BB grow! DOG Kush (canna cup entry 2012)Deep Blue & Psycho Killer :D

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i'm using work time to sort my veg area out;) it was getting outta hand. potted up a load of dog and am just away to prune the mothers and fill the bubble cloner.

these gnats are still knocking about but not in as many numbers. :(

the erl has started to marble up. might have something to toke on tonight lol


Well-Known Member
DOG trade ? I'll make sure this is stable coming from a selfed pip, but done them before and no sweat.
looking forward to the final product on the oil man, you can just see its going to be tidy. Those pesky gnat's took me a wee while to get rid of too, a right head-nip. Was it trim or bud you used, prob. a silly question, especially seeing some of the frost around!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
man i'm in no state to really trade owt, gnats are all over, unless i quarantine them under a cfl in a box which is a reet PITA... doable though ;)

the oil was just from trim man. really no idea if i'd have gotten more out of the bubble bags, probably eh but who knows looks like fun!


Well-Known Member
look's great man, I'm the same re: trying new thing's. I'll get you at a better time, but the DOG i have is deff. there for you in they pip's, and i'll have it in clone soon ;-)


Well-Known Member
The one i grew back in2011, don did have it but lost it due to p.m before he got a chance to do anything with it. Its a cracker, H.B dom.pheno.

Best smoke ive had, ive saw your purp one it looks like some fire too mate, this will color with cold temps. Almost black, but i like her like this :)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
look's great man, I'm the same re: trying new thing's. I'll get you at a better time, but the DOG i have is deff. there for you in they pip's, and i'll have it in clone soon ;-)
oh i know m8 i just know if i pop a couple i'll then have to pick the best out of the new and my existing 2 keepers. and as it's 3bit strong for me 3 keepers is way too many.
Wot dog I got there cinders mate? Not the original bad girl me n don had once upon a time?
she'll be in cinders' pips for sure

DOG fem just before i flipped her 12/12 View attachment 2992158
how she doing now?
The one i grew back in2011, don did have it but lost it due to p.m before he got a chance to do anything with it. Its a cracker, H.B dom.pheno.

Best smoke ive had, ive saw your purp one it looks like some fire too mate, this will color with cold temps. Almost black, but i like her like this :)
god damn that was a fine bitch.


Well-Known Member
is this a re-veg going on in there ? Must be something special lol I'll need to chek your other two dog's, what they like for flowering time ? Ive not saw a bubble cloner, worth it ? I get good result's the simple's way, but alway's open to new thing's

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
nah thems the mothers lad. 2 dogs a psycho and livers.

the bubble cloner was just something i fannied on with a while ago, worked more than not but there's a knack i'm not yet up to!

mr west

Well-Known Member
cindy mate i wouldn't bother trying to check out what im up to cuz i been real slack the last year or so lol. Aint updated my thread in yonks lol.


Well-Known Member
cindy mate i wouldn't bother trying to check out what im up to cuz i been real slack the last year or so lol. Aint updated my thread in yonks lol.
im sure you've had your hands full matey! Hope all's good in the nest, young ones must be coming along! I'll catch you around for a chat pal.


Well-Known Member
nah thems the mothers lad. 2 dogs a psycho and livers.

the bubble cloner was just something i fannied on with a while ago, worked more than not but there's a knack i'm not yet up to!
Oh i see now looking at it ( bonsai tree's ), plenty humidity in the bubble box anyway man! Off for a swally the day, that time of the year has come back round and i feel a bit older. Need to up the tolerance for D.S.T's 8precent triple distilled brew!!!!!
You got any good snap's of the DOG's up for a peek ?