Club 600


Well-Known Member
We are getting help so we can have a child..
My thoughts are with you guys. I hope your girl is ok. It kills me inside when my wife has problems. I would rather it be me any day. I hope you are allowed to "talk" about it here. Getting things out can be helpful albeit painful. Best wishes for both of you.

FP: Hope you guys get better quick. Glad you are blessed with family to help out. :-)


Well-Known Member
:hug: you guys are so nice..

Yeah Jimmer 26c day and 18c night is what i consider best. But with the strain dependent still roaming :)
Keeping day and night temps far from each other gives optimal growth- Ive read :)
Just germinated a cindy '99 outdoors. Ive had it since i ordered my first s33ds and it sounds like it will do well outside.
Had a few friends tell me they thought dog tasted very nice and special. Could not really relate.. until now smoking it on a joint instead of the bong. wow really really hard for me to explain how it taste. Dark fruity like but not tellin at all. Amazed at the smoothness i draw the biggest lunges and half way through the joint now im feeling it real good! Ready to crash :)

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I went dwnstairs to water the plants and my dehumidifier was full because it rained. Scared the shit outta me. It was only 46% in the tent so all was good.


Well-Known Member

Cab #1: Purple Kush, Sour Cherry, Plush Berry & Dog

Cab #2: Cherry Bomb x 5 (going to flip 12/12 within a week)

Cab #3: Plush Berry - flip to 12/12 tomorrow

Cab #4: Sleeping! No pics


Well-Known Member
GrowApp is just a "grow helper" for the phone. I liked it So i bought the full version. Not that there is any difference :) But it fucked up today..

We are getting help so we can have a child..

Sry to hear that sux..
next time before you need an app that costs if you mention it i will send you any app paid & unlocked.


Well-Known Member
I download loads of apps and games but i could not find the growapp.. Got any other cannabis related apps you find good=))(/&%¤!#" Cant make a question mark :/

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Uhhhh I thi nk it may be a goner

I was cleaning up the revegged Goji a couple weeks back. Removing weak growth and such.

My fluffy cat starting messing with he leaves and when I turned around she bolted out of the room and up the stairs with a branch. Was so funny.

I always put my clones/seedlings on top of something the cats can't get to if I have to leave the room.


Well-Known Member
The funny part is that it was a dog clone eaten by a cat. I'll give it time and see if something happens just because. I was giving it away anyways and there is plenty of room in the veg area. You are probably right FP, only time will tell.


Well-Known Member
I was at my friends house over the weekend and he had his is PE mom that was 2.5 years old out cutting clones and trimming her down. His 3 month old puppy jumped up and chewed off the remaining branches. We tried to resuscitate her but failed. Hahaha. I hope he really loves that dog already cuz that mom has treated him really well.


Well-Known Member
make a new mom from one of the clones no big deal. some folks start new mothers every six moths to keep it from veging to the point it loses vigor. Some just go cut to cut like subcool and heath robinson.