BB: DOG KUSH GROW OFF!!! Mans best friend, all welcome.

Tried using some vaped bud instead of cigarettes in a bong mix worked great but nothing like perfect toasted cigarette, lol. I know no one who can make a bong mix like me. Im always the one in the pot when having bong mix with friends. And im fine with that. Smoking should be as pleasant as possible.
Thought id get it out while no one has started flaming on the cigs yet :)
hahaha flaming on cigs... tickled me that. :lol: don't think i could put baccy in with my weed in the bong though. deffo a european thing that.
YEah i never understood that. Some friends from over seas roll up spliffs and make fun of me for smoking blunts. Then theyll go bust a square open and sprinkly some tobacco into a joint!!! hypocrisy!
Thats why im so happy for the pipe i won from the 600 summer competition. Cannabis in that and cannabis only. Same with my Arizer :) Harvest lemon skunk next weekend argh cant wait! But spicy¨ng up a bong mix with some cannabis aint bad at all.
I dont smoke that many joints. Too much work, lol :D Would never smoke cannabis and bacco without hash. Bacco is for hash. Cannabis should not have help burning, i think :)
haha i feel it. I just like me them blunts. Dont have a piece of glass in the house. I save all of my hashes and bho and what not for my friends who have most of the rigs and nails for that. haha I love blunts bbut hate cigarettes.
One thing I miss, a tobacco joint with tobacco for me, no hash joints!!!!:(

yeah since I quit the cigs I only really crave a spliff..suppose vonga will keep me going till harvest then straight blunts.
used to be like mine haha, with a 2 liter bottom half and 1 liter top half... pop bottles never failed but now i love my bong as the buckets get to oily and dirty quick and take the taste of goodness away,,, clean the bong just about every other day

I use my bong till its blocked or I get some very special smoke...dont even change the water haha classy man here.
Ii nail varnish remover mine like every couple days needs done now but saying as I'm only having 1 more tonight I'm gona do it in morning for wake n bake
budolskie, if you clean your bong every other day, you should think about getting a bottle of "grunge off". It's normally about 20 bucks but you just keep re-using it. Just before bed pour it into your bong and let your seperate pieces soak in some as well, then next day pour it back into the bottle then just rinse the glass with hot water...takes a minute tops.
oh, and I was going to say. I think smoking tobacco with ganj is more of a thing in countries where only hash was traditionally available. I am not sure about Denmark, but in the UK hash was pretty much the only thing you got. Why would anyone import massive bails of grass when concentrated hash was so much easier and profitable. Some of the best hash I have smoked has come from people from Denmark.
Yeah exactly. I smoked hash many years before i even new of cannabis.
Hash has always been available.
When I was far too young and started smoking, I don't even think I had seen a cheech and chong movie and for the life of me couldn't figure out how hash was made from leaves, lmfao....
Lol dst and hydrogp dont know how old you fuckers are but ganja and hash was rife in early 80' I remeber my old man used to tell me the hash came from out the plants stems after the plant was being hung up to dry lmao fuck me I can here the fucker sayin it now lol like the black bag used to catch the hash or some shit hahaha
I am in my 40's and I can tell you, weed was definitely not rife in Scotland in the 80's. Maybe in the Midlands, but in Scotland you got solid, and only once in a blue moon would you get grass. We have Asian's in Scotland so you got various different types of black, and rocky imports of course, and lebanese. When skunk kicked off things changed though.
My favorite of the DOGs. It self topped itself and is one thick fat bitch.



All the DOGs. The one on the left is havin alot of trouble but theyre gonna be fine now that theyre transplanted.

Dst a normally just a buy a bottle nail varnish remover for £1 and tub of salt for 69p and that cleans it about 20 times or more looks brand new again. Just done it there for wake in bake but I'm undecided what to blast first
I think d's point may have been more about health than anything. Using a thinner instead of alcohol sounds a little scary to me. Is it acetone?
I am in my 40's and I can tell you, weed was definitely not rife in Scotland in the 80's. Maybe in the Midlands, but in Scotland you got solid, and only once in a blue moon would you get grass. We have Asian's in Scotland so you got various different types of black, and rocky imports of course, and lebanese. When skunk kicked off things changed though.

Yh d 80's is wen jamicans started moving in the midlands bro there were only 1 or 2 in late 70's but has more and more moved in so did the weed ganja and hash in all shapes and sizes! Look it up im sure you ll find documents that state it has such dont get me wrong it was nt the most potent but late 70's is wen you first got ganja around here around the middle of the 80's is wen the more potent of the skunks came about nothin to do with jamicans tho im sure it was other folk who brought that in! Not to sure ill look it up.
Just cheap nail varnish remover, boil kettle pour it in to heat glass. Then empty pour a salt in then sum remover and a little wash round.. just comes off like and looks brand new, good rinse off after and clean with a bottle brush I have been doing it this way for a while now,,, the bong is always rinsed probably after I use that stuff