The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Hahahahah touched a nerve have I zedd lmao . Still banging on about how superior co are . Zzzzzzzzzzz . I don't have the luxery of growing as a job as I work a full time job . Just because I grow as a hobby that makes me less qualified to know about growing ? Do me a favour will you . Always on the beg ? Last time I checked begging was asking for something without any intention of paying for it have I ever ever done that nope. I ask on here simply because it worked before . I would do the same if anybody was down my way working .

I have grown seed strains which match co at dry . If you haven't then you need to stop what your doing stop giving out false FACTS ! Your theory is wrong end of because I have proved it wrong & there will be many people out there who disagree with you . Soo stop trying to come across as this superior grower because you ain't . FACT ! !


Well-Known Member
Thats not love, thats a manipulating bitch. Was funny for a moment, but now its just sad. Happy growing lads. outtahere


Well-Known Member
My blue dream an bubba kush flew out the door after about 4 or 5 days drying he wanted it all I had to keep a few oz for me self lol...the stinkiest I've done tho is gth#1 that shit was fucking immense....


Active Member
Fuck me im off for a few hrs and there is bitchin goin on lmao tbf I ve tried the paper bag with the exo and tbh there ay much diffrence than just baggin up wen dry! Still a stench and always will be lol the most its took to dry is around 6 days but that was left in total darkness with fan and 4 inch extraction left on. Now as I do perpitual and dry in flower room there is the fan on all the time and lights on has 4+6inch extraction goin on wen I turn lights off I knock the 6inch off as it is nt needed and I can get it out in 4 days all dependin if its damp or dry outside.


Well-Known Member
he's the only one in here running 1000w per m2, that's the only reason i'll put up with the moaning knowitall cunt.


Well-Known Member
Everyone got their own views and style and leads to a different finished product I've had the hay smell a couple of times only with 1 strain tho and that was Barney's farm blue cheese i will never buy them fuckin beans ever again they were my very first purchase tho...every other strain I've run has been peng apart from freebies but even they were a decent smoke....ain't got a clue bout clone onlies but I do know they were once a seed no???


Well-Known Member
I feel for ya there sae mate what's up is it dry round your way?
Not exactly dry mate, more a case of its damp round here lol, only thing anyone can get hold of is damp musty "cheese" for £240-250, lad i know bought one as didnt realise it was damp, got it home n by the time it was dry was down to 18g


Well-Known Member
Hey lads growing weed is about learning just as much as growing but saying things and then calling it fact when Infact it's far from fact then I'll call you out . This site was where I learned a lot of my growing techniques but with good there is bad & I'm sorry zedd your facts are far from it MATE


Well-Known Member
lost you addy and guessed must have fucked up lol, still got mine?
No mate I delete all e-mails from ppl on here the second they are finished with n i dont keep e-mail addys either just to be on the safe side, will PM ya my e-mail addy as only set it up for using with this site