why so small?


DSCN2200.jpgi have a plant in hyrdo. why is it so tiny? i have had it for 3 months and it still wont get any taller. i feed with dyna-gro ph 6.0 temp of water 70 air 70 its in a giant 7x7x6 foot tent and has one of those window fan from wall mart blowing on it. i have plants in soil which are huge but don't produce as big as i want which is why i switched to hydro. i've seen giant ass plants from hydro and can't figure put why this plant is so tiny. why?


so what does it need?everything has a soil double. npkect ect is 7-9-5-2-.5-.02-.1-.0015-.05-.1-.05-.0009-.1-.05. feeding once a week or once every 3 weeks because its got everything it needs and alot of my plants started dying fast because of the molybdenum. reason for purple everywhere on the stems. whats up with it? just plain tap water because i did 1 month of rapid start/root juice every res change as directed. so what could be wrong with it?


i think they need some leaves on them.
can't add anything i risk serious lockout and death. they have small leaves on them. what can i do to add bigger leaves everything elses leaves in soil are just fantstic. same with the PC before the moly got to it. o i forgot if you ever use rapidstart or root juice make it a once a week flush type of thing. otherwise it will kill everything.the leaves are dark dark green. still on subject, what causes bigger leaves in a hydro set up fed everything it needs?


Each hydro system has it's own unique set of problems. They all aren't created equal. But I now know what the problem is...
so what is it?ebb and flow is just spraying the recycled water on it and i did dwc for a while in the 5 gallon that its in. i just had plain water for a good 2 gallons . let the stone sit at the bottom. so whats the issue? and what can cause it to become bigger?


Well-Known Member
where are all your fan leaves man? did you cut them off? that`s your problem, plus the fact that they were in plain water for 2 weeks. i`ld pitch them if it were me but if you`re gonna keep them, feed them. change your water once a week, ph them, put them in their own bucket. and for christ sake DON`T cut off another leave till its bout dead. best advise i have is start over and keep the leaves.


where are all your fan leaves man? did you cut them off? that`s your problem, plus the fact that they were in plain water for 2 weeks. i`ld pitch them if it were me but if you`re gonna keep them, feed them. change your water once a week, ph them, put them in their own bucket. and for christ sake DON`T cut off another leave till its bout dead. best advise i have is start over and keep the leaves.
ha ha ha ha, your telling me to nut feed my plants with nutes instead of plain water. i told you the reason why i stopped is because feeding it with rapid start and root juice started to kill it. plain water is the only reason its still alive. not sure how your plants are alive if you just have a res full of nutes. those are my fan leaves. those leaves have been the same size since i started.

if i feed them anything it will kill them. they just got over being over fed, very very small amounts of rapid start/root juice. i started to add more and it nearly took out my best plant.


Well-Known Member
Does the rockwool around the base of the stem and the top of the roots stay wet most or all of the time?


Does the rockwool around the base of the stem and the top of the roots stay wet most or all of the time?
up untilll yesterday it was most of the time. i added so much water for new comers that its now soaking in regular water. please believe that i did feed my plants 24/7 with root juice and had i not stopped it would have killed them. i don't no why but its the only thing that got them growing more and stopped them from dying.

i would love to go aeroponic's but i sat there for 4 hours 4 times a day using the res water to top coat.


Well-Known Member
Well, I ask because that might be your problem there. Rockwool holds a lot of water, and its possible its been staying too wet, and suffocating the roots. Do the plants have much root mass outside of the cubes? I personally don't like rockwool for this reason, but some people love it. I have never worked with it on larger plants just clones, but I had that problem, I was over watering them without realizing it because the rockwool was holding so much. This was about 4 years ago now that it happened, and I've been using regular old peat pellets for clones ever since with great success. I really want to switch over to a hydro cloner just because everything else is hydro, but the peat pellets work so well its hard to change.


you've got balls i'll tell you that. peat pellets to hold for hydro? good idea. i'd strip the peat off them carefully and rise the rest with water. but as for the question no, i have not had them soaking long. 2 days at most. the rockwool has been dried out for weeks and the mass of the roots is large. i just moved to 2 air stone . my other chamber was finished so i didn't want to waste the air. how much air flow is needed for a 7 by 7 by 6 foot tent? like i said i have a walmart window fan( 2 fans one housing unit). 2 6 inch inline fans taking air out and one 6 inch taking it in. i'm just trying to list all the factors of the tent as best as i can. one cool tube the other has wings combined i've got 400 watts. the light has been used for a year solid along with the ballast.


Well-Known Member
Well the peat works great as a matter of fact, I've been running my system the last 4 years with nice success. I do remove any extra peat from around the top edge that might not have roots in it when I put them into the pots of stones.

I'm also able to keep mother plants alive and regularly producing clones in 16 oz solo cups for 6+ months :). Bonsai!

Anyway that was the thought I had. From the one picture you posted it looked to me like those plants could have easily been getting overwatered.


Well-Known Member
ha ha ha ha, your telling me to nut feed my plants with nutes instead of plain water. i told you the reason why i stopped is because feeding it with rapid start and root juice started to kill it. plain water is the only reason its still alive. not sure how your plants are alive if you just have a res full of nutes. those are my fan leaves. those leaves have been the same size since i started.

if i feed them anything it will kill them. they just got over being over fed, very very small amounts of rapid start/root juice. i started to add more and it nearly took out my best plant.
ha ha ha ha... for being 1/2 way through my first coffee that`s kind of insulting. so here it is. you asked whats wrong with your plants and laugh when i tell you. go read how to grow! i`m telling you your fucking plant wont live on just water!! your plants have no leaves on them, they are junk! you want to waste your time with those, feed them, if they can`t take it, kill them!! plain and fuckin simple. this isn`t rocket science


Well-Known Member
You... just wasted 3 months of your life. Start over but don't give them so much shit right away. You're doing something waaaayyy wrong because the other one in the background looks even worse. You say that you have been growing in soil so you should have known a couple months ago that you had shit.

Maybe somebody could have helped you then, but your best bet is to cut some fresh clones, because I've had 3 week clippings look better (no joke.)