Racist. ? > ? ... ? . . .

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Active Member
Hope I don't misspellled a werd, word...or gremmer
that will be cause alL thinking jUSt as mai caps....


Active Member
I remember making my first post on the political forum, just one post.

Uncle Buck said I was a smelly sock puppet that stunk of semen.
I did not get the sock puppet reference, and figured the the semen refence was due to his gay tendences and failure to come out of the closet.

I know realize it was due to throwing in cat turds for sale as buds and cat pee clods also, that was and is his closet.

I hope he comes out of his closet and feels better about......life....being gay....loving cat turds.. ....cat piss to conceal growing...and whatever else makes his inflatable boat float.


Active Member
Feel bad for the folks that he sells to...too much cat stuff there.

Lazy grower that could care less.....


Active Member
make racist statements have racist motives
Get called a racist

Pretty simple
i've noticed the dreaded "n-word" is ok if spoken by a black man.

Am I a racist if i utter the word...dare i type it....
...it would be ok if my skin is dark, but horrible if my skin is white?
Is that correct?


Ursus marijanus
i've noticed the dreaded "n-word" is ok if spoken by a black man.

Am I a racist if i utter the word...dare i type it....
...it would be ok if my skin is dark, but horrible if my skin is white?
Is that correct?
In this subforum, the N-word is discouraged, regardless of the color of your screenname.


Well-Known Member
and i think that you're dumber than a blind wombat.

ever notice dr kynes cite noted white supremacist philippe rushton?

ever notice bignbushy make comments such as "you make most black people i know look smart"?

ever notice desert dude baselessly call the president an "affirmative action president"?

ever notice ginwilly mock the civil rights struggle as being liberal handouts to those "poor, defense blacks"?

ever notice twostrokenut protest against civil rights because it makes racists more bitter?

we actually had a white supremacy and holocaust denial group on here not too long ago. it got to over 20 members at one point.

Have you noticed that the majority of things cited by UB are not racism??

He really doesnt get it. But he is doing it on purpose....


Well-Known Member
I know a joke that'll get me in a lot of shit...I'm allowed to say it if I'm aussie right?
And I would just like too say that if aussies come across as racist it is because the government has created a social atmosphere of inequality.... White people struggle, black people get everything handed too them on a silver platter...its bull shit..but I understand why theyre trying to elevate the aboriginals..because its this countries last hope against the chinese buying everything


Active Member
Tell your joke if you want to,
or hold your tongue if you nfear to tell your joke and be deemed RRACCIIIIISSSSSTTT


Well-Known Member
I knew a black dude once, he was a blackmailer and thus the black-sheep of the family .. true story


Well-Known Member
This thread is hilarious. It's a fucking train wreck, but hilarious nonetheless.


Active Member
I just don't get all the ass-u-ming about race... and why it matters.
I could care less about a persons skin color.
I care more about what he thinks, and his his value system if dealing with him/her.

Uncle Buck evaluated me on 1 post.
I don't value his input

This is a pot forum.
What matters to me is getting pot legit.
The dems and repubs are slowly getting the message...I'll be patient.

Instead of divesive words and thoughts, we should unite, smoke, make progress, celebrtate, unite again and go onward!

I really don't get this racism scream...
Is it justified in certain postings by menbers here?

Just in my short time here, it has lost it's intensity, much like the story of "CHICKEN LITTLE".


Well-Known Member
Its diffrent in australia..i go down town and the black contingent will sneer and usually mumble something along the lines of ahh ya white cunt..but I have to be fearful of reprisal and people calling me racist...
I didn't start the fire...
In oz they are paid for everything,
If their kids attend school..money
if they have a dog..money
they all drive brand new cars because they only have to pay one years worth of the loan off..
Similar deal with home loans..
A new mine opening up had 50 positions of vacancy through the local recruitment agency..i was told that my interview would be after the indigenous had first dibs..i never got an interview..
I struggle to support my family
While the government throws money at these families to better themselves long term...but they rarely do...
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