My first grow guys!


That kerala is not stretching at all lol Idk if that's a good thing or not haha
Depends on the strain and pheno of that individual plant, usually a Sativa will stretch more and some people will start with the lights further from the plant to get a higher stretch (you saw in my soil pictures the stretch on those and the light was less than half a foot from them as seedlings, as soon as I moved them under the 80w cfl the distance between nodes decreased. It is how you want them to grow and your setup that can also determine stretch to a degree on top of their genetics.

You can also see from greenthumbs grow, he is using a T5 light from the looks of it, but if you notice the difference in gap between the buckets and where the light is you have around 2 foot of space, as seedlings with that much space your going to start stretching the plant much more than if you were to put them 4-8inches from the light. He is doing great and in no way is stretch a bad thing just a fact, distance from light and strain equates to how much stretch

see the inernodes (distance between each new leaf growth) in the picture, there is up to an inch or more between them, which is fine but if you were in a reduced height space you would drop the light closer and encourage as short internoding as possible.

This is why outdoors if you let a Cannabis plant naturally develop you would have 20ft high monsters, but you can also see 1metre short bushes, its all based on how you train the plant to grow.


Seedsman sell the original strain from south India, Flying Dutchman (Amsterdam seed company) sell the x. Not positive if seedsman also have done a cross with Skunk#1 genetics tend to be getting around everywhere these days. But consider most seed companies have to grow out around 200 plants of a strain to find the best phenos both male and female and then chop that down to 3-5 breed those males/females out and then find the best phenos, it is good there are so many growers and seed companies providing a wide selection of genetics. On the down side this is why you find some seeds wont germinate or female seeds tend to hermie easier than regular seeds etc.

Female seeds are good as long as your grow conditions are very stable.


There are some methods to determine the sex of a plant early.

But still a little to early for your plants, this method is best done from one of the lower branches once your tops start growing out.

Greens plant in the picture I posted would be fine to determine sex or even a little smaller.

Take a cutting of on of those lower branches, leave all the growth on it and simply place it in a rockwool cube under a humidity dome, mist it once a day and use a CFL light on a 12/12 cycle, it will take up to 7-14 days to show the sex around the leaf growth, it doesn't even need roots, then you just throw it out when the sex shows itself (it isn't a clone that will develop roots its just a cutting)


just don't cut the whole top of the plant off like he did, that's just silly, take a cutting from lower on the plant when its bit bigger as I stated above


Alternative is just waiting for about 40-50 days at least from seed, so its a long veg time before they will show, this is why many people switch plants to flower then check them daily because in flower they will develop signs of sex within first week or two, and you have to pull immediately


Well-Known Member
Alternative is just waiting for about 40-50 days at least from seed, so its a long veg time before they will show, this is why many people switch plants to flower then check them daily because in flower they will develop signs of sex within first week or two, and you have to pull immediately
I'll just wait the 40-50 lol


Yep that or switching to flower are the easier ways (less effort) than the whole cutting process, what he is doing is just to determine sex very young, I guess if you wanted to make a bonsai plant or something this method would maybe save you a week or two but if your not rushed it just seems unnecessary.


Well-Known Member
Yep that or switching to flower are the easier ways (less effort) than the whole cutting process, what he is doing is just to determine sex very young, I guess if you wanted to make a bonsai plant or something this method would maybe save you a week or two but if your not rushed it just seems unnecessary.
I was thinking three more weeks then flower


Yeh they will grow out a lot in 3 weeks, even with my mess up on nutes which probably put me back a week in my hydro this is the new growth since the 1st. Not bad considering their old root system was mostly fried and this is all from the new growth that has formed out of that or roots that have shot out from the stem. The baskets have basically filled with new roots, I figure without error on my part they probably would have gained another inch on top of this in that 5 days or more.

I am not in a rush though, I just want to make sure I get them to the screen (determine the sex of the two WWxS#1 and the two Ice), then start winding them though till I have an even canopy. Flip to 12/12 and hope for some even growth, cut the lower growth as tops form for clones and start those off in my closet system (round two, PLANT!! - sorry could not help the street fighter reference).

Here is the pic I said I would post about the two tops and blackened stem also (sorry its fuzzy the camera focused the wall behind, its late and I forgot to use my hand behind it).

The white widow on the left is kind of bushing out with 8 different tops at the moment so I have no idea how it did that but I'm not going to touch her now and just hope she grows upwards rather than out more, as you can see she is already encroaching on the Ice at the back and getting close to the Sage N Sour at the front. I will consider moving her to the back left tomorrow. I hope for all females but honestly for such a small grow area I think I'm going to have to pull some out otherwise during flower its just going to be to tight. Future grows I think my system would easily suite only 2-3 plants in there, so I can conserve seeds for other grows and have more room for them to spread in the screen, although having this many plants will make it very easy to fill the screen. Just a low yield from each individual strain probably cause there are to many to fit the space. LESSON learned.



just considering pulling one ice the northern lights and darkstar and putting them in my closet grow space to veg out for another 9 weeks, its a long veg time but would mean I could just take a clone of each of the white widows and see which one turns fem if either and take clone of the sage n sour, that way I could have 2 x WWxS#1 an ice and a Sage n sour (4 plants), if the ice turns out male can pull still have 3 plants if both of the ww turn male I still have at least sage n sour fem in there and I could move either the darkstar or the northern lights back in as they are both fem seeds (if they don't hermie).

This would mean I have

WWxS#1 x 2
Ice x 1
Sage n Sour x 1
In cabinet grow
Darkstar x 1
Ice x 1
Norhern Lights x 1
In closet grow

I will see how they turn out fem or male first before I start moving stuff around, when they are an inch from the screen will try to take some cuttings to sex them. Don't want to start feeding through the screen and then find they are male and have to cut all that screening work out then have to refill that space with growth from other plants, would just be to much trouble (I guess a screen works better from clones when you know you have a female plant to start with).


Thinking of transplanting my soil grow into new pots in a week and then moving them outside a week after that, I really am very late in the season so if I don't get them outside in the next couple of weeks I wont be able to get much from them. Will have to hope that they grow enough prior to the winter cold coming, but I don't have much hope in that. Really should have had them outside and hardened off about 1-2 months ago.


Well-Known Member
Thinking of transplanting my soil grow into new pots in a week and then moving them outside a week after that, I really am very late in the season so if I don't get them outside in the next couple of weeks I wont be able to get much from them. Will have to hope that they grow enough prior to the winter cold coming, but I don't have much hope in that. Really should have had them outside and hardened off about 1-2 months ago.
I would like to grow outside but that's just not a possibility here. Lol


Well-Known Member
Supposed to be a bad winter storm here next two days I just hope the power doesn't go out lol


Looking good. Growing outside can both be good for the budget but also a hassle, privacy, security etc. I know a guy who grows outdoors every season, he has 8 different grows and has had to change his style completely. Before he planted many together no problem but these days he plants one plant 20 meters apart from each other and only about 10 in one area. He has 8 different locations because police, thieves, pests, animals etc. So there are definite down sides to gorilla grows, he is happy if he gets 50%, a good year would be 80%. He also had to resort to packing in water as one year he lost 80% because police helicopters flying around rivers spotted many of his grows! forcing him to move away from water sources. All these things make growing outside difficult.

hope the power does not go out for you, it won't be bad for your light cycle as you can just switch the lights back on for 24 hours each day for about 3 days to encourage them to realize it's still not flowering time, this is another way of sexing, you put into 12/12 find the sex and then revert back to veg 24 hours for about a week, but it does stress the plants and slow growth till they get back to a normal cycle.

i guess your bigger issue would be the cold, not sure how you can deal with that, just hope it doesn't go off. I was driving to work the other day and all the traffic lights and power was off in the suburb next to mine, I was like oh great the power went off just after I left home, but apparently it was just that area, so I was lucky


Well-Known Member
they look great .
3 weeks sounds like a long time
to me but that's cuz i only veg
3 to 4 weeks