The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
spiked, stripped and left in a public place usually works well but isn't very original.

to be honest the best man should have had this planned the second he was asked to be the best man.

where you going on the do? that could have some real influence.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
am alreet chedz. wishing my life away for crop day, same old same old. we'd originally planned to go to amsterdam for the weekend. my other best man had said to him just turn up with your passport to the airport clothes will be provided. he's talking dressing him as Anne Frank and giving him a diary. i'm vetoing that though. we'll get into clubs, explain what he is then get kicked in/out.

I got the other best man in a ball and chain for the weekend and got raped with a becks bottle by the stripper then broke 3 it's going to have to be on par. i'm fucking terrified of what they're going to do to me mind.

GHB, trying to organise the knackers i knock round with is like trying to herd elephants with a feather duster.


Well-Known Member
get him fucked up on absinthe and try to convince him to cut his own ear off, that's a proper dutch tradition!

so you still haven't decided then? every tried germany? hamburg is a good stag venue mate, it makes the dam look like blackpool.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
did hamburg last year for my cuz, reaperbahn was pretty good. bit harder to get to and less dope. the lads won't like that lol.

I forewarned all the lads we were doing the dam 4 months ago, knowing them they'll have nee coin and we'll have to do a local and away leg of the do.


Well-Known Member
ghb, viagara and plenty of jager, try him with a semi convincing ladyboy in the blue light, you all chip in as a "treat" for him.

it worked on my bro, he came out red faced, saying he was trying to get his money back, yeah right!


Well-Known Member
Alreeet shit sniffers....haha Yeh 5 drags on the morning joint and the farts start flowing lmao quick dash to the bog it is haha...Yeh a trip to the Ladyboys sounds like a stags treat lmao poor fella.....


Well-Known Member
retribution is futile when you have this kind of ammunition against a person lol.

any time you ever get into any kind of arguement in a public place just give them the look, the " i'll tell everybody you got bummed by a tranny look" never lose again..............


Well-Known Member
For my bro in law we went Blackpool and dressed him like a woman he fookin loved it bless him half way thru tho he lost his handbag with £180 notes and 2g a charlie in it


Well-Known Member
hahaha, wounded. he should have had it in his bra!.

i wouldn't have the balls to go out in drag fuck that, i'm aleady nearly fighting if somebody holds my gaze for over half a second. fuck some dick trying to take the piss out fo you when you are already clearly taking the piss out of yourself.


Active Member
Lol don wishin ya life away for chop days haha !! Just get him the biggest stripper you can find lol gotta be a bloke stripper over 30 stone near you don lol make the cunt sit on his face while lyin back tied to a chair lmfbo he would neva live it down lad total humiliation


Well-Known Member
Haha yeh he should of lmao...he was wounded but there was about 24 of us so he got sorted out bless him..a few folk took the piss like but most of em loved it especially the strippers haha one of em was whipping arse red raw funny as


Well-Known Member
i got done by a lappy once, at the works do we would normally have a few brasses working the toilets and doing a stage show etc. somebody one year thought it would be a good idea to get strippers instead of proper working girls, i wondered why they were so good loking compared to the usual lot lol.

well i thought i was being billy big bollocks by getting on the stage with them when they asked for a volunteer, big mistake!. i got covered in whipped cream, stripped naked, walked round on a dog lead whilst barking, had ciggys put out on me and whiped by my own belt til my brother had to step and and tell her to stop cause she was gonna draw blood. when the ordeal was over i was like ok, time to suck my nob now and low and behold she laughed pushed me away and said not me love!. they literally got chased out the pub by everybody, i wasn't that bothered at the time cause i'd had a few, i actually enjoyed it truth be told but everybody was raging at how hard she was hitting me. my cousin who organised it was sat at the end of the bar laughing his tits off.

nowadays we do our own thing at christmas, sandys superstars is one great way to start a night out.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
trying to organise this many peeps is going to be a right chew. we'll never get 20 blokes in 1 hotel anywhere. might just see if we can book a big house somewhere remote and blow the flight money on entertainment...


Well-Known Member
it fucking breaks my heart as well m8, i'd love to be working these days just cant find any work locally that is suitable for me, now i sleep most of the day to kill the boredom of being unemployed :(


Well-Known Member
do the thing proper don, trawling the streets in a gang is nothing but trouble, you get split up, knocked back from places etc.

the best nights for me are where you all stay as a group in one plance for the night, anybody who goes missing is a cunt then.