Club 600


Well-Known Member
Well that is news to me.

I veg first 30 days with 6500k CFL tho so I not concerned.

Also I got excellent growth under 450 on my goji.

If it ain't broke.. Lol

there's no point in running a 600 on less that 100%. as it has been mentioned, just keep them far enough away to pervent them from burning.

I agree with this statement completely. There is now way you are going to get the full effect of the 600 watt color spectrum if you don't run it at full strength. If you only give the bulb 1/2 of the energy it's designed for there is no way you are getting the results this bulb was designed for. I have 2 types of dim. ballast and have played with this to know 1/2 power slows the veg cycle down.IMO
IDK, I've ran them at lower settings simply to reduce residual temps. Of course raising them higher will prevent burning in some situations, but if there are limited or no means of pulling enough air out of the room or fast enough, then residual temps can be an issue. Excessive residual temps can effect humidity levels and invites unwanted visitors. Its a challenge I face in the summer because my room gradually increased in size (plants and tents not cubic feet), it wasn't planned to function like it is now - Every grower's famous words HA!

I do agree completely that reducing the output most likely effects wavelengths though.... But any setting grows dank!


Well-Known Member
Well that is news to me.

I veg first 30 days with 6500k CFL tho so I not concerned.

Also I got excellent growth under 450 on my goji.

If it ain't broke.. Lol
You can grow under any light. If you look at the actual color spectrum of bulbs you will see where just because a bulb is 6500k you will see all watts and bulb types give you different blue light which is what the 6500 k is. If you take a bulb designed to run with 600 watts and only give it 300 or 450 it will not produce the same blues that it was designed for. I'm not arguing, just wanted to share my opinion with the poster who asked the ? . I've also have some history with electrical circuitry and wiring and understand the principles behind it. The resistance in the bulb that lights up is like anything else electric, it's meant to be ran at what its rated for any thing else will damage it and cause inefficiency. And if you only ran 450 watts how do you know what 600 will do. To compare you have to do first.


Well-Known Member
Was just thinking, next cross I might try will be the Male Fireballs x to be HOT DOGS!!!!!! no?:)
I like Firey Dog Balls. Can see the mascot now. You know how dogs scratch their ass by walking with their hind legs up... there could be one of those with flames shooting out. :)

Baby slept through the night 2 nights ago. WOOT... things are moving right along.
You can grow under any light. If you look at the actual color spectrum of bulbs you will see where just because a bulb is 6500k you will see all watts and bulb types give you different blue light which is what the 6500 k is. If you take a bulb designed to run with 600 watts and only give it 300 or 450 it will not produce the same blues that it was designed for. I'm not arguing, just wanted to share my opinion with the poster who asked the ? . I've also have some history with electrical circuitry and wiring and understand the principles behind it. The resistance in the bulb that lights up is like anything else electric, it's meant to be ran at what its rated for any thing else will damage it and cause inefficiency. And if you only ran 450 watts how do you know what 600 will do. To compare you have to do first.
Thx. Yea, i bumped it to 450w this morning and you're absolutely correct. The spectrum at 300w is more on the red end; @ 450w the light starts to take on a more blue/white mixed with red color. And even lighter at 600w. So yeah, like i said; you're absolutely correct with that info. I was just trying to keep my babies from getting messed up since i jumped from 150w. Read so much misinformation about giving them too much light too quick, but my bubbas seem to enjoy the higher wattage. First time around the block as far as 600w, & second time around the "grow" block. Amazing how much you can learn from 1st to 2nd grow. Sure i have A LOT more to learn. THX ALL :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Was just thinking, next cross I might try will be the Male Fireballs x to be HOT DOGS!!!!!! no?:)

Oh lord, that had me cracking up. Cant deny that "hot dogs" is perfect, no doubt. I just wanna say "flaming franks".

I didnt even think about the switchable ballast thing, and now that jimmer cleared the air I'll have to agree. I think the advantage of having a switchable ballast is the ability to use different size bulbs and only having to purchase one ballast,,, not to purchase one balast and one bulb to use different wattages... Cant have your cake and eat it too.


Well-Known Member
The bulb rating 2700k and 6500k refer to color temperature. It has to do with spectrum of the bulb and when dimming there will be a spectral dimmer curve for that bulb. Not to get too specific but I am HEAVILY involved with lighting for entertainment. We rely on the dimmer drop in visual spectrum to create specific effects for stage and tv. However. HIDs are a little bit different (Most modern moving-lights are HID) than say a standard halogen bulb. The dimmer curve does not react the same way because you are not truly dimming and do not really rely on the resistance in the filament. The bulb is fired and a constant amount of watts are sent to illuminate the gases inside the bulb. You are just knocking down the operating watts with a "dimmable" hid ballast. My practical experience has been that dimming an hid does lose some spectrum (at least visually) but less so that any other type of bulb I have used. My last grow ended up running a 1000W bulb on a 600w dimmable ballast and I think I f'd up and had it set at 400w. spectrum was more red but still grew big frosty buds. As much so as running my magnetic 400 with 400w bulb. So take that for what its worth.

BTW.. A majority of Moving lights do not "dim". They use a shutter system to dim and therefore exhibit no spectral curve. I am pretty sure you could grow under one though. Most are 2k HID at 6800k. There is a UV filter on them or you would get sunburned under one.

Thought some of you would enjoy my stupid^^^


Well-Known Member

If you look at nature... The sun is much more "daylight" spectrum leaning towards MH during the spring/summer. As Fall comes the days become more "warm light" leaning towards HPS. I feel it is pretty accepted that plants veg better under "daylight". I have a hunch that not only photo period but spectrum have a hand in triggering flower. Obviously photo period plays the strongest role but spectrum may have a part in telling the plant to grow less and bud more... I have flowered under both and always bigger buds from an HPS.



Well-Known Member
I agree the spectrum has signals to the plant. Like you said, not near as strong as the signals the timing has, but signals none the less.

I think HPS grows fatter stems and a stronger overall plant in veg over MH as I think the red is usually used to bulk things up in the fall after they have grown nice and tall in the spring summer. And the MH in flower tells the plants to grow their pretty growth as opposed to their bulky growth. Less yield but frostier, prettier, tastier buds.

Also I think the plants stretch more in veg under HPS as I think they think it's fall and there is no time to veg slow, they have to get tall soon, so they stretch.

I love imagining what plants think. I believe that is why my plants are so happy... I try to consider their feelings on the situation.

Love the light tech talk bro.


Well-Known Member
Yea jig. I think that has something to do with growing good bud. People would think I am silly because I mix my nutes according to what I think the plants are telling me. What would I like if I was a plant? ...see... such a stoner... thats why they grow for me...LOL

Thanks... I do not like getting too technical but its hard not to chime in. Ive been doing entertainment lighting for about 25yrs now.


Well-Known Member
any body seen FMILY? I sent him contact info a few days ago but haven't heard back or seen posts on here. Wondering if he is ok?


Well-Known Member
That's fam for you bro. He disappears for a few days at a time. He's fine I'm sure.

Hey G, that mat you sent is the 2nd most used thing we have after the swing. A daily part of our lives. :) Thanks agian.


Well-Known Member
Some shots from last night

Getting more purple everyday :lol:

Day 32 12/12. I'd say prob another 4 weeks and I'll chop. Prob first week of Feb, guess only time will tell

Just a few shots of everyone as group


So today's goal is to get a speaker put up in the corner so the girls have a constant stream of internet radio :D

Oh and someguy and jig I love to imagine what my plants are thinking lol.

Stay high guys.


Well-Known Member
That's fam for you bro. He disappears for a few days at a time. He's fine I'm sure.

Hey G, that mat you sent is the 2nd most used thing we have after the swing. A daily part of our lives. :) Thanks agian.

Thanks jig.. that makes me feel better. :)

OMG! the mats.. Dude.. the piano mat is the bomb. He got one for Christmas and LOVES it. Man its tough... he was telling me all morning to not go to work....LOL.

You would get a kick out of this... this last weekend we were eating out... all 4 of us. He got so pissed off! I had to walk him and katie out to feed and he was screaming at me and the whole restaurant. Nothing like a pissed off baby in public. :)


Well-Known Member
oh and there is my daughter at the table poor girl. Maybe this is good birth control as she gets older here....


Well-Known Member
right on jig,they really help get them back & abs strong...with all the reaching & kicking going on.

looking dam good giggs,that one (GG X WF) is looking beast mode,way ahead of the rest.

hot dogging hell yea,oh!!! that is something else.


Well-Known Member
That PP is insane looking. Are those colas a meter long?
yeah it grows crazy colas and pretty much no side branching, there not quite a meter lol i wish but they are about 35-40cm from top to bottom of each cola, only about 2"-3" thick just now but im hoping they fatten up over the next 4-5 weeks
the Big bang aint far behind either, the colas on them are about 20-25cm long apart from one plant that has smaller fatter colas


Well-Known Member
Garybhoy those look great!
Are those the choice phenos, or just what popped?
I might want to get a few for some added yield, while I grow my low yielding faves.

Have you grown any of these stains before?