CDx Life Presents MyDx - The First Handheld Device to Instantly Test Cannabis Samples


Well-Known Member
It's a lab in the palm of your hands. Using one device with interchangeable sensors, MyDx will empower consumers to test for pesticides in food, chemicals in water, toxins in air, and the safety and potency of their cannabis samples.

San Diego, CA. (PRWEB) January 28, 2014


CDx Life, a Science and Technology Company based in La Jolla, CA, has started taking pre-orders for MyDx - the world's first portable analyzer for everyone.
MyDx leverages technology developed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), used by Nasa and funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for other applications. Acting as an electronic nose, MyDx is engineered to detect molecules in vapor.
The analyzer itself has a user friendly interface designed to easily communicate with any iOS or Android smartphone. Once the app is downloaded and the device is synced, a very small sample can be placed in the sample chamber, which is then heated to release the chemicals of interest into the vapor phase for detection.
Over the course of the next 24 months, the MyDx team will be rolling out the four different sensors, the first of which is the Canna Sensor - programmed to test for the presence of the most important compounds of interest in Cannabis, including THC and CBD. Using the associated App, MyDx will allow patients to track how each marijuana strain is making them feel or helping them relieve, based on the chemical composition of the plant, not the way it looks, smells or sounds.
"What people are inhaling today is more or less a black box," said Daniel Yazbeck, one of the financial backers of the project. MyDx is a device that will improve consumer's health and empower an industry with the science it deserves to achieve true and practical quality control."
MyDx has launched a campaign on the popular crowdfunding website, with an initial goal of pre-selling at least 100 devices in order to predict future demand. Everyone who donates $199.00 or more will save $200 of the projected retail price of $399, and will be the first to help define and receive MyDx before it hits the broader market.
The CDx team has created a product that complements the use of medical marijuana in order to help people in need, such as cancer patients. Consumers can finally learn and understand exactly what and how much they are putting in their bodies.
About CDx
CDx, Inc. was founded on the mission of empowering people to live healthier lives by understanding the purity of everything they eat, drink, and inhale. While CDx plans to ship MyDx globally, the team has made a strategic decision not to offer the cannabis application to customers in states that have not legalized the adult possession and consumption of cannabis either medically or recreationally.

MyDx - A Device for a Better Life

'' Everyone who donates $199.00 or more will save $200 of the projected retail price of $399, '' Seems like scam talk to me honestly. You donate $200 or more to get $200 saved on the total price. You aint saving anything. Your just giving them money early. Why don't they just say pre-order. IDK man seems to good to be true ya know. When is it projected to be available? Hope it works out for you though, really do. Just a heads up, if a Nigerian prince contacts you and asks for your bank info DONT DO IT! haha. just playing bro. I hope it works out, it would be a cool thing to have.
I got the impression that those who donate will receive the device for the 199 bucks with no extra. I don't think preorder is accurate, sounds interesting but I'm skeptical.
I got the impression that those who donate will receive the device for the 199 bucks with no extra. I don't think preorder is accurate, sounds interesting but I'm skeptical.

yeah, the 199. gets you the tester when it is released. game changer is right, i usually spend that a year on testing amd that's only a few strains and extracts. i also dom't think it is a scam, the tecnnology isn't like star trek shit here, its completely possible. this will be fully funded in no time.
This would be super awesome, but I'm a little skeptical as well. I need more info on the internals before I drop a couple benjis. I've worked with gas and liquid chromatography for years now and it just seems like sticking a bud in this thing would be too complex for a simple vapor analysis. I even use a portable FID at work it just "detects" based on a calibration sample and then you use provided response factors to determine specific concentrations, I'm not a big fan of this type of quantification. With thousands of vapor producing chemicals at unknown boiling points I find this hard to believe they can provide an accurate separation. I'm also no PhD and there definitely could be some technology I'm not aware of out there. I just know the portable FID I use is backpack sized (~20lbs) and costs about $10,000.
Man I was checking out buying stocks for this company but after doing some DD I decided that if they can't even make accurate PH pens, how the hell are you going to be able to use a hand held tester?!

There are a lot of scams going on in the MJ business right now trying to blow up their stock prices and cash out.

Fake websites, fake products, fake PR, fake, fake, fake. But it is so hot people are buying in anyway. Once the stock doubles or triples, CEO's are selling millions of shares and walking away.
yeah, the 199. gets you the tester when it is released. game changer is right, i usually spend that a year on testing amd that's only a few strains and extracts. i also dom't think it is a scam, the tecnnology isn't like star trek shit here, its completely possible. this will be fully funded in no time.

No, the 199 gets you 200 dollars OFF the 400 dollar tester. You basically made a deposit of 200 bucks and will need to pay another 200 bucks to actually receive it when it "is available". Which the 400 bucks is "projected" so you may end up spending a lot more than that. Scams are all over the MJ industry.

That is the kicker, when will it be available? 6 months, 1 year, 3 years, never?

Everyone who donates $199.00 or more will save $200 of the projected retail price of $399, and will be the first to help define and receive MyDx before it hits the broader market.

they even typoed *off.

Also, it only comes with 1 "sensor" it appears you will need sensors to detect different things. So you will end up needing a handful of these "sensors" and no telling how much extra they will charge per sensor. But I could be wrong about that.

Oh yeah found their estimated release date "subject to change because it is science" of Christmas 2014.

Personally I would cancel the shit out of that payment.

We anticipate that we will start shipping the first MyDx analyzers in time for Christmas of 2014! With that said, please understand that our work is scientific in nature and based around groundbreaking technology that is still being developed and commercialized with our many partners.

Now it needs to work in the palm of your hands, which is why we are giving ourselves 1 year to deliver a device we can be proud of to our customers. With that said, we have to disclaim that our work, by nature, is risky and still at a relatively early stage, and so we cannot guarantee that it will work for all cases 100% of time

RISKY and still at a relatively early STAGE. I.E. it doesn't work at all right now but hopefully in a year we will have some news that we are on the right track, gonna be another 1 year before release... over and over.
It is also telling they are trying to raise 19,000 dollars.

Are they really so strapped for cash they have to raise 19k through "pre-order deposits"?
I have to agree with everything althor is saying man, I'm real skeptical. I know I showed my ignorance in my post earlier when I was playing with ya about ''techno'' things. lol. Hell I'm 32 but might as well be 90 with my degree of tech know how. Shit I just got a smart phone 6 months ago. Atleast I can type fast though. But yeah my wife goes for all that advertising crap like crazy! Cant even think of all the hype she's bought into and cost us money. Everyone was worded similar to this. I'm just a skeptic I reckon. Don't even get me started on the timeshare we had to sit through for a supposed free trip to the beach.......... Thank god or Buddaha or karma she's freaking hot!:mrgreen:
I know crowdfunding is apparently new and scary, so I understand not everyone jumping on this bandwagon.
However, just to be clear here is how this works: Some crowdfunded projects reward their stakeholders with shares in the company, but most reward them with the product itself. Raising investment capital is not easy, but the funny thing about it is that it gets is easier the more of it you already have. Given the tricky legality situation, I would imagine getting a bank to invest in any kind of business that has a product specifically for cannabis would be rather difficult.

The way this particular project works, you can donate any amount of money, but if you donate less than $199.00 you will get nothing for it other than the satisfaction of helping the people who weren't being all cheap get their new nifty gadgets. I don't know why anyone would do that. If you give more than $199 but less than $249, you get the MyDX and the sensor for the different cannabinoids. If you give over $249 you get all four sensors they make, including the Canna.

Regarding the cost/efficiency of the tester, it could be as far off the mark as 2-3% and still be worth it to me if I could bang out testing 40 plants for decent CBD levels in one afternoon.

I don't think this is for people not in the med scene, but as someone who is not just in the mmj scene, but is an organic/natural foods person, this thing is something I would use every day.

Here's a video for anyone who is actually interested in this. I found it very helpful.
^ Yeah Clankie, I know what crowdfunding is. I truly hope it works out, it will be groundbreaking technology for certain.
What a joke. Where do people get this shit from. "I only need 20k more to get my portable drug testing machine up and running". There's a sucker born every minute. Ever heard of a bank loan ? If you have a good product and business model any investor will jump on board with 20K easy. It doesn't even mention what technology they use for testing or what patents they own. There's a reason why a HPLC machine costs hundred of thousands of dollars and these jokers are going to put out a machine that does the same and is portable for $400. Fucking bunch of wankers.
lmao some of you sound like allot did when the cell phone came out or the personal computer, it cant work and it cant do better than a pencil and paper. I know technology doubles every 4 years so yeah this is possible but you will have to have diff units to do diff things at first. come on all we are the open minded ones are we not? hey we can video chat on our phone in real time almost such a small delay we dont notice. so yeah this is for real and i think when he gets his he will be like suckers i got mine and you have to wait 1 year for yours . anyway i got your back on this.
Love and peace all.
This screams scam or at the minimal an inaccurate expensive device I just spent money on.
I say scam on the following reasons, some already pointed out by others:
1.) low funding goal. For some scientific device, only needing $20k? Seems like if you had real investors, that would be an easy get as there is no way a product of this sophistication to be created at a price point of under $100k, I'd suspect much more. For one, hardware engineer is needed, two software engineers are needed. Three, custom test boards of the product are needed, these need to be tested and priced out for components in bulk, and that's just for testing the design. and accuracy of the build. Four, you'd have to have access to real spectrum analyzers and those cost money. Really its a huge red flag they only wanted $20k. If they were so far along, $20k is a drop in the fucking bucket.

2. they focus primarily on cannabis. If this was an honest to god life changer, Imagine the money you'd get from schools and universities. Government grants are a wet dream for companies. As someone else stated above with experience to portable analyzers, man would money be saved and no more hauling a giant ass piece of equipment around!

3. They offer no science nor explanation to the actual device. nothing at all can be found. they just struck gold with an awesome product, yet can't find the $20k?

4. they used a PR wire company to spread the word about them to look legitimate with a reputable news source. not knockint pr companies, but this is simply a cheap trick for two bit hucksters to look legitimate. penny stocks have been doing this for years. Google the name and the WSJ, there is no fucking article.

I could go on but ya get the picture. I really hope no one wasted their hard earned money for this pipe dream.

ETA I do give them credit for having a glossy appearance and some sense to try and look professional. An all or nothing donation in exchange for a product is also telling. I invested in the raspberry pi, I think crowd sourcing and micro lending is a great move to the future instead of current means to raise capital, but it's rife for scammers, and this industry is full of them. It only helps that some aren't as analytical as they should be, day dreaming of a pipe dream due to desire instead of actuality. I bet most people have no idea how the hell one of these works, or what a real one costs. But a fool and his money...
Why does it look exactly like an iPhone? "based around groundbreaking technology that is still being developed" = they don't have one yet.
It is also telling they are trying to raise 19,000 dollars. Are they really so strapped for cash they have to raise 19k through "pre-order deposits"?
$19,000 is like 4 months salary for one entry-level engineer. You'd need a top notch chemist, too. I don't see it.