
april,your boy's hungry :D long 12.5 hour days drilling and casing wells

and my fuse is short. so if I tune out thread haters and tune into thoughts of you, it redirects my energy

oh and routinely inspect ALL threads on drill tool, casing and drill pipe. we don't want my pipe to bust under intense pressure

see, I like april cuz she giggled @ that, just now. and I bet a fine cheek jiggled too

oh & RIU yours truly has fallen in love w/Colorado. the hot springs, hunnies & weed...what more ya need?

budsmoker87.... obviously
Dear o dear april. Shouldn't even try and justify you and your ass to this mooing herd of oxygen thieves. Should just post pics instead, that'll show them.
Summer is coming..might have a few new bikinis that need approval...
some guy I just met in a hotel lobby got me a $250 suite

the front desk girl got us a 4pm checkout

and I got us beer
Not angry sir. There's like 3-4 people on this whole site I think are awful humans. Sunni happens to be one of them. Sorry if she's your internet crush or something.

And yeah. South Park is totally the measure of all things.

Not my internet crush but a person, with feelings.

There are many people here that I don't agree with or like that much but it's polite to keep those opinions to yourself.

You should try it man, people might change their mind about you and stop following you from thread to thread, calling you on your twatish behavior.