Club 600

True it does seem to load faster. But fuck going back three pages to catch up :/
Nice weather today! 12c and sunshine. Today is knock the cat out of the barrol day. lol kinda like halloween. But it all evolves round a barrol we beat to pieces. Inside is either a living cat getting killed or lots of candy... Ive ever only seen candy :) Going with my nephew
Looks like fun, but ca-razy stuff. Hopefully no cats get harmed during the celebrations. We use to have a game at our school fun fairs called "splatt the rat!", haha. Fun times indeed.
The whole story is crazy :) Not killing animals anymore.. But once it was custom to use a goose neck to hang a black cat from so it could be beaten to death. Thought to ward of plagues. LOL Now its more for the children :)
Kids in the states can't even beat up a paper piñata without an adult usually finishing the job to get them some candy before dark. I couldn't imagine them trying to beat a wooden barrel, I wouldn't even have to hang it, just leave it on the ground and tell em I'll be back tomorrow!
bringin it back to when i was tearing up on sunset blvd


Real good bro. Little one is a joy these days, sleeping almost all the way through the night. Wife is good too. Honestly I'm worried because things are going so well lately. I feel like something bad is going to happen. :/

How about you and the fam. I'm glad you are doing alright. I worried you got yourself in trouble when you were gone for so long.
see you've shifted the box fan out then D, was it a major hassle in the end? looks very tidy in there. and in DEZ's too. we having some sort of uniform grow off here lol
You know I've heard of RSO years ago, Rick Simpson Oil. Never really looked into, just figured it was like any other oil and it pretty much is. But what I did find funny was his method for making it. 1. His preferred solvent is naphtha... ok thats paint thinner and I wouldn't be fucking with that no way no how. I'll use ISO or Everclear over that shit any day. Then his instructions for cooking it off are to use a rice cooker and goes into the details about how the cooker will automatically drop the temps when they get too high etc. Ok thats weird, is every rice cooker the same? No. What temp is it at? How bout some hard temps in fahrenheit? You'd think he would have it somewhat more refined by now. This is just some old dude that didnt even get into weed until 2003 and he really doesn't know shit about what he's doing IMO. I really lost any hope for "his" process when he went so far to say that even if you don't get 100% of the solvent out, its ok cuz the cannabis oil will neutralize it? The fuck?! Says who?? That was just about the dumbest thing in the world to hear him say. If I had a lil Everclear left over thats one thing, but not naphtha!

I do want to make some oil for myself to ingest which is why I started looking into his method but thanks, I'll do it my own way!
you know it's weird how coincidences happen. i'm sure there's more at work with this stuff. a guy i know asked about making some for a friend who's mother was recently taken off chemo as it was having no effect. i need to do a load of research into it. i imagine/hope it's already here. but mos def i am also not fucking with paint thinner.

any 6er's know the score with RSO?
Had to change batt. in my keyboard..
Its been all over the danish media lately, nice. Cancer patients dropping out of chemo to only using RSO. Christiania is now providing RSO to people..
Im making some for my mother in law.
Damn it seems dangerous to boil this off. Id make bho over this any day..
Also a doctor working with chemo most his life just came out saying its poison and he cant do it no more! Waste of time.. Yeah it kills some cancer cells, but chances are you will go with it.. He would never use it or recommend it to family.. fucked up..