Inda Gro VPAR Induction Vertical Grow w/ Recycled Organic Living Soil


Well-Known Member
I can't compare lights yet til I run my A51. IG and a51 have the best warranties of any lighting. I love the induction so far. It all depends on coverage. Cost is similar. It would take 3-4 a51's to match IG 420 coverage. My buds are really dense. My nlxog, leaves never really had that much trichome development. That's a pic of the nlxog in the post above. They are so frosty.

I'd imagine the Ig will do better with trichomes. Led doesn't have UV or IR . No emmerson effect. Which one has more longevity is anyones guess.
Good point. Don't know why Area 51 doesn't implement that in there product like other companies. You can always throw up a UVB light for a couple hours a light cycle and supplement the deep and far red ratio.


Well-Known Member
What do you use for bedding? They tear my leaves up, but imagine it wouldn't take as long with manure. I'm getting great breeding and no worms trying to up walls, so I don't know if I should change anything.
canna leaves, dandelions, peat moss, newspaper, tea bags, etc...


Well-Known Member
Good buy...except for the overpriced pontoons :P
I would like to see the Pontoons come down in price too but they are very labor intensive. You can always build your own where you don't have to put a price tag on your time.

one of these induction lights (either indagro or fluorogro (slightly cheaper))
Have you seen a fluorogro garden anywhere? Have you read the online reviews?

What makes induction grow lamps work is the phosphors used and how well the light being emitted gets to the canopy. If you save $40 by buying the lower price system and it underperforms after the first run your not going to remember the 40 bones you saved, your just going to be pissed you didn't buy the IG or the A51 for that matter.


Well-Known Member
Don't the 51's put out just enough UV already? They also seem to have plenty of reds, and I already made a flower trigger. I should be good right?


Well-Known Member
Don't the 51's put out just enough UV already? They also seem to have plenty of reds, and I already made a flower trigger. I should be good right?
EH himself said in theres no uv or IR. 400- 710. the photons from the deep blue and deep red regions help with trichome formation.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty impressed with the lighting system and controls. When you get clouds or fog rolling in the lights automatically adjust up or down to accommodate the available sunlight levels. I'm also liking what they are doing with the NFT to DWC system in there as well. Represents some much larger opportunities me thinks. When you stopped by their office was it up yet?


Well-Known Member
The light was set up inside, not in a actual green house, so yes i got to see them in action. I thought to myself, man this should be done on almost every grow light out there.

Im on the works on building a small green house, problem(not really a problem) is my land is on a perfect flat "slope"that has no shade once so ever, from the time the sun comes up to it goes down, theres always sun full blast.

Not sure if adding a light to our outdoor season would really make that much of a improvment that our sun cant due on her own? Yes i do see these inda light more effective on our "off seasons", that is why im soo interested in this technology.

Imagine that, dank year round herb, i pull a harvest every other month indoor, and average 3 outdoor harvest a year, with this technology and a green house i figure i would be pulling harvest every month!


Well-Known Member
The light was set up inside, not in a actual green house, so yes i got to see them in action. I thought to myself, man this should be done on almost every grow light out there.

Im on the works on building a small green house, problem(not really a problem) is my land is on a perfect slope that has no shade once so ever, from the time the sun comes up to it goes down, theres always sun full blast.

Not sure if adding a light to our outdoor season would really make that much of a improvment that our sun cant due on her own? Yes i do see these inda light more effective on our "off seasons", that is why im soo interested in this technology.

Imagine that, dank year round herb, i pull a harvest every other month indoor, and average 3 outdoor harvest a year, with this technology and a green house i figure i would be pulling harvest every month!
in the late after noons when the sun par levels are low. the IG could pick up there. Especially if you are force flowering.

I take exception to the 'regular' part

owwhhh dont be sad.. its a figure of speech.


Well-Known Member
test most be done tho, i still dont see much improvement during our outdoor season, i dont care what anyone says, theres no replacing the sun!


Well-Known Member
test most be done tho, i still dont see much improvement during our outdoor season, i dont care what anyone says, theres no replacing the sun!
thats 6 months away til flower time. if you are going to grow some 20 footers ..... then you can veg with the sun. I rememebr one of the hunters of the dankvideos. where they were at one spot that had a force flower hoop tent. They said they got smaller yields when force flowering. They didn't say whethwer they were vegged outdoor or indoor,


Well-Known Member
I would not force flower, from march to October our outdoor plants will do well. the only time i would force flower in dec to feb


Well-Known Member
I would not force flower, from feb to October our outdoor plants will do well. the only time i would force flower in dec to jan
you don't need to force flower in dec / jan. its 11/13 - 12/12 then. you can flower up to then. I've been doing that. After the last frost its veg time outside. beginning feb for us cali-ans. so if you want to pull harvests every other month you would have to force flower. Naturally plants start flowering the beginning of august. Some strains mid to late july.


Well-Known Member
Hey Fly! Congrats on the greenhouse. IMO if you can grow in one it's an awesome way to go. Controlling the light is integral to repeatable results. If you want to add more Moles/Day to optimize the photogenetics of that strain you would want to have the capability of what the supplemental lights can provide. That would include SoCal in the summer.

Check out the side by side starting on page 17 @ and you can see for yourself that even in June in San Diego the benefits were found that in just 8 days the supplemental light added an extra 69 Moles. With a target of 20 Moles/Day this means that in 8 days we added 3.5 extra days of light. The difference in plant development as shown on page 23 where you can see flowers on the sunlight side and stretching you don't see that on the IG side. The conclusions on page 25 speak for themselves.


Well-Known Member
you don't need to force flower in dec / jan. its 11/13 - 12/12 then. you can flower up to then. I've been doing that. After the last frost its veg time outside. beginning feb for us cali-ans. so if you want to pull harvests every other month you would have to force flower. Naturally plants start flowering the beginning of august. Some strains mid to late july.
Ah yes u r correct

i think i only said that bcuz i dont flower dec to feb outdoor, its my time off, but yea u r right

edit, btw plants flower all times of the year, not just beginig of August, begining of august would be the ideal outdoor conditions for the huge monster plants. We are blessed to be n cali and have early mid and late outdoor flower, sucks u get frost hyroot, no frost here
for those reasons a green house is perfect!


Well-Known Member
Ah yes u r correct

i think i only said that bcuz i dont flower dec to feb outdoor, its my time off, but yea u r right

edit, btw plants flower all times of the year, not just beginig of August, begining of august would be the ideal outdoor conditions for the huge monster plants. We are blessed to be n cali and have early mid and late outdoor flower, sucks u get frost hyroot, no frost here
for those reasons a green house is perfect!
its the low desert not the beach. its alot warmer lately than the last few years at this time. Its been overcast all day and yesterday. Probably going to rain in the next couple days. I didn't check the weather.