any ideas how to stop a toothache?


Well-Known Member
i dont know what thread to put this in so its going here.. so i chipped my tooth on a soft pretzel... :dunce: and it hurts like craaaaazy, anyone got any like home remedies on how to fix it.. i tried garlic, garlic and salt, advil, silver haze lol, hot sauce, orajel.. nothing works.. anyone got any other ideas.. i just switched jobs and my benifits dont kick in for another 60 days or so and i dont want to pay that much out of pocket, need some home remedies i know someone has one

The Growery

Active Member
brush with sensodyne until you can see a dentist longer you wait the closer you are to a root canal wich costs 5x more than filling a cavity and is much more painful.. see a dentist asap. but brush with sensodyne after every time you eat and your cavity will eventually heal itself with the flouride in the toothpaste. but you have to brush after every meal otherwise it's like going back 1 month of not brushing.


Active Member
You need medical attention if a soft pretzel cracks your tooth bro. Get help then deny the claim. My buddy did it when he broke his leg.


Well-Known Member
You need medical attention if a soft pretzel cracks your tooth bro. Get help then deny the claim. My buddy did it when he broke his leg.
my tooth was already slightly cracked and it didnt bother me so i never got it fixed.. then i got me a soft pretzel when i was buzzed up at like 3 am.. it was hard as a rock... tonight im gonna mother it with some southern comfort if i cant find anything else


Well-Known Member
Clove oil works well to numb the nerve or even a drop of whisky if you dab it on with a cotton bud.


Well-Known Member
You can find DIY temporary dental filling kits at drug stores to hold you over until you can get to a dentist. Otherwise, alcohol, food particles, aspirin, toothpaste, etc (all the usual stuff people try or accidentally get on/in the damaged tooth) can damage and inflame the exposed nerve(s) more.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
will it help with pain?...
I've had screaming tooth related pain w/ access to all the drugs on the street. hydocodine, etc. The ONLY relief I could find was dollar store cheap asprins. Get BC powder asprin, or chew up 4 asprins and drink with warm water, if possible. Do the sensidine? thing also. Or, go in a Biker Bar wiyh eyeliner on, and talk shit.Either way, no pain or teeth to cause pain.


Well-Known Member
Spend the money, Kemo. What's two months of pain, and possibly making it waaay worse and more costly later, worth to you?

Much love


Well-Known Member
hot sauce

I have some experience with this, I used to have pretty bad dental hygiene when I was a kid

If you have an infection, there's nothing you can do at home that will help with the pain, you have to see a dentist and he'll likely prescribe you antibiotics until the infection is gone. I spent 3 days at the peak of an infection once that was absolute torture, got meds, was gone in a day and it felt like an immediate pressure valve was released, waaaaay worth it

Cavity, use baking soda, salt water, and brush after every time you eat/drink something that isn't water


Never use hot sauce again and murder the person who told you to


Well-Known Member
Fistfulls of Ibuprofen. Chew 'em. May help the throbbing a bit. If it's chipped or real gnarly, Biotene can help keep the socket moist.

Find a dentist brother, spend the $80 for the antibiotics. Last time I had a tooth pulled it cost about $190ish that's + antibiotics.


Well-Known Member
Fistfulls of Ibuprofen. Chew 'em. May help the throbbing a bit. If it's chipped or real gnarly, Biotene can help keep the socket moist.

Find a dentist brother, spend the $80 for the antibiotics. Last time I had a tooth pulled it cost about $190ish that's + antibiotics.

How many teeth have you had pulled? Or is it a shorter count to how many you have left?


Well-Known Member
How many teeth have you had pulled? Or is it a shorter count to how many you have left?
I never went to a dentist as a kid. I don't do enough blow to have lost a substantial amount. To answer your question, I've had around 6 pulled. How bad off is your grill?