Club 600


Well-Known Member
Doc Brown hotboxing some atomic chronic!
(*now we know why he was so "absent-minded" ;-) )


Well-Known Member
you said it speaking of which looks like the new guy is not going to make it so will be back to two guys at work again.


Well-Known Member
sorry for the crap video but hay what can i say i broke my shit and have to get something better this weekend [video=youtube_share;JWpGgyXKkwo][/video] i just watched it and all you can see is over exposed frost :cry:


Well-Known Member
That's going to be a Fortress of Dankitude, doc :-)
I'm off to bed, or at least get some stuff done in the garage.
The cat is still alive, and used the catbox twice all on her own to pee, and she squirted a few dashes of poo, so she is metabolizing the food were feeding her now.
We're up to squirting 300ml of pureed food into her mouth, and she keeps it all down.
And we're starting physical therapy on her legs to help get them limber and a little stronger.
She's a bit more alert, and her hearing is returning (she was getting more & more deaf, but anti-biotics seems to have helped with an inner ear infection)
She's still way critical, and may not make it through this all, but today was a better day than in the last week, so there's still hope.
You all have a great night out there!


Hello. Today i found somethink strange... 100_2429.jpg The plants look really great. but I saw odd holes leaf. because I wonder if an insect it is quickly fixable but if it is that yesterday I poured more water that there is a problem at the roots. Thank you again :))


Well-Known Member
Caterpillars eat leaves, but I doubt it's one of them (although check the undersides of the leaves to be sure). And please give that soil a decent soak with water, it looks really dry.....what lights are you using?


Could you explain how much water to put them on the day In (ml) and how mutch times for a day 1 2 or 3 ?? o_O 3 is to mutch i think but nvm ....


Well-Known Member
You shouldn't be watering everyday at this point. Water until water drains out drainage holes in bottom. I like to do a weight test by picking pot up to see how heavy it is and/ or stick finger in soil down an inch for feeling for wet soil. Once you do this for a few weeks you should almost be completely knowledgeable on knowing when your plants need water.


Well-Known Member
Pots like that and plants that size should be going at least 3 days between watering. You need to help promote healthy root growth. If you water everyday at this point that won't happen.