BB: DOG KUSH GROW OFF!!! Mans best friend, all welcome.


Well-Known Member
Good shit on the dabs peeps. Gotta love keeping it simple and cheap haha. I'm afraid to start messing with concentrate consumption. I'm afraid I will take my stonerizm to the next level lol.

Recently got sick and hit up the freezer stash of hash capsules. Man o man, edible cannabis has GOT to be the absolute best cold medicine available. I muscled through work, popped a pill and the rest of the night I felt great. Sometimes I would randomly doze off and have magnificent twilight sleep. I would catch myself drooling in no man's land and wake up with a smile on my face. It was pretty narcotic lol.

I tried to calculate the dose to .25-.30 grams of low grade dry ice hash for the capsules. I'm really happy with their strength, not too strong for a newb, not too weak for those with higher tolerances.


Well-Known Member
They look well healthy Yorkshireman. Nice job
mate. I will do some Dog one day but it'll
probably be a year or so now coz I've just finished
a grow.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
U couldn't get a shot of some of the nanners could you?....that carpets waaaay 2 clean haha
I picked em off with tweezers after I posted.
I'll try to if it throws out some more but I don't think the macro function on my HTC is good enough to get that close.
The old Nikon digicam that I used to use for photos is broken so I'm stuck using the phone until I can get another one come crop time.

That spare room is the cleanest in the house, it's only been used as a bedroom for 3 weeks in the 3 years I've been living here.
The rest of the time it's either for growing in or drying washed clothes, lol.


Well-Known Member
3 weeks left on my dogs.
s1 dwc- Cant wait to get my scissor on this !
s1 soil (Should turn myself in to animal service for neglecting this dog, lol)(Had a friend see it and he was like wow cool leaves, rofl out of all the plants he liked this one most. Didnt even bother tell him, haha)
bx2 soil
No more soil inside for me. Plenty to play with when summer comes :)


Well-Known Member
Thx oscar. Beginning of week 7.
They are going to put on a pretty impressive
display as they mature by the looks of things.

On a different subject. Has anyone read
V For Vendetta by Alan Moore? I've never
read a graphic novel before and i loved it.
I read it then re-read it straight away. I'll
probably read it again too. I am a convert
to genre now. I just hope there are more
books as good as that which i can get.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
They are going to put on a pretty impressive
display as they mature by the looks of things.

On a different subject. Has anyone read
V For Vendetta by Alan Moore? I've never
read a graphic novel before and i loved it.
I read it then re-read it straight away. I'll
probably read it again too. I am a convertel
to genre now. I just hope there are more
books as good as that which i can get.
'Watchmen' is a brilliant graphic novel Oscar.

Makes a good movie too.


Well-Known Member
lovely dog hydro, am off to see mine now since friday so hope they still well probs be picking nanas off meself they been on 12/12 a week be back in a few hours with sum pics


Well-Known Member
I picked em off with tweezers after I posted.
I'll try to if it throws out some more but I don't think the macro function on my HTC is good enough to get that close.
The old Nikon digicam that I used to use for photos is broken so I'm stuck using the phone until I can get another one come crop time.

That spare room is the cleanest in the house, it's only been used as a bedroom for 3 weeks in the 3 years I've been living here.
The rest of the time it's either for growing in or drying washed clothes, lol.
thanks a million buddy...whenever U get the chance really. Yeah the gf dries her washing in my project room haha have a dehumidifier going 24/7 thanks to her.


Well-Known Member
They are going to put on a pretty impressive
display as they mature by the looks of things.

On a different subject. Has anyone read
V For Vendetta by Alan Moore? I've never
read a graphic novel before and i loved it.
I read it then re-read it straight away. I'll
probably read it again too. I am a convert
to genre now. I just hope there are more
books as good as that which i can get.
yeah its cracking isn't it. Look into preacher, its not as good as V or politically driven but its one of my fave reads. Its basically about a preacher trying to kill god haha


Well-Known Member
I have tried watching "Watchmen" twice now and fell asleep both day I'll see the end. It's quite a long film :)