DIY E-Nail


Well-Known Member
So im surprised there isnt one of these already up on here, or any site for that matter, and figured ill make one.

First off let me start by thanking the people who brought the E-nail to the market and also the people who brought it to the people of the DIY community. Im not sure if this is in the right place. I was debating between the glass section and concentrate section. Itll get put in the right place either way.

For those of you who dont know what it is or havent seen them often heres a quick video.


So ever since someone posted a DIY E-nail project on reddit ive seen a ton of people making their own.


But with all these people making/wanting to make their own theres a surprising lack on info on the matter.

Now the actual components of an enail are pretty easy to find, the coil being the most difficult, and pretty easy to assemble. Figured someone would have made a video by now. The wirings not rocket science but personally i like seeing it from 10 different angles when im messing with electricity. In the right condition, .03 amps can kill ya so always DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND BE SAFE!!!!!!

Since i am embarking on the journey for myself i figured id chronicle my trials and tribulations. (hopefully there will be few)

Ill be making videos, posting pictures along with wiring diagrams, and hopefully reviews of the different hardware.

I am in the process of purchasing my first case of coils so if anyone is interested in building their own i have them for sale. 1, 2, 5, 25. However many you want. I will possibly be able to make enough for people to purchase a fully assembled e-nail so feel free to inquire. (not sure if this violates any rules, i dont mean it to, i am not trying to make money off people just trying to help people get hard to get parts)

The main reason i got into making my own was because of the outrageous prices people are charging for them. The lowest ive seen is $350-$375, some ranging in the 5-6 area. This is absurd. Im all for a profit motive, but a 5x markup on a very simple piece of equipment always rubs me the wrong way. Even if it took 12+ hours to fully assemble 1 unit, theyd still be making $20+ an hour. From what ive seen it may take 2-3 hours MAX for a scrub at soldering to assemble one and get it running. Like i said im all for making a living and profit motive, but this is borderline robbery.

Im shooting for a 200-250 price point and absolute MAX of $300 (plus free shipping) once i start experimenting with slightly higher quality internals. But if it gets rollin good i couldnt bring myself to charge over that. But thats all up in the air depending the supply/demand..

For this first round i will be going straight from the DIY instructions for all products needed(excluding case and possibly controller). After the first one is made and QC has been completed i will be modifying my set up to use different controllers/relays/connectors/etc... The internals ill be using for my first one are not bad quality and the change in parts is only to see if the few extra bucks for some "name brand" parts will benefit.

Feel free to comment, PM, and generally discuss any interests, negatives/positives, or ideas you may have. Anyone who has an e/d-nail i welcome your voice since ive only ever used one a few times and dont know any downsides that may arise from non-stop use/abuse. haha

Like i first said, i was very surprised there wasnt one of these on almost any of the forums, so here you go!!!
Good luck budbro! I hope you can get it all worked out and dial in a extremely affordable option to the competition.
At this point humboltenail on instagram sells a amazing affordable electric nail...It come with a year warranty on the box and 90 day warranty on the coil. A normal size around 350 the mini is around 425 and he tells a double enail for around 700. I was personally looking to diy my own enail but i didnt want to burn out coils when doing research and development. I know this guy runs his test rigs for hundreds of hours without shutting them off at temperatures much higher then you'd vape at and they appear to be rather durable and ACTUALLY AVAILABLE. Obviously youll be doing the same durability tests as well. My problem with most enail companys is they are over priced and supply is low. This guy humboltenail on instagram is killing it with affordable enails for half the price. I'm sure hes still making a killing not being totally greedy,. incase youre curious
I've got one!!! :)

For some reason Photobucket isn't loading atm.
But, I posted it in the ” Awesomest Oil Rig” thread.

It's hooked to an electrical digital box in which you can control the temps in increments of 1° C.
The nail itself can be threaded into a dome adapter or as a male.

I like it...


I'm back to the torch and Ti. .....

Something about it..... Novelty?..I dunno, it's cool as shit, but when I want to get high to get some sleep, torch is a necessity.
I go pretty hot as I like the couch lock-narcotic effect....

So, for my night-time dabs I set it around 510° C= 1000° ish F

Great flavor and effect, but I like the torch better..
I can't really figure out why, but heating with the torch seems to have a more medicinal effect, while the E-nail just gets me super” high”

It's awesome for dabathon events however, we have one every month.

About 20-30 Colorado growers/dabbers gather round the dab station.
I was lucky enough to have it donated to me, because of my disease...

Good times
Photobucket back up...


I would love to post up the box, but I can't jeopardize the gentleman's patent...
Totally DIY-able though...
Glad everyones interested!!! Im not tryin to make money just supply people with some easy shit.

I plan to use a controller similar to the humboldt enail, an auber 1/32 DIN i think he uses a different brand but its basically the same. I follow him though haha.

Also, gotta figure out if a 25a SSR by auber would work as well because they make some pretty nice stuff and im pretty sure its US based. Just gotta figure out if itd make a big difference with the output of the auber one being 90-480v but the recommended one from the DIY says to use one rated for 30-320v output. I dont think the higher end really matters but i think the lower end might. Because once it gets to temp it just has to flip on in lower doses to keep it there.

The auber PID controller has a nice auto tune feature where you set it at the temp you want it at and it runs it in a few cycles from room temp back to the set temp then back to room temp. Then over shoots it then under shoots it. Supposed to take about 5-10 minutes depending on heat up and cool down time and it gets a sense of what type of heating device its being used for.

I put in my order for coils tonight, making payment tomorrow morning when i got the money in the bank and hopefully in less than 2 weeks ill have the coils!

Gonna start shoppin around for a box to put em in. I like the humboldt enails boxes with all the colors and the nice size of them as well.

Will post pictures ASAP
@budbro... I will ask my acquaintance about his DIY setup, he is like you, hates setting peeps paying outrageous prices for something that has medicinal value.If he gives me the green light, I'll pm you the specs/pics of the box .If you would like..?
These things look like a nifty idea but i just dont think i would spend between 350-700 just so i can be lazy and not use torch? Am i missing something?
These things look like a nifty idea but i just dont think i would spend between 350-700 just so i can be lazy and not use torch? Am i missing something?

You can make your own for about 100-150 ish im trying to make them for sale for around 200-250.

theyre more for people who dab alot with friends or just dab alot.... like sirdabsalot hahaha

But for me theres always at least 3-4 people chillin when im smokin and we usually just heat the nail super hot so the first person can take a dab pass it to the second they can take one and occasionally we can get a 3rd person off 1 heat but its a tough thing to juggle.

Even if you dont dab alot or with friends, late night/early morning dabs when the lady/family is asleep. No more jet engine roar from the torch wakin people up haha.

And they dont use a bunch of power except on start up so it wouldnt be expensive to keep it plugged in for a few hours just ready whenever.

@sirdabsalot, feel free to send me whatever. Ive got some good pictures and some friends who are making them too but more never hurts!!!

Made my coil payment not too long ago so the count down starts now! 3-5 days to make them then 3-5 days til they get here so 7-10 days hopefully!!!
so I use my buddies quite often and he sets his around 800F
he also uses a special dabber that fits over the nail with a built in carburetor
it basically allows him to vape at lower temps while the special dabber sits on top of the nail preventing loss of smoke I the ar
does anyone use this or know what im taking about?
haven't seen anyone else use them
so I use my buddies quite often and he sets his around 800F
he also uses a special dabber that fits over the nail with a built in carburetor
it basically allows him to vape at lower temps while the special dabber sits on top of the nail preventing loss of smoke I the ar
does anyone use this or know what im taking about?
haven't seen anyone else use them

Yeah they call em carb caps. Alot of dabbers have em built on the end now a days for dabbing fullmelt or like you said low temp dabs.

Some of the controllers/coils are set up different. Ive seen people set to 1000f but the heating element isnt that actual temp. All depends if the thermocouple on your coil is the same as the setting types on the PID.

The coils im going to get have a k-type thermocouple which is from -200-1200 i think. Theres a whole list of all the different types and what theyre meant for highs and low. so if you set it to a different thermocouple setting it might be acting differently and i think this is the main problem with knowing the actual temp.

The newer ones ive seen are probably more accurate to the real life temp than the original ones i saw where people set em to 1200 and 1000 on the regular.

And this doesnt mean anything really. As long as the heat/cool cycle is on point where its not over shootin/under shootin too much itll make your coil last and once you start dabbin you could probably dial in the temp alot easier.
These things look like a nifty idea but i just dont think i would spend between 350-700 just so i can be lazy and not use torch? Am i missing something?

Envision sitting at a corner cafe and taking a dab using a blow torch, and the attention that would attract.

Envision plugging in a medical vaporizer, pressing a plunger to inject the sample, and both drawing vapors into your lungs and exhaling through the medical vaporizer mouthpiece sitting at the same table.

I plan to build one, because it looks less like a meth pipe to the uninformed, and more like a medical vaporizer. Abroad it can be a medical vaporizer and at home it can be a discrete box with a closed lid sitting on an end table in the living room.

Set up with a check valve so that when you blow the vapors back into the box, they are scrubbed with activated charcoal before they enter the room, and maybe even scented with the sweet fragrance of puppy breath.

The box could be designed to look like anything from a stack of books to a radio cabinet. Hee, hee, hee........................

As already noted, decent sized torches are not supportive of quiet conversation, listening to the TV, or the wifmate's sleep. I really like my domeless nail, but am looking for a good alternative.
Well done FD

Gave me some good ideas too! Incognito E-nail!!!

Thatd be soooo cool. Make it look like a radio like you said or even a portable hard drive if i can make them as small as @humboldtenail does.

Real short coil that retracts into the body like a hair dryer. hahaha as well as the power cord.

Thatd be a good one.

Ill try to throw up a pictures of what the coils im gettin look like but the pictures are all off instagram so theyre SUPER down rezd

They look pretty standard though. Not the super skinny ones, not the ones that bee hive. Just standard ass coils.
Envision sitting at a corner cafe and taking a dab using a blow torch, and the attention that would attract.

Envision plugging in a medical vaporizer, pressing a plunger to inject the sample, and both drawing vapors into your lungs and exhaling through the medical vaporizer mouthpiece sitting at the same table.

I plan to build one, because it looks less like a meth pipe to the uninformed, and more like a medical vaporizer. Abroad it can be a medical vaporizer and at home it can be a discrete box with a closed lid sitting on an end table in the living room.

Set up with a check valve so that when you blow the vapors back into the box, they are scrubbed with activated charcoal before they enter the room, and maybe even scented with the sweet fragrance of puppy breath.

The box could be designed to look like anything from a stack of books to a radio cabinet. Hee, hee, hee........................

As already noted, decent sized torches are not supportive of quiet conversation, listening to the TV, or the wifmate's sleep. I really like my domeless nail, but am looking for a good alternative.

Now that would definately interest me. The ones ive seen so far went right on a water pipe and were nothing like you just described.
budbro, how much did you end up paying for your coils?

$280 shipped. Plus a few bucks for the paypal transfer. Cant remember if they paid it or i did. Either way thats only a few bucks.

The picture above isnt me holding my coils. Theyre still being manufactured as we speak. But the picture is from the person who im buyin the coils through.

Lately ive been lookin for a quartz thats made to hold an e-nail but the only ones ive found are $130-$200. FUCK THAT!!!

Pay more for the nail then i am for the whole DIY box. Joel halen chargin excessive amount for his honey holes when they dont take anything special to make and he can bust em out in like 15 minutes. I refuse to pay people hundreds of dollars an hour for something like that. In reality hes making 800 per hour of work which is one thing if youre busting out a hitman piece but for a 15 minute quartz honey hole. I call BULLSHIT!!!

So im in the process of talking to a quartz blower to recreate one of them and hopefully get a bunch goin for a reasonable price.


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