Reggae's Dazed and Confused Winter Grow


Well-Known Member
Lol Qroox that would suck if I vegged her out hella months only to move 4 weeks into flower..
I take that lol back, it would not be funny one tiny bit...

The the more I look at her the more I want to expand that wingspan of hers..


Well-Known Member
Lol Qroox that would suck if I vegged her out hella months only to move 4 weeks into flower..
I take that lol back, it would not be funny one tiny bit...

The the more I look at her the more I want to expand that wingspan of hers..
It's a process that takes time but it worths it :D . I wish i could flower a lot less :D . Can't wait to smoke!!! Probably a very few days left,and i will harvest the top,lower my lights and harvest the rest :) . Vegging is nice if it will give you trees ;)


Well-Known Member
For some reason my replies aren't working, what is goin on with this site :(

I was replying to your post about outdoor growing qroox, i think i actually prefer outdoor grown ganja, if its done properly you can get just as good if not better smoke and i just reckon it tastes better..

Regs- damn that purple cream looks awesome! Definitely looks to have some gdp on there!! And the seedlings are going well too man :)

Stuff moving during a grow, my mrs is trying to talk me into moving, i said not until middle of winter when i cant grow lol. Then once we move in it will be 6mths before any inspections!!


Well-Known Member
For some reason my replies aren't working, what is goin on with this site :(

I was replying to your post about outdoor growing qroox, i think i actually prefer outdoor grown ganja, if its done properly you can get just as good if not better smoke and i just reckon it tastes better..

Regs- damn that purple cream looks awesome! Definitely looks to have some gdp on there!! And the seedlings are going well too man :)

Stuff moving during a grow, my mrs is trying to talk me into moving, i said not until middle of winter when i cant grow lol. Then once we move in it will be 6mths before any inspections!!
I prefer it as well man.Many more hazzards but it's free :D . I'll get my hands on some seeds when i'll be able to make some myself..will try more.! Planted 7 seedlings outdoors..gotta pull that male out and maybe manage to harvest 2-3 at best..crossing fingers again.. :D:DD. It's that sedative morning smoke i wanna toke!


Well-Known Member
I hear ya on the outdoors too. When this last grow in the cave is done I might just stick with a perpetual greenhouse.
Im a decent indoor farmer, but soil and sun are a passion..

Theres a a couple ways I thought about handling them seedlings Mo;

1) I can just let them finish flowering out and then just chop leaving one small bud to reveg.
2) I can try and make some fem beens on one nug with colloidal silver.

Ideally I would have just let them veg longer took a clone from each and then flowered them out.. Oh well no takebacks so what you think.. #1 or #2?

Heck I guess I can always just smoke it all up and start new seeds.. But I'm getting anxious to get a momma of this strain so don't think I can wait that long...


Well-Known Member
I hear ya on the outdoors too. When this last grow in the cave is done I might just stick with a perpetual greenhouse.
Im a decent indoor farmer, but soil and sun are a passion..

Theres a a couple ways I thought about handling them seedlings Mo;

1) I can just let them finish flowering out and then just chop leaving one small bud to reveg.
2) I can try and make some fem beens on one nug with colloidal silver.

Ideally I would have just let them veg longer took a clone from each and then flowered them out.. Oh well no takebacks so what you think.. #1 or #2?

Heck I guess I can always just smoke it all up and start new seeds.. But I'm getting anxious to get a momma of this strain so don't think I can wait that long...
You said it yourself mate..Get a momma..If it's possible,that's ideal.You've got the cloning experience ,i have your own strain,right :D? With a slight failure percentage on cloning..i'd say go for it ^^


Well-Known Member
All depends Regs, if you're confident the reveg will work and not inhibit the growth then do that, take a cutting and keep it as your mum then. That way if you want femmed beans at a later date you can take cuttings and use them ;)


Well-Known Member
Ok so I just got done with my day late water change on the Sour room..
And here they go..

Charlie and the Sour Patch Kids "day 11 flower"...

Lime your gonna be proud of me.. Second and third pic you can see Charlie right there in the middle.. She may have started out a runt, but she wasn't messn around these past few weeks and is now the tallest in the room..

WooHoo..! And Hurray for half pint..:clap:



Well-Known Member
You know guys if them seedlings put out any branches worthy of cloning I would love to do that.. Thing is there probably not gonna stretch much now that they started budding. I will take some pics of my other monster clones (reveg plants) tomorrow so you can watch the process on them.. I been pretty successful with that method so far, it just takes a long time to switch back. :sad:

Oh and Qroox, this soil mix was my own blend. Nothing special just peat moss, pearlite, worm castings, chicken poop and fish guts.. I use plain RO water to feed. Just a heads up so you can take note of what different soils will do with no additives. Not trying to knock fox farm cause I actually like there stuff. It's just easy for me to mix my own cause I have worms, chickens and fish. For late bloom if need be I will make a batch of organic tea and add some guano, molasses and kelp..
Simple and easy. Done son.! :hump:


Well-Known Member
You said it yourself mate..Get a momma..If it's possible,that's ideal.You've got the cloning experience ,i have your own strain,right :D? With a slight failure percentage on cloning..i'd say go for it ^^
I just put 2 in Bloom and was cleaning up the little few bottom branches, that were going nowhere. And after I had 6 in my hand, I realized these can be clones. Bottom, shaded and succulent branches make great clones. The root auxin are stronger, because of being in shade, etc.

And every one that is ready for bloom, I can get 3 or 4 branches for clones. If I can root just half of them, that is replacement rate without having Moms.

I did that. I had 2 big ones in a bathtub. So, if you the room, big Mom are joy just to look at.


Well-Known Member
Big mommas Sure are fun to look at Doer, I just flowered out all my now queens cause they have all given so much.. And your right cloning from the bottom normally does root faster. Sucks in my short space I was always fighting to keep the canopy down so I always had to take my clones from the top..
Lmao, that's my crazy life. Aint nothing easy.!


Well-Known Member
Big mommas Sure are fun to look at Doer, I just flowered out all my now queens cause they have all given so much.. And your right cloning from the bottom normally does root faster. Sucks in my short space I was always fighting to keep the canopy down so I always had to take my clones from the top..
Lmao, that's my crazy life. Aint nothing easy.!
Sir yes sir..Everyone has to fight his own battles..each garden is different etc etc.. :D . I'm looking forward to smoke these 2 ladies i have..I'll probably chose a mother from the seeds that sprouted today..Gotta check that as well..;))).


Well-Known Member
Sucks we cant use the like button at the moment, you guys are goin through pages so quickly lol.

Im intrigued to see your reveg girls Regs, mine took about 5-6 weeks to reveg and they stayed so small!!


Well-Known Member
And so I was bored when I got home from work today so I decided to chop a few more plants from the Scrog DeLa Blue room. At this point I'm just taking the ones that yellowed to fast and a few of the purples. The rest I will continue to boost out until this weekend if not later..

Also here are a couple of the reveg monsters I decided to keep around until my seed thing gets underway... I kept all four of my good strains Green Ribbon, Fire, Purple Cream and Strawgerry Lemon Haze. I might keep around one of the Blue Dreams as well cause it's growing real nice so far.. Same with the Atomic Norther Lights.. And so with this chop tonight I am now down to 1.3 rooms left in the cave.. Lol



Well-Known Member
5 weeks sounds about right for my last monsters too Mo, Because these are actual rooted plants and not clones I think it might be faster tho. We shall see.! Also my last go round they grew exactly the same once true veg took place again.


Well-Known Member
Oh man, that shit looks wicked! What are the 2 in the last pics? Looks right up my ally ;)

Ok yeah wasnt too bad then ;) my blueberry male never revegged at all, had him alive and kicking well for over 2mths and then he suddenly just died :( glad i got a heap of pollen off him before he went though lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it sounds like it would be tougher (maybe impossible) to reveg a male after taking pollen? Idk, I never tried it. But, these little monsters make the absolute best moms, that I do know. Lol I'll have 20 branches coming out of that little bud before you know it.. Lol maybe not that much, More like 18. hehhehe

lol I'm slackn on the greenhouse I'm slackn on the new momma room. Clock is ticking and I'm running out of time.. Before you know it I'm gonna have 8 little monsters running around with no home.. Help!!

And hey you would like those two buds..

The one on left is Green Ribbon.. It's so fruity with its smell and taste. The high is totally uplifting. Make you wanna play in a park type high... Average tolerance one bong rep is same as a shot of espresso. Supposedly its a hybrid 70% Indica Dom, but high totally screams Sativa. You'll see more of this one for sure...:mrgreen:

The one on right I believe is Purple Diesle.. It has a strong purple smell with just a hint of Diesle. It isn't until you smoke it when you say "oh, now I get it". I always liked the smoke but it never produced well so this will be her last in the pipe..:cry: Maybe I will put aside some of it for long term storage..?


Well-Known Member
Sweet bro, im looking forward to seeing these monsters hey :-D
Better get started soon man, you're running out of time!!
Mmm yum those buds sound delicious, especially the green ribbon? Sounds like a nice high :) even the purple diesel sounds good too :D


Well-Known Member
I think I'm just working in slow "mo" lol because I'm week from this fast I'm on. This is day 4 with no food, weed or coffee.. And tho I don't feel hungry all the time I'm starting to get cravings.. I'm gonna try and make it 14 days.. I need you strength guys..


Well-Known Member
Oh bro, 3 days with not food, weed or coffee, damn you want to go 14, that's crazy bro. How come you're fasting if you dont mind me asking? I'm dieting as well, its called a fasting diet but its only 2 days a week and i still get to eat 500 calories. The other days i can have 1600 lol.
Here's to strength and endurance for your journey man :-D