BB: DOG KUSH GROW OFF!!! Mans best friend, all welcome.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah i am man, and yeah i am. poyet has got the mackems playing well and we've got key midfielders out. the new fella we've bought aint scored for ages too. i honestly think we're going to get beat.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
aye true that, as usual it will depend who wants it more on the day. if we lose i'll probably come home and build a veg cab, been meaning to do it for months.


Well-Known Member
Aye right, who you kidding, lol....start drinking at 10am....veg cab after the match, hohohehe, you are funny Don:)

Big Fife derby the day, lol. East Fife vs the Pars.....gripping.:shock:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
well seeing as i'm not even dressed yet i think drinking has been put back to 11:) I had a canny skinful last night had ne tea so am hank now. think a spoons breaky with the first pint is in order.

mon the pars eh!


Well-Known Member
aye, c'mon the Pars, no doubt it will be End to End stuff, i.e punting the ball from one end to the other, usual Pars tactics, lol.

Enjoy Breaky, the wee Mans already on his 2nd breakfast, (Mum's taking over now) so off to the stank room for some dank time.


Well-Known Member
So we have 2 confirmed female Blue Pits so far and all 4 DBxL(bx).......i can live with that lol Morning Gents! ATB!


Well-Known Member
And my little puppy is still alive, though it's been cold so growth has been slower than it should have been.
I've got the temperatures under control, and normal growth has returned.
Will be up-canning tonight or tomorrow:

Dog S1



Well-Known Member
I am sorry to hear of the gnat issues Don. They are an interesting
thing, though annoying, to me. They are not our deadliest enemy,
but what is weird is just how persistent they can be.

I have watched them cavort on diatomaceous earth. I learned that
"Go Gnats" is actually a cheer, designed to spur them on. Also, more
recently, I watched them totally unaffected by a neem oil spray made
only a day earlier.

I sprayed the surface of my pots, fully, and once dry, the party continues.

Now, I am not seeing them on my buds, and the efforts, along with the
traps do seem to keep the problem at bay....but I begin to wonder if only
ionizing radiation (think controversial food sterilization) might rid one of
them fully.

Onward and upward,


P.S. I actually wandered in to share a fresh photo:
View attachment 2981334
It has finished week #4 and I wonder if the stretch is over.

If that is the case, then I will have a Pup with a stretch of about 0.5X

Now, while this is a great deal less than I was warned about, know that
I understand that the 3-4X was a potential issue, I still appreciate being
warned, and I would *much* prefer flowering on an extra bucket over
having to snap tops over as the crash into the ceiling. :0)



Well-Known Member
That must be for someone else, because I just have a seedling station running for now. :-)

But the vertical scrog tent is ready & waiting in the garage to veg & flower the first batch with, and this summer I'll be constructing two side-by-side rooms for vegging & flowering. :-)
If that was meant for someone else, sorry to bore you :-)


Well-Known Member
don said earl;ier if the Goerdie got beat at voetbal then he would build a veg cab....I doubt that though, lol. Please surprise us, Don!