Buck's Bogart: There ought to be a law


Well-Known Member

The Idaho legislation was introduced after "Los Angeles-based vegetarian and animal rights group Mercy for Animals showing workers at Bettencourt Dairy beating, stomping and sexually abusing cows in 2012," the AP says.

long story short: group films farmers abusing defenseless animals, so to solve the problem, idaho decides to make it illegal to film such abuses rather than punish the horrific abuses.


protect the abusers of defenseless animals, punish those who wish to expose the abuse.

file this alongside my "creeping fascism" thread, because that's exactly what this is. protect the businesses, no matter how immoral, and punish the people for attempting to document it.

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
If they're gonna suppress hidden camera footage, I say we use cinematic footage. I think it's about time someone do a remake of The Jungle since the original film is lost and this year is it's 100th anniversary (The film, not the novel). There were similar attempts to suppress Upton Sinclair's writings, which in a sense was sort of a contemporary equivalent of hidden camera recording.


Well-Known Member
Shit like this is why I want to start raising more of my own animals. I'll still eat them , but at least I won't treat them like shit.

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
Shit like this is why I want to start raising more of my own animals. I'll still eat them , but at least I won't treat them like shit.
Word. I had the same response when Mad Cow started going around, which is basically bovine Kuru, and which comes from feeding cows to cows. Grass-fed beef is just so much tastier than diseased-cow-fed beef. And if anyone needs proof that treating animals better makes better meat, may I present Wagyu and Iberico for your consideration


Well-Known Member
Word. I had the same response when Mad Cow started going around, which is basically bovine Kuru, and which comes from feeding cows to cows. Grass-fed beef is just so much tastier than diseased-cow-fed beef. And if anyone needs proof that treating animals better makes better meat, may I present Wagyu and Iberico for your consideration
Or Koby beef, if you want the most extreme example of deliciousness correlating to animal treatment.


Well-Known Member
Shit like this is why I want to start raising more of my own animals. I'll still eat them , but at least I won't treat them like shit.
i'm not sure of this is racist, but i'll share it anyway.

one summer, my wife and i used our broody chicken to hatch three ducks.

the ducks turned out to be all males, and looked delicious.

i looked into slaughtering them myself, but couldn't bring myself to do it. so i listed them on craigslist as pets, not meat.

i got endless calls from asians who wanted them. we ended up selling them to an asian family who i'm pretty sure used their daughter to convince us they wouldn't be immediately slaughtered.

hopefully they gave those ducks one more summer to enjoy before eating them. but i doubt it.

those were tasty looking ducks.


Well-Known Member
i'm not sure of this is racist, but i'll share it anyway.

one summer, my wife and i used our broody chicken to hatch three ducks.

the ducks turned out to be all males, and looked delicious.

i looked into slaughtering them myself, but couldn't bring myself to do it. so i listed them on craigslist as pets, not meat.

i got endless calls from asians who wanted them. we ended up selling them to an asian family who i'm pretty sure used their daughter to convince us they wouldn't be immediately slaughtered.

hopefully they gave those ducks one more summer to enjoy before eating them. but i doubt it.

those were tasty looking ducks.
I know that feeling. There's one hen who comes over to check things out every time I clean the coop. She like to stare down the dogs when I let them into the yard too. I know she'll be dinner one day, but I still respect her general badassery. There will be a toast the day she becomes dinner.


Well-Known Member

This is the family that lives on my property.I don't hunt but understand it, and do like venison. I won't let nobody hunt near here for the fact this family feels safe here and it would be like slaughtering a defenseless baby in its crib.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member

The Idaho legislation was introduced after "Los Angeles-based vegetarian and animal rights group Mercy for Animals showing workers at Bettencourt Dairy beating, stomping and sexually abusing cows in 2012," the AP says.

long story short: group films farmers abusing defenseless animals, so to solve the problem, idaho decides to make it illegal to film such abuses rather than punish the horrific abuses.


protect the abusers of defenseless animals, punish those who wish to expose the abuse.

file this alongside my "creeping fascism" thread, because that's exactly what this is. protect the businesses, no matter how immoral, and punish the people for attempting to document it.
I love it when meat eaters talk about animal abuse. It's like BnB talking about how black people were better off in the safety of their plantation, since there were less deaths than the free black man now who is "vicious and violent."



Well-Known Member
I love it when meat eaters talk about animal abuse. It's like BnB talking about how black people were better off in the safety of their plantation, since there were less deaths than the free black man now who is "vicious and violent."

Apples to oranges at its finest. When is the last time you saw a tuna pick cotton?

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
Since when is slaughter is not torture? We don't even kill the worst criminal offenders the most humane way we slaughter animals.
A talented butcher or hunter can kill an animal quickly and relatively painlessly. In much of the commercial meat and dairy production facilities, animals are routinely subjected to inhumane and unsanitary conditions, and the manner in which they are killed is sloppy and in no means concerned with the suffering of the animal. There are laws about how you can execute humans based upon the suffering they will feel during said execution, many people consider our current methods of execution to be so painful as to violate the cruel and unusual punishment clause of the constitution, and are lobbying for more humane methods such as nitrogen asphyxiation. Eating meat does not mean that you condone the cruelty of the commercial meat industry. Eating free range chicken you raise on your own and kill with one clean break is different than housing a chicken in coops so tight they can't stand, cutting off their beaks so they can't peck the other chicken you shove in there with them, and feeding them the processed remnants of whatever parts of the chickens you don't use. Killing an animal with a direct blow to the brainstem is far less painful than hanging it from meathooks while it is still alive, and slashing their throats while hung and still alive so that their still beating heart causes them bleed out faster. Milking a cow by hand when it's udders need milking is different than hooking those udders up to pumps that run constantly and are ill fitting, causing blisters and pustules which burst and contaminate the milk, requiring ultra-pasteurization to even be fit for human consumption. There are ways to raise and kill animals, and maintain the circle of life, without being callous and cruel in the methods with which you go about it.


Well-Known Member
Since when is slaughter is not torture? We don't even kill the worst criminal offenders the most humane way we slaughter animals.
I acknowledge that there are more than a few slaughterhouses that don't give animals clean deaths. However, I have never let an animal suffer on my property. When I have hunted, I have caused an animal to suffer less than it would when killed by any predator that kills by crushing its throat (Read: Almost all of them.).


Well-Known Member

The Idaho legislation was introduced after "Los Angeles-based vegetarian and animal rights group Mercy for Animals showing workers at Bettencourt Dairy beating, stomping and sexually abusing cows in 2012," the AP says.

long story short: group films farmers abusing defenseless animals, so to solve the problem, idaho decides to make it illegal to film such abuses rather than punish the horrific abuses.


protect the abusers of defenseless animals, punish those who wish to expose the abuse.

file this alongside my "creeping fascism" thread, because that's exactly what this is. protect the businesses, no matter how immoral, and punish the people for attempting to document it.
bible thumping, sexual deviants in idaho..who'd a thunk it?


Well-Known Member
[h=1]The 5-Step Program[/h] Promoting and facilitating continuous improvement in animal agriculture is one of our core missions and why we developed our initiative—the 5-Step Animal Welfare Rating Standards.

The very structure of the 5-Step program encourages higher welfare practices and systems to the benefit of farmers, consumers, retailers, and the animals.

Each set of tiered standards—from Step 1 to Step 5+—has its own requirements that must be met before certification to that particular Step level is assigned, if appropriate. Producers have the freedom to aim for any Step level they choose. Each Step rating has its own distinct label that identifies the particular Step level achieved.

In essence, Step 1 prohibits cages and crates. Step 2 requires environmental enrichment for indoor production systems; Step 3, outdoor access; Step 4, pasture-based production; Step 5, an animal-centered approach with all physical alterations prohibited; and, finally, Step 5+, the entire life of the animal spent on an integrated farm.

As of October 31, 2013, the 5-Step program includes 2,405 operations, raising more than 140 million animals annually, as certified farms and ranches, ranging from Step 1 to Step 5+:

The 5-Step Animal Welfare Rating Standards program:

  • encourages and inspires farmers and ranchers to move up the welfare ladder, if they so choose
  • engages a broad spectrum of producers, rather than a minority segment of the agricultural community
  • allows for a wider selection of products from farms and ranches for greater consumer options
  • more accurately recognizes producers for their welfare practices
  • better informs consumers about the production systems they may choose to support
As the standard-setter, Global Animal Partnership does not conduct audits nor make Step-rating certification decisions. Authorized, third-party certification companies, perform the audits and issue Step certificates, as appropriate. By working with independent certifiers, farmers, consumers, and retailers alike can be assured that Step ratings are fair, accurate, and free of any conflict of interest.
Learn more about our process, get answers to frequently asked questions, download our standards, and meet 5-Step farmers.

guess we need a step 6..wonder how many of those who put their "meat" in ours, are good church going people?

and once again we shall hear from RR and his minions daily rant about small government "no rules" approach to governing..or in this case, maybe not?

c'mon RR, you can do it!! enlighten us..*crickets


Well-Known Member
perhaps you'd like this better?:

bible thumping, sexual deviants..who'd a thunk it?
Your timing is still bad and treads ground already covered; as amusing as it might be. I don't feel like you cover ground that hasn't already been tread on most days I see your posts. We already have buck covering most of what you do. We could use a few more people actually using things other than the troll bait.

Feel free to taunt folks if you wish, but I think we could use a little less taunt and a lot more discussion.