Vertical Scrog LED Closet Grow || Flooded Tube/ NFT || 450w - Headband - 2’ x 3’

Are these LEDs going to produce fat, sticky buds?

  • The buds are going to be amazing and you'll wonder why anyone uses HIDs.

    Votes: 18 19.1%
  • The buds will be good, and the yield will be good compared to the power used.

    Votes: 33 35.1%
  • The buds are going to be fluffy and weak and you'll wonder why anyone flowers with LEDs.

    Votes: 10 10.6%
  • Why not just wait and see?

    Votes: 33 35.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
Ok fam out of 4 girls 2 of them smell like the male and 2 smell like the mom.but im happy.ill post pics when they get a lil bigger


Well-Known Member
My mom is in the hospital.the last time she was there she had a i saw the dr.shook his hand looked him in his eyes and said if she die so will you! The next day my mom called me as if she didnt have a stroke.go figure


Well-Known Member
Thoughts with your mom. Do what you can to take care of her. Moms are the best. (most of the time at least)

Both me and the baby are sick, nothing serious, but it sure isn't any fun. Wife's just getting over being sick, now she has to take care of the two of us.

Today is 6 weeks complete of 12/12. The buds are nice and chunky. I squeezed one today and it felt solid. I dont think these will be fluffy nugs.

Also my doc today mentioned jucing MU leaves. It's something I'm going to look into more. I guess it's supposed to be good for GI issues, which I deal with. It would be nice to do something with all the leaves I pull. It was the MJ doc, got my rec for another year. :)


Well-Known Member
My brother has some some juicing and other then the VERY green taste, said it wasn't too bad. I'm sure with plenty of apples in with it or something to help with the taste it would prolly be good. I've read articles about jucing the buds and all to get the THC into your body to help with healing. I guess that since juicers don't get the THC hot, it is FAR less psychoactive and makes it easier to consume larger amounts without getting tripped out :). The one article I think was about a girl with MS, and within a few days of starting the raw juicing she noticed huge improvments , well above just using oil like she had been.


Well-Known Member
Iv also heard great things about juicing fresh ganja flowers,, as per TC mentioned its a good way to get large amounts of cannabinoids into your body without getting psychoactive. You could easily go through potential pounds of flowers, which is fine, but then the authorities would laugh at you trying to justify giant outdoor plants.


Well-Known Member
No way I'm juicing buds!!! Will do leaves that I normally throw away. I guess leaves work good for the medicinal part as they don't have hardly any thc at all, just packed with cannabinoids. Thanks for the input fellas. We will find out soon enough as I'm getting ready to harvest and there are a SHIT TON of fan leaves in there.

whodat. thought of you last night as I was delving into the mystical world of jazz. See I've never liked jazz. I just don't get it. Seems all weird to me, no meter to it, I mean I can hear a beat, and a rythym, but it's all wonky... not strait. I can't follow it. Can't dance to it. It doesn't follow the rules, and I don't know how to do things when I'm not following rules (most of the time at least). Even when I was in the damn jazz band in high school... I loved the sax parts as they were rockin but even then I didn't like the swing of it, or the non swing, whatever you want to say about it. Never never never 'got' jazz.

I've been reading a book on meditation lately. The past month maybe (i read WAY slow) and I'm getting a lot from it. I'm really getting the essence of meditation which is "simply" to remove everything, remove 'you', just be left with nothing, being empty, and then life can happen as it does with no resistance, judgements, reactions... it just happens and we get to experience it. And enjoy it. In it's pure form. Just pure beauty. A strait connection to the universal soul, unadulterated.

Last night I was playing guitar for my little Hannah, we were both a little sick and the guitar was just what she needed. A nice soothing distraction for her eyes and ears. Well she was enjoying it so much I ran out of material. Got sick of playing all the songs and riffs I know and have been working on. And I just started playing (woah... getting goosebumps now recounting it). I just played man... and after a few minutes I heard myself playing.... and it was magic... it was pure.... it was jazz.

I finally get it. I've heard people talk about jazz and what it means, what it is. They say stuff like I said above, that it's music in it's purest form, that it's pure soul. I just couldn't get it. I was listening with complicated ears. I just needed to drop the rules, drop the effort, drop everything and just be. Just be with the music, let it take me on a journey wherever it took me... not just a familiar trip through the same old sights. I could feel it in my fingers. I could feel the connection from the greater being, offering up musical ideas, which I for once allowed to flow freely though my body, in order to come out of the guitar I held, so that Hannah could hear what the universe had to offer her at that moment.

It's deep man. It blew my mind and is blowing my mind. I feel like life is just starting, like a door has been opened I've been waiting my whole life for. Like it's all falling into place.

It's really beautiful. Just all of it. I'm really in love with life. And I really love having you guys such a part of it. I mean it. You guys are great to share life with.


Well-Known Member
Ive always said my life started over when i met my girls. Changed me significantly. Im not musical but love goood jazz. :-).


Well-Known Member
That's awesome J :-) I can't really follow that post up with anything, seemed like you just about covered it! Funny part is,,, not a big jazz fan over here lol "acid jazz" to be specific, which is what I think you were getting at... Actually the only time I was really digging that kind of jazz is when I was on acid.


Well-Known Member
I think that I will try juicing the next time that I chop a male.

This is likely the best time, the time when I will have enough
good fresh leaves to be worth the effort.

I chopped very healthy, ~ 2' tall, males of Smelly Cherry, Psycho Killer,
and Jack's Cleaner 2 in the last few months.

Enjoy the time with the little one bro.



Well-Known Member
I'm going to try it with this harvest. Not with the buds, but the fans. Usually when harvesting I go through and pull most of the fans off while the plants are still intact, then I'll cut a branch, pull everything without a good coverage of resin and toss all that in the bin. I'll juice it this time. I got a lot of leaves!!!

Here's some pics.



Well-Known Member
Woohoo buds all over, and looking really nice there buddy. Your gonna have a much bigger trim project after this harvest compared to last :).

I think for a grow the size of yours, and for your ailments juicing the buds would prolly be a waste. For those with really serious ailments like MS, cancer, and such it seems like a great way to massively increase your uptake. I've thought about getting a juicer recently though, and was gonna use my fan leaves in some.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure we have a juicer, that's why I'm thinking of trying it. Otherwise I'd find someone else who had one to do it for me.

Don't know if you guys remembered me saying (or if I even said it). I'm keeping journals on 2 different sites this round, just checked the View count on each. I have 1,000 views at one site. 800 at the other. Pushing 13,500 here at good old RIU. :) I love it here... picture upload issues and all. Photobucket ftw.


Well-Known Member

Loving it buddy! They look stellar. I am so stoked for you! Take all your fans and trim and freeze it if you aren't going to juice it right away. I am extremely interested to see if it helps your GI problems. It was said before but using carrots and apples with it will make it much nicer to drink.

I need to start juicing again. I used to make green lemonade with Kale that was bomb and way good for you. :-)

Hope you are all having a great time up there today. Its a beautiful day. :-)


Well-Known Member
I'm having a great day thanks! Hope you fellas are too :).

So Jig I'm going to be in near pheonix in march, and me and the wife were toying with trying to go see joshua tree. My parents came to visit this weekend and they want to fly us out to visit.


Well-Known Member
Its close enough that I was trying to figure out a way to meet :). That was part of what I was thinking about joshua tree as a possible option, thats not real far from you right? Or if you've got a better idea that would be more in the middle I'm all for it! While we are out there they are taking us up to the grand canyon, and a few places which should be fun too.


Well-Known Member
Here I am!

My version of Rollitup consists of Club 600 and its relatives + a few organic threads. Who needs anything else!?