Libertarians and Tea Party Patriots are completely and totally correct!


Well-Known Member
It is not the corporations who are at fault for America's decline, it is the powerful voices of illegal immigrants, poor minorities and single mothers. Illegal immigrants, poor minorities and single mothers are too powerful, throwing vast sums of money at our legislature to pervert our laws for their own ends. The corporations are merely protecting themselves when they ship our jobs overseas, hire illegal immigrants and abuse H-1B Visas to drive down wages.

We need to cut all these regulations and cease funding regulators so that we can enforce regulations concerning illegal immigrants and H-1B Visas. We do not need unions as a counterweight to corporate power because they read Ayn Rand novels and will not try to lobby for loopholes in laws, hire illegal immigrants and offshore jobs to drive down wages, for they love America and believe in free market principles. Haven't you liberals read Atlas Shrugged? You act as if a corporations sole interest is making money for its shareholders and is not at all interested in the democracies and people they live off of.

Look at all of the brown people stealing our jobs! It is a good thing we have Sheriff Joe down in Arizona to pick on brown people! We shouldn't fine these corporations that hire them or actually fund the enforcement of these regulations, there are brown people to pick on so get with the program. Nobody is more powerful than the illegal immigrant, these corporations are powerless as they exploit these desperate people from the third world so we must pick on the exploited and tell them to not speak Spanish!

As I speak the corporations are sending jobs overseas, don't create tariffs to protect our jobs or vote for unions to act in our own interest. Look at all those poor minorities, single mothers and illegal immigrants with all that power! They are ruining our country, it isn't the pale faced voters and the legislators they vote in who write laws that make us compete with slave labor in third world countries.

Who was that guy in Germany that agreed with the Libertarians and the Tea Party that it wasn't the majority, the people who voted in the legislators, that was the cause of the problem, but the vulnerable and minorities instead? The Libertarians and the Tea Party seem to be a lot like those folks, except for the fact that they do not have cool uniforms. Maybe they should get some brown shirts and little armbands.


Well-Known Member
it's all those men in the "inner cities". there is a real "culture problem" in the "inner cities". it's generations of men in the inner cities not even thinking about working. these fatherless men from the inner cities who don't want to work need people from "our culture" to mentor them and give them religion. that is hw we will "resuscitate our culture".


paul ryan.



Well-Known Member
Yes! Paul Ryan is right! We MUST cut funds to social programs while corporations increase their profits by paying us less, sending jobs offshore and importing labor because this is the only way to save our families. Thank goodness the corporations are now legal persons and are able to spend unlimited amounts of money to influence legislation. How else are they going to compete with all those powerful poor people on social programs? They totally are NOT looking for a workforce full of desperate and obedient workers on the cusp of poverty or in poverty.


Well-Known Member
yes, paul ryan is right.

we must allow the walmarts of the world to pay wages so low that their employees literally depend on social assistance (because free market), and then we must cut social assistance as much as we can to their employees (because social assistance is a trap [citation needed]). that is the dignity and the culture of work that those fatherless men from the inner cities need religious mentors like ourselves to teach to them.

god bless paul ryan on his quest.


Well-Known Member
yes, paul ryan is right.

we must allow the walmarts of the world to pay wages so low that their employees literally depend on social assistance (because free market), and then we must cut social assistance as much as we can to their employees (because social assistance is a trap [citation needed]). that is the dignity and the culture of work that those fatherless men from the inner cities need religious mentors like ourselves to teach to them.

god bless paul ryan on his quest.
What kind of a society protects the vulnerable and creates legislation that benefits the people instead of the corporations? A sick one. We must cut medicare, medicaid, social security and food stamps while the corporations lobby to increase H-1B Visas, defund illegal worker regulation enforcement, and destroy tariffs and laws designed to keep jobs here.

Why are we protecting the elderly and the poor? It is almost as if some people think our society is unjust and exploits some people? Don't they know that the corporations lobby to create laws that help us compete with them? This country wasn't bought and sold a long time ago, it is the nefarious "others" that are at fault. No need to look in the mirror.


New Member
Look at all of the brown people stealing our jobs! It is a good thing we have Sheriff Joe down in Arizona to pick on brown people!
It is a good thing we have people to enforce our law despite the current regime.
After all if we don't enforce our law and borders we really don't have a country.
We can all agree only a moron would call enforcing our immigration laws racist.

-Fixed it for you


Well-Known Member
It is a good thing we have people to enforce our law despite the current regime.
After all if we don't enforce our law and borders we really don't have a country.
We can all agree only a moron would call enforcing our immigration laws racist.

-Fixed it for you
Right! We need more people like Sheriff Joe to pick on brown people! Thank you for the conservative point of view that we need in this country!

"PHOENIX - Taxpayers in metropolitan Phoenix are expected to pay out an estimated $21 million over the next year and a half for changes ordered in response to a court ruling that found an Arizona sheriff's office racially profiled Latinos in its regular traffic and immigration patrols."

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
did you just answer a question that wasn't asked of you out of sheer exuberance or is a poster on this first page your sock puppet

either way

good show young chap
People shouldn't use terms they don't know the meaning of. I just wanted to point out our other friend is retarded, which we've already established with you. There's nothing wrong with retards, shit happens with the genetic roulette.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
agreed racism is becomign harder and harder to be an effective word/tool to use when showing the prejedice in action/effect/affect but lib tards can be blamed for that


Well-Known Member
Yes! Paul Ryan is right! We MUST cut funds to social programs while corporations increase their profits by paying us less, sending jobs offshore and importing labor because this is the only way to save our families. Thank goodness the corporations are now legal persons and are able to spend unlimited amounts of money to influence legislation. How else are they going to compete with all those powerful poor people on social programs? They totally are NOT looking for a workforce full of desperate and obedient workers on the cusp of poverty or in poverty.
You know if Obama cut back on his warmongering and reduced the US military budget to a level where only the US was completely domestically bulletproof, you could actually increase spending on social programmes, make them more efficient, cut taxes for all AND you wouldn't have to rob Corporations (who is it actually provides jobs again?), the rich or the poor.

Also, ban corporate donations to politicians, who the fuck thought that could turn out well?