Thundercat's Groooooooow

Just dont be scared of it.Most breakers only run around 6 bucks give or take a few bucks.Just thought id throw that in.The most expensive part of the process will probably be the wire.
The timer you can get from 20 to 40 bucks on ebay.
Take a picture of your existing breakers and bring it with you to get the right one. Not that there's a ton but the different brands don't work together.
Thank you guys I really appreciate all the help. I'm good at working on things so I know I can do this, I'm still nervous the first time though.
So I was just sitting here, and realized I completely forgot about my birthday this year. My wife said happy birthday, but we had celebrated when we went to Chicago last month so hadn't thought much of it. Then sitting here I commented to someone about being younger and realized "I'm not in my 20s any more". Not that I feel old persay, but its just kinda weird being 30 cus its always seemed like a milestone sort of I guess. I feel like I've done an ok job of becoming my own person, and growing over the years. The last few years have been a real change with being a dad now. However I suppose looking at life I feel pretty good about the paths I've decided to walk. I've generally stayed out of trouble (I don't have anything but some traffic violations), I've got a great wife that loves me....even when she drives me nuts....and I her ;). My daughter is healthy, smart, and sweet(WHEN SHE WANTS TO BE). So now my 30's start! I still need to find a way to bring everything together and continue to build our life, but I suppose that comes with time.

Hope everyone is having a great day. After all that snow its now super warm, and I have some nice minor leaks in my room yay! Hopefully it won't get to bad. I need to get to the store today cus my bloom timer has failed on me again. I'm kinda annoyed since last time instead of buying the 5-8 dollar timer I sprung for the $25 apollo timer, and it seriously only lasted like 3 months. I'm going to be reading and watching a bunch of videos to learn how to install a new breaker myself, and then installing an inline mechanical light timer for the new outlet. I'm sooo sick of replacing timers.

I've enjoyed my 30's much more than any other decade. Things just keep getting better. I'm sure the same will be said for you.

tc it is very straight forward you just treat it with respect and you are golden oh yea happy late bday as well

Thank you guys I really appreciate all the help. I'm good at working on things so I know I can do this, I'm still nervous the first time though.

Lots of respect and a little bit of nerves is all you need. That and youtube. :) I rewired my whole house from the service entrance down having no prior electrical knowledge. Only got shocked once as I was wrapping up the whole project, let my gaurd down and got careless.
Hehe thanks Jig, I remember the story about you getting that jolt...sounded fun :). Having the walk through from these guys, and the videos I've watched I'm feeling much better about it. I still gotta get some money together cus I'm broke as a joke right now, but should only be a couple weeks.

I officially have a rooted cheese clone now, and I think the galactic jack is rooted as well, its just not showing yet. I gotta put a bunch of rooted clones into pots tonight, and figure out where I'm gonna put them. With taking clones of all the new strains I'm running out of room quick again....prolly gonna have to stick some in solo cups like old times :).
i have been working the solo cup here lately my 4 in sq pot i have to take out to water the solo cups i dont;-)
Man I've got moms in 16 oz solo cups that have been there for about 10 months :) still doing pretty good. I used to only use solo cups for my clones, but recently started putting them right into the 6 inch pots I flower in.
been doing the same with 2 gal grow bags but i will bee letting the root in to them in veg now i have worked out more space and staggered them going in. i will be putting the last of the ten inch round space wasters in to flower next week
Well washed some rocks tonight, took down 4 Cindy's and put 8 more plants in to flower. It was a selection of the various single bean strains I started. I'll prolly snip clones off them in a few days once they start going well. I had to take them out of my veg area to make room for the clones that are going into the 6 inchers. Now its time to trim and smoke a blunt.

I went over to meet the glass blower today! Had a great time, mostly just hung out and talked today, shared some dabs, and got to know each other a bit. I told him I'd love to take some lessons, and to be able to just come over and watch him(and others) work. He said that was a great idea, and that watching a few times before the actual lesson would prolly help me apply things better. So I should be going back over next week to really see some glass melt, and with any luck taking a lesson before the month is out. I'm excited :).
Thats AWESOME TCat! I would LOVE to find a Local situation like that! Would be a Great idea to Watch and Learn a bit before deciding on the Whole investment?

Although, I am pretty sure that if I try it, I would be ALL IN! Hehehe I have been watching some video's on YouTV (you know), I could see myself getting stoned and Lost in Creativity!

Good Luck! Peace
I love watching the videos, and have been doing so for about 5 years now......So I'm REALLY looking forward to finally getting behind a torch soon! I'm even more excited about some of the various art glass techniques then the pipe making. My one big concern is that my hands aren't gonna be steady enough for some of the work since my injury, but hopefully practice and rehab will fix that. I honestly think this could be a great rehab for my arm.
Your going to have to make me a pipe.One strong enough i dont break it:).
When you get down to my neck of the woods TC..ive got a GH grow station if you remind me ill let you have.I won it in a raffle at the local hydro shop and i dont need would give you something to play with.If i had space and time to fool with would be a great little test run set up of one plant to test different nute lines and products.Its a water farm drip system.
I could also take you for a visit to the local hydro shop i go to here.
I love watching the videos, and have been doing so for about 5 years now......So I'm REALLY looking forward to finally getting behind a torch soon! I'm even more excited about some of the various art glass techniques then the pipe making. My one big concern is that my hands aren't gonna be steady enough for some of the work since my injury, but hopefully practice and rehab will fix that. I honestly think this could be a great rehab for my arm.
How is the Arm doing TC? When I almost cut my hand OFF...Cut all tendons and fingers just fell.Sheet metal cuts suck!!
I didnt take rehab serious enough and I am paying for it now.
HOW did you do to it SomeBeech? sheet metal press? .... I have worked with metal as a hobby. metal cuts give me the heeby jeebies man. I am sorry...
Hehe, so I saw that post the other night, and then got side tracked, and forgot completely to respond srry.

My arm is doing really well honestly. My range of motion is up to prolly 95%, but still have alot of strength loss. I havn't been able to go back to therapy yet as I'm still waiting on the ok from the surgeon that worked on my wrist. All in I'm doing good though, I can do most things around the house with it now other then heavy lifting.

Once I get the glass thing down I was already considering making some sort of RIU commemorative pipe to send out to a few of you guys I've been close with. Perhaps I can even collab with another RIU glass blower on it, and really make it special. But thats gonna be awhile off still.

So Max do you shop at "HM" down there? I have got alot of stuff there over the years when I used to live closer.
Hell NO..i cant stand the old bitch that runs that place..not many people can actually.
I drove back and forth to bloomington To get my supplies for at least 4 years to WW and ordered on line..That bitch is old school stink foot hippy from the east coast.Fucking nutty bitch.
Everyone i know of would like to slap the fuck out of the cunt.Shes one of the type of people when you meet her you cant fucking stand her.
There is a new shop in town with a bunch of great guys who run the shop ive been doing bus with for about two years,Hes very friendly and helpful.
I got started on AN.with great results..but hard to supply here in town.Tried several other brands of nutes then switched back to AN..THANK GOD.I talked the local hydro shop into supplying AN at his shop.When he first started..i still do this.i pre pay him to get what i want.He orders and gets it for me.Ever since he opened ive done this to make sure he has operation cash.
I want to make sure a GOOD hydro shop hangs around here in town.So i want to make sure i support the guy with my business.
He just opened up a new store in lafayette too.
There is one other hydro shop here in town up toward broad ripple.Its ran by some stink foot hippys .One of them has dreads down to the back of his knees.
When you go into their shop called the magic bulb ..They wont say anything to can i help there anything you need i can order for you?NOPE...You have to pry answers out of them..Just for the most part some not very on the ball general run of the mill lazy dumb fuck hippys.(these guys give good hippies a bad name)
Im just thinking out of the growers i run into at these kinds of places..The ones that stand out in my mind are the older guys with the gray hair.You wouldnt ever know they grew.
Most of them are military vets.Many of them have a strong construction back ground.
Most of these guys are really cool and you can ask them anything..except about dope.Unless they feel comfortable with you will not talk that subject.
Look for the old geriatric looking MO FO ordering nutes by the 55 gallon drum.Hes the guy you want to talk to.
One of the guys i talked to ordering 55 gallon drums of botanicare imparted a bunch of good information to me.