Club 600


Well-Known Member
We should probably have a plaster stuck across our Club 600 logo at the minute. The thread does seem to be running on a Commodore vic20 operating system speed.....
1st post from Club 600. My God, there's been a lot of water over the dam since then. But it doesn't seem the website is going to fix its problems any time soon. DST, I suggest it's time to start a new thread; Club 600 2.0. Can anybody look at the next to last page or is it just me? I've used every browser known to man, cleared caches and god knows what else and nothing works.


Well-Known Member
No point looking back in life Dr.:)
i try not to ask crap we have covered i see three people ask the same thing, but good point i am looking forward myself and will be off and working on lining up a new place to live now i will put a sat pic of it up;)


Well-Known Member
Good luck with the hunt Dr. You moving far? My wife wants to move back to South Africa....watching a documentary on a South Africa Emergency room the other night didn't help though. (hospital just outside Khayelitsha). The amount of stabbings and killings is actually now making Cape Flats one of the most dangerous places in SA. We have a place in Cape Town centre though which is not like the Townships, but fuk me makes you think...


Well-Known Member
i had a friend in GA that was from S.A.;) yea i am moving further out in to the middle of nowhere. with some land and get away from my idiot landlord:)


Well-Known Member
It's Fat Tuesday!!!
and we are getting high today