Why is Cannabis Illegal in "The Land of The Free?"


Well-Known Member
Well Google the historical reason. Being the "land of the free" doesn't mean we don't have laws to regulate and protect..(not saying that's why its illegal or rather made that way)
Do I agree with complete legalization, sort of.. currently its not suitable for pharmaceutical use, many of the properties are biphasic and with so many effects aren't entirely predictable regarding dosage and ones tolerance. Even with synthetic applications overdosing can cause severe problems for example someone taking it for peripheral nerve pain.. I don't feel it should be regulated like alcohol..I feel that's going backwards..I can drink a coffee specifically for its stimulating psychoactive effects and is far more addictive than weed..do I feel its as safe as caffeine from which many people die? Well yes and no. I feel it should be regulated like an antihistamine..but kids shouldn't have access. So regulated like behind the counter allergy medications....that would make me happy..still illegal to drive on btw..


Well-Known Member
"Because it causes white women to seek relations with negro men"

"because it causes negro men to rape white women"

Paraphrasing but those are actual quotes used to convince the passing of the prohibition law.


Well-Known Member
“There are 100,000 total marijuana smokers in the US, and most are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos, and entertainers. Their Satanic music, jazz, and swing, result from marijuana use. This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers, and any others.”

“…the primary reason to outlaw marijuana is its effect on the degenerate races.”

“Marijuana is an addictive drug which produces in its users insanity, criminality, and death.”

“Reefer makes darkies think they’re as good as white men.”

“Marihuana leads to pacifism and communist brainwashing”

“You smoke a joint and you’re likely to kill your brother.”

“Marijuana is the most violence-causing drug in the history of mankind.”

actual quotes.


Well-Known Member
“Marihuanaleads to pacifism.....
“You smoke ajoint and you’re likely to kill your brother.”

“marijuana is the most violence-causing drug..."

Little contradictory imo....


Well-Known Member
My thoughts are due to cbd's immense list of medical uses i believe it counteracts the elites eugenics program and if cannabis was legalized alot of pharma companys would be making losses as expensive cancer drugs would be replaced by growers selling oil to patients at half the price.

Then there's the fact that oils and fibres from cannabis could easily replace the polluting petro chemical company's who are owned by the banks which pretty much control us, Slaves or useless eaters as they call us.

Cannabis has many uses, more than the average person could even imagine it can be used for building materials to replace concrete and wood ive even heard they can make a form of plastic from it. If they used cannabis for paper production as they used to thousands of forest wouldn't have completely vanished.
The cutting down of the amazon rain forests is having major affects on the jet stream it no longer does what it used to the whole world is in chaos because of a group of greedy power hungry idiots, how do i know there idiots simple its because they have been inbreeding for years as they all come from the same line of people from Babylon 5500 years ago as do gypsys it was the habiri people gypsys split off from the group which became the jews this is why hitler tried to iradicate them both theres talk there ancestors are the nephilim they basicly think there better than everyone and want to reduce the population by 90% but there methods are mostly stoppable by using cannabis picking and what you eat wisely you could avoid being part of that 90%.

They even started the whole synthetic fertilizers as they use a radioactive product for the phosphorous requirement. so all veggies trees and weed plants are slightly less helpfull to us as they are irradiated i will post all links later nothing that i have said is without multiple forms of evidence.

I'am sorry for any bad spelling or grammar i'am disabled i have a serious mental health condition but because of taht i have an iq of a 145 which helped me along with my passion for the truth and attention to detail i have, to uncover the truth about where i come from and who rules over me i might come from the same bloodline in the past but i dont condone anythin they do!!


Well-Known Member
I have nothing against gypsies either im a romany gypsie and alot of my friends are gypsies and my family obviously im on about all the bankers n goverment ppl been inbred btw


Well-Known Member
Was it not made illegal due to the Rothschild family owning the cotton industry and Hemp being a major competitor so they had it made illegal so they could monopolise the textiles industry? I may be wrong but thats what i was told years ago


Well-Known Member
yup thats another reason watch the emporor wheres no clothes by jack herer thats got all the american reasons


Well-Known Member
Big Pharma profit protection...
They know how many ailments the various cannabinoids and other compounds in marijuana can effectively treat, they just can't make money on it.
That is in this day and age, in the past it was more cotton, or forestry, or "protecting white women from black men"... What a joke!