation of rules the school rules. In fact the school has publicly stated it was well within there rules. Do you think if you lie enough people will believe you?

so people are allowed to make large, pornographic signs and display them on campus for anyone to see?
Do you think if you lie enough people will believe you?

you edited this out of my post when replying to it, so i thought i'd put it back up there again, i'm even gonna use bold, since apparently you have confidence that using bold is a good idea:

i'm not sure how you have the gall to complain of "radical agendas" when the group in question is posting the names, addresses, and headshots of abortion doctors so that christian terrorists may more easily murder them.
you edited this out of my post when replying to it, so i thought i'd put it back up there again, i'm even gonna use bold, since apparently you have confidence that using bold is a good idea:

i'm not sure how you have the gall to complain of "radical agendas" when the group in question is posting the names, addresses, and headshots of abortion doctors so that christian terrorists may more easily murder them.

Because they are not being federally funded.

The Feminist Porn professors class is.
Students gathered next to our display at UCSB to spread pro-abortion slogans: "I'm a grownup and can make my own decisions," "Abortion doesn't affect fertility," "Condoms are 98% effective," etc. They were so close-minded that they asked students to throw our pamphlets away, calling them lies.

Students gathered next to our display at UCSB to spread pro-abortion slogans: "I'm a grownup and can make my own decisions," "Abortion doesn't affect fertility," "Condoms are 98% effective," etc. They were so close-minded that they asked students to throw our pamphlets away, calling them lies.


These are not even the same girls from the same incident stop with the lies. Post a source for you BS and quit trolling my thread.