Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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wow i love your ladies. and i started with air injection soil. allot of work but i dont mind.
love and peace

Edit: Dankster you just fcking rock bro.
Thanks.. Yeah, I started back around 15 yrs or so ago ( was told by my Father) to try and provide the root structures with more oxygen, so BOOM! I remember thinking to myself, fish pump time!! haha.. Its nuts, when using the added air, you can see little tiny bubbles popping up after watering/feeding.. Gotta love it.. :mrgreen:
wow i love your ladies. and i started with air injection soil. allot of work but i don't mind.
love and peace
Thanks.. Yeah, I started back around 15 yrs or so ago ( was told by my Father) to try and provide the root structures with more oxygen, so BOOM! I remember thinking to myself, fish pump time!! haha.. Its nuts, when using the added air, you can see little tiny bubbles popping up after watering/feeding.. Gotta love it.. :mrgreen:

so do you use sealed pots? i have mine setup to hold water with overflow bowl. lava rocks and water on 1/3 of bottom. i have to change water every 3 days or my plants get mad at me. can you take a pic sometime so i can see yours.
love and peace
No I poked a few holes in the bottom of her container for drainage. :mrgreen: yeah, I can take pictures 4 you.. I also layered in three medium when I did this. Hydro pebbles, perlite, & soil Pebbles being 1st, then perlite, then soil..
so do you use sealed pots? i have mine setup to hold water with overflow bowl. lava rocks and water on 1/3 of bottom. i have to change water every 3 days or my plants get mad at me. can you take a pic sometime so i can see yours.
love and peace
i got my 60x-100x scope and a new better ph tester is on way. my old one takes too long to read. also gonna order a reptile bulb uvb 10. but i have time. hey dank would you fim or top or leave alone this plant.
View attachment 2984481
love and peace
:( Bro, I swear I have been trying like HELL 2 locate a bank that isn't SOLD OUT of the Fallen Angel.. Every damn time I check thats what I get! SOLD OUT!! Shoreline was in at Sea OF Seeds when I last checked. Knowing my luck though theyll be SOLD OUT 2 when I get up enough dough to place me an order!!
speaking of shoreline dank have any of you run Fallen angel?
If it where me, she looks SO pretty like that I would leave her alone 4 now. Wait until she gets around a foot tall and top her once.. You should end up with a nice 1 by the looks of her.. :mrgreen:
i got my 60x-100x scope and a new better ph tester is on way. my old one takes too long to read. also gonna order a reptile bulb uvb 10. but i have time. hey dank would you fim or top or leave alone this plant.
View attachment 2984481
love and peace
:( Bro, I swear I have been trying like HELL 2 locate a bank that isn't SOLD OUT of the Fallen Angel.. Every damn time I check thats what I get! SOLD OUT!! Shoreline was in at Sea OF Seeds when I last checked. Knowing my luck though theyll be SOLD OUT 2 when I get up enough dough to place me an order!!

i foudn to seed banks who have fallen angel in stock.
Yeah, unfortunately they don't ship (Devil seeds) or other bank ships to US. :( My luck... lol

not yet i dont have an ec meter. so i change water every 3 days cause my runoff gets real low 4-4.5 ph i want an ec meter that works but is cheap can you recommend one?

im not sure its an ec meter lol what reads ppm's
Here ya go http://www.amazon.com/HM-Digital-TD...UTF8&qid=1391537132&sr=8-1&keywords=ppm+meter exact 1 I use.. Wont break the bank either and works just AS GOOD as higher $ ones.. :mrgreen:
ty im gonna order it today. you rock bro. ive learned so much here at riu not even funny. i thought i knew allot before well i did for outdoor which is like nothing compared to indoor.
love and peace

edit: found on ebay for 15.99 free shipping will have it by saturday. i use ebay allot. thanks again dankster
Got a quick video of me taking a hit out of a custom bubbler of mine. Gettin' stoned n just watering the plants. :eyesmoke:

Got a quick video of me taking a hit out of a custom bubbler of mine. Gettin' stoned n just watering the plants. :eyesmoke:


HaHaHa that was sweet right there ADT. :mrgreen: Damn bro, Ya got some big paws. lol
what's up everyone?

So question for everyone...this morning i was bending the main top on my ogk in flower because well who know's but i was bendingg it and snapped off the top 6inches... i hurried up and wrapped some tape around the stalk to see if she will mend herself.

the question was would you A. just throw it out? B. do as i did and wait?

that was about 8 hours ago and there isnt any signs of dropping where it happened.
Thanks for the update there Dankster, looks absolutely amazing bro!! Can't wait till I can show some bud porn. :mrgreen::mrgreen: Rock on man...Jointed
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