Has anyone ever coached little league Tball ??


Well-Known Member
Hey fellow tokers ,

So this is the second year of tball for my son. Last year was awesome. I assisted with the practices on feild. Now I didn't play as a child nor teen. I'm athletic as hell and watch baseball but don't have the skills to teach. But I helped out whey game and practice( other parents just were zombies and I was the one always high. Go figure )

So anyway , this year I've been placed on the misfits team. No manager, no coach. 10 kids. I have school, work 40 hrs a week and smoke everyday. I couldn't step up to be mananger. But at the first meeting guess what happen ? I stepped up to be mananger ! LOL

Nobody was moving. Again I couldnt just sit there. it's a sink or swim mentality I have. So now I'm manager. Doing good so far. Anyway-

Anyone coach before that can give me advice or suggestions on ideas for drills at practice? We start Feb 4

Thanks fellow cannabis lovers
your awesome for volunteering like that. sounds like your going to be teaching the basics. hit, catch and throw. those and good sportsmanship is how id think u would want to set up your practices like.
Ya. It's funny because I told my wife "shit I can't do it I'm busy " But I went to the meeting after a nice doobie and I was all in. Good thing is the kids are 6-7 so we aren't keeping score.
Good For You!
I didn't have a son to coach, but I stepped up for a couple of step sons so I know where you are at...
If you'd like to PM me feel free...

Practice Day one:
Have all kids with the ultra short attention spans start like this...
Today and this year we will learn the basics:
Today we run the bases: Then have all players line up at home and take a jog around the bases...
Showing which way to run [Tee ball do not assume]... around first, then to second, hitting the inside of base...
The basics of base running, now they are a little winded, and you have their attention....
Then Pair off...
Soft toss BB starting 4 feet apart...
Show the proper way to hold a BB... with the seams...
All paird off kids soft tossing back and forth in together...
Each time they make a 'catch' they get to move back one step...
Each time they miss, they start over at 4-6 ' apart...
Learn the good throwers...
Teach basics catching...
If ball [to catch] is over waist, hand is pointing up to catch ball....[like a wave]...
If ball [to catch] is under waist glove is palm points up... show how to do that...
Start slowly... Tell all the goal is to learn and get better....
I would do grounder drills:
Two lines at short stop and second base...
Roll or hit grounder softly right at player [candy hop]....
That line at SS trows to First... [Coach at first to catch -and encourage throws]
Line at second base throws to third... again coach there to catch and encourage...
Boys move from one line to the other....
No stopping... You run to set tone... everyone learns to hustle by example...
As the lines move to learn fielding a dad/coach works with one player [rotating players 20 swings]
Over behind the back stop... Tee hitting the whole practice...over and over tee hitting...
They can not do too much...Tee hitting...
Buy a couple of Tee's extra, and encourage all players to buy a cheap one...
That way they can hit at home, 20 swings a night t get better...
Oh... You are going to learn so much....
Forget about score... and W/L record...
Good LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!
On hitting from tee... encourage balance...
Let all boys learn the comfort of holding a BB bat...
First swing, slow easy and balanced...
Then... Have all boys learn art of hard swing being balanced...
The follow thru... I wouldn't really change too much how any hold the bat, or stance...
Hitting is more about seeing ball, being comfortable, balanced, and exploding at point of impact...
Balanced.... weight back.... then explode through ball...
I popped an end off an old bat, and filled it [weighted it] with penny's....
Swing the weighted bat for ten swings a day...
the boys will get better....
Awesome !!! Sand4x105 ! That's exactly what I need. I'll print it give a go over and probably pm you with questions later.

Thanks !

Oh ya btw this year we are using the pitching machine.
Good Luck man...
I'm subscribing to your thread...
Any question... Let me know....
I love BaseBall... BB been berry berry good to me....
I've let the President of our Local LL know I am available for help where ever is needed...
Helping others... passing on knowledge...
Just so you know...
Ha... I remember playing, and practice at every level...
Some coaches were very good, but had boring do little practices...
Strive for your practices to never be boring...
At the end of practice... before all the parents came to get the boys...
Every one sits around, and talks baseball...
What to do if the ball is hit to you...
Talk situations... Running, what to do with two outs and a hit ball [always run]
What to do if a player catches ball [Infield fly rule?]...Where to throw... when to run...
You will learn that you can accomplish far more with a "Practice plan"
Then all the other coaches can do with their 'years of experience'
First few times... just go over review... throwing... swinging... fielding....
Good Luck!
Everything sand said 100%....my step-dad did much the same thing when I was growing up...he had never played baseball but he couldn't help but be involved...I'm greatful every day that he put forth that level of effort. He, along with other influential coaches, made me want to get into coaching. I now coach high school, middle school and peewee sports. It's very rewarding. Kudos to you sir for being a coach. We need more like you
Thanks guys. I'll keep this thread updated for sure as the season comes along. First practice has been bumped to Feb 2nd . (I guess they don't care that the SuperBowl is on!?) I am going in it 100% , definitely don't want to be the "boring coach" . Practice shouldn't be like going to the dentist. Thanks for mentioning that.

Feels good to do positive things.
Thanks guys. I'll keep this thread updated for sure as the season comes along. First practice has been bumped to Feb 2nd . (I guess they don't care that the SuperBowl is on!?) I am going in it 100% , definitely don't want to be the "boring coach" . Practice shouldn't be like going to the dentist. Thanks for mentioning that.

Feels good to do positive things.

Golden rule to not being boring is keep everything short and sweet...if you keep them constantly engaged in a new activity every 15min or so over the course of an hour you definitely won't be boring...last tip: get a great assistant who is as invested as you are
Rephrase :: Smokers are not lazy . I've got a lot flakes for Sunday's first practice. Reason Superbowl. I burn everyday all day and I'm going to be there. Hahaha , that's funny. lebowski.gif
Little League Practice for you on Sunday...

And How is the league helping out a "Ghost" team with a first year manager...

Given you Super Sunday for first practice, and cage work...

Oh, tell the Batting Machine/Cage "Expert" oh, I'm new... you should run the machine for me...

You know, If I watch you the whole time, then I could do it...

Super Sunday for your first Practice...

You are being set up.... By a not nice to new coaches League Guy....

Good Luck.... Of course have fun....

Boring = Not having fun....
Ya. I don't know how I ended up on the misfit team. Sucks. There are a few parents (like 3) that have been a big help. I know the organizer and she just erks me with her "Holyier than thou bit" She's hot granted but a total B !

That's just the more reason for me to succeed. I asked for a rearrangement due to everyone having Football Fever. But nope. It's all good tho. I'm gonna be superman in my kids eyes. I can't wait to be out on the field either.

Edit :: erks

We've been rained out twice. Yesterday I did get together with a couple other dads. Got the equipment in order , tried to find out our team color. We are the Bees so I assumed yellow and black. But the president said "no not like regular bees...." But no confirmation. SMH

So tomorrow I told the team as long as it's not monsson rain or lighting we should assemble and at least practice grounders on the blacktop.
The suggestions you gave me work perfectly. Having the the kids stand close and take steps back as they master the the distance. We've gotten a few kids to come out and practice due to rain. So Wednesday I got all parents confirmed