Can you live on minimum wage? (Calculator)

Ops Management is more about inventory management, supply and demand, manufacturing and services. TOM is the management of software, tech items, IT, OPERATING systems and processes; stuff like that, not concerned with the reorder point of 500 boxes to make a pizza joint run.

TOM is a complete field all by itself, you can get a Doctorate in TOM.

You could use Ops Managemnent stuff to help you with your laundry business, but TOM would be nearly useless to you .

Finally a real answer from you...
1) well one could read the article or 2) click on the hyperlink however in the interest of time..3) it's how much mc donalds passes on to the taxpayer for social programs employees must receive in order to live because they(mc donalds) does not.
No, you miss my point.

McDonalds pay an amount agreed between themselves and the potential employee at the point of signing the contract.

If the now Mc-Employee is too dumb to be able to work a calculator and basic household budget to realise it won't pay the bills, why the fuck would they deserve more than minimum/peanuts wage?

Because they're "entitled" to unilaterally renegotiate their contract?

Just be honest with us and honest with yourself and let your illogical extreme left flag fly.

*Insert Scary Cold War Era Russia music here*
Guy, ops management is undergrad stuff.
My very well paid wife would disagree. She has an MBA from one on Minnesota's most respected schools.

Operations Manager is very different that VP Of Operations. Especially when the company is a public company doing billions in revenue.
My very well paid wife would disagree. She has an MBA from one on Minnesota's most respected schools.

Operations Manager is very different that VP Of Operations. Especially when the company is a public company doing billions in revenue.

I took Ops Management in my Junior Year, believe me, its an undergrad course.
My very well paid wife would disagree. She has an MBA from one on Minnesota's most respected schools.

Operations Manager is very different that VP Of Operations. Especially when the company is a public company doing billions in revenue.

This is Truth. We love to slide around on the word play over here.

You can study all you want the management of the operations in a business, but an operations manager has to kick ass with a smile and never muss an eyelash over it.

The OpsMgr sweats it, so the VP can ride top cover. But, riding top cover as VP of Operations is no easy shakes either.

And then when you get in it, and the guy across is displaying some startling behavior, is he posturing or becoming ridden in rage?
Al lot depends on the next few seconds. You are responsible for a hall full of people.

That is the sudden and very serious, Operation of Management.
I have a meeting to attend.

The rash decision to get this image posted before I departed, unwittingly exposed your surreptitious homophobic ways.
Were you aware that Adolf Hitler was gay?

when did i say there was anything wrong with your homosexual bathroom meetups? and how do you infer from the image posted that the meeting was supposed to be homosexual in nature?

if you want to meet in the bathroom for manly love, that's your business and there's nothing wrong with it, even if you happen to be getting pounded in the ass by a burly male.

different strokes for different folks.
when did i say there was anything wrong with your homosexual bathroom meetups? and how do you infer from the image posted that the meeting was supposed to be homosexual in nature?

if you want to meet in the bathroom for manly love, that's your business and there's nothing wrong with it, even if you happen to be getting pounded in the ass by a burly male.

different strokes for different folks.

I thought that image was your invitation, its just a joke though. I thought maybe your wife just didn't get you up anymore.
You seem secluded and lonely

You seem ignorant of underlying causes of economic and political issues and unwilling to face your own dissonance and deeply instilled obedience to irrational behaviors masked as "normal". I am often traveling in secluded places, but rarely lonely.
An excerpt from a M. Rothbard dissertation -

In truth, there is only one way to regard a minimum wage law: it is compulsory unemployment, period. The law says: it is illegal, and therefore criminal, for anyone to hire anyone else below the level of X dollars an hour. This means, plainly and simply, that a large number of free and voluntary wage contracts are now outlawed and hence that there will be a large amount of unemployment. Remember that the minimum wage law provides no jobs; it only outlaws them; and outlawed jobs are the inevitable result.
An excerpt from a M. Rothbard dissertation -

In truth, there is only one way to regard a minimum wage law: it is compulsory unemployment, period. The law says: it is illegal, and therefore criminal, for anyone to hire anyone else below the level of X dollars an hour. This means, plainly and simply, that a large number of free and voluntary wage contracts are now outlawed and hence that there will be a large amount of unemployment. Remember that the minimum wage law provides no jobs; it only outlaws them; and outlawed jobs are the inevitable result.


Raising the minimum wage only reduces freedom.
Say what?

Its a Tea Party advertisement poster, and those guys believe some Demi-God Zombie Jew chilled with Dinosaurs 2000 years ago, so I'd call the factuality of it dubious at best, but if you can show me some numbers backing it up then I support the whole message.

But I also disagree with the notion of increasing minimum wage beyond adjusting it for inflation because I believe it only hurts the lower and middle classes (who it's supposed to be protecting).
Its a Tea Party advertisement poster, and those guys believe some Demi-God Zombie Jew chilled with Dinosaurs 2000 years ago, so I'd call the factuality of it dubious at best, but if you can show me some numbers backing it up then I support the whole message.

But I also disagree with the notion of increasing minimum wage beyond adjusting it for inflation because I believe it only hurts the lower and middle classes (who it's supposed to be protecting).

The tea party has nothing to do with religion. I'm an aethiest and was a strong supporter of the tea party back before it was hijacked by morons like Sarah Palin. You sound ignorant.
Its a Tea Party advertisement poster, and those guys believe some Demi-God Zombie Jew chilled with Dinosaurs 2000 years ago, so I'd call the factuality of it dubious at best, but if you can show me some numbers backing it up then I support the whole message.

But I also disagree with the notion of increasing minimum wage beyond adjusting it for inflation because I believe it only hurts the lower and middle classes (who it's supposed to be protecting).

You are having a very difficult time making any sense.

Why attack the messenger when the message is so true. The Military is the career of choice for a lot of people. It pays well for a lot of hard work and physical fitness and the chances of getting killed are much less than out in their home county as a drunk driving teen.