Is It Normal to have your Rear End Squirrely After a Rotation ?


Well-Known Member
Just curious....I got an 07 police interceptor with newer tires....I put about 9k miles on them, and just gave them their first rotation...

And damn, the ass end of this cars shifts all over the place at highway speeds changing lanes.....I just changed the air filter on it, and it was a huge difference in power.....last night I laid into it blowing by some clown driving slow in the fast lane, when i switched lanes the ass end really flew all over the place....I felt like I had no control over it.....

So it is normal to have your ass end squirrely after a rotation ?
You could have bad links( keeps rear end mounted to car) low tire pressure, incorrect tires( tires that are not rated for a big body car, bad shocks, or a bad pan hard bar goes from rear end to frame to keep axle from walking( depends on year)
I have the right sized tires....they are a few months old....the car gets checked out all the time....I just had it in the shop....mechanic said everything looks good.....he said front end is real tight, and it is in real nice shape for a cab....I'm wondering if the tires have to "even themselves out" or something after that rotation.....I just came off the highway and it didnt seem as bad, but I really didnt mess around and test it out....I spaced it....

Tire pressure is fine....max psi is 51psi in these runnin' them at 48psi didgitally calibrated....

I do think I need new rear shocks maybe....when I hit big bumps or potholes it jars the car real hard with what feels like a loud thump. It never used to do that before.
Is the car sitting lopsided?

push down on the trunk on either side and see if one side reacts differently.

Then take a crowbar to someones ass.
Did you burn the tires often or severely? If adjustments and components aren't exact, then burning will cause uneven wear til it balances itself out component wise. Brand new tires wouldn't "fit"

Kinda like new boots
broken belt in tire causes this but rare. you could eliminate any component failure by switching them back and seeing if it quits
I agree something is wrong...all the ford interceptors with high mileage are notorious for lower ball joints and rear shock/air shock..pop your trunk and on the left hand side is the a comparment to shut off the air ride?!.... I f you JUST got the tires rotated..i promise you lug nuts are loose...unless you did it yourself. then i suspect sway bar link
Car not sitting lopsided.....rear end seems tight when I push down on each side...each side reacts the same....doesnt seem to squishy....

Thinking of it I have done 2 or 3 pretty good burnouts in the last week or so where I smelled a lot of rubber
Mixing different makes (radial, bias, or just brand) can cause this. Also, tires not wide enough to fit the rims. Police cars have wider rims than standard cars.
You have too much psi in the tires! they get hot at high speed and swell. I wouldn't go over 45 psi with a 51 max. Also, if you whipped into the other lane, that will get you squirrely.
You have too much psi in the tires! they get hot at high speed and swell. I wouldn't go over 45 psi with a 51 max. Also, if you whipped into the other lane, that will get you squirrely.

agreed 32psi is prob what f9rd tecommends I set them at about 36psi.b 48 is to much
Why is 48 psi too much ? I know the tires will wear quicker with higher psi but is there some kind of safety hazard ?

Over inflating a tyre causes quicker wear to the centre section of the tyre and also decreases the amount of rubber on the road thus giving you less grip, if you look inside one of the front door frames there should be a sticker showing you the correct tyre pressures for that vehicle, looks something like this

an over inflated tyre can wear out over 40% quicker than a correctly inflated one
Wow, damn...I guess I am over-inflated, lol....sticker says 35 max psi cold.....only thing that doesnt help me wheni get to the air pump and my tires are warm......I guess I will just let a little out and see what happens and see how it reacts. Maybe I'll drop them down to 40 psi warm, and see how she handles.
i was gunna mention that...but didnt wanna get that rival 1-1000 watt or 2 600s....thing goin... my bad!! and ALWAYS go by the car placard...