should insurance company's have to cover the obese

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
An insurance company should cover who they want as long as they and the insured reach a mutual agreement. If there were a free market the rates would be set by supply and demand, not a pack of dickwads that call themselves your leaders.


Well-Known Member
Ask the pear shaped why they start shit and go running to the Mods
RiGHTY RIU Playbook:

Step 1: Start Fight on Interwebs
Step 2: Lie, and talk about how smart you are
Step 3: Repeat step 2 until blue in face
Step 4: Cry to mods when losing
Step 5: Masturbate in pool of own tears.
Step 6: Drown self in bathtub while listening to Amy Whinehouse


New Member
Someone large started a troll thread this morning. Which got me thinking.
Why should insurance companies have to cover fat asses or their mental issues?
And who's going to pay for bunion and age spot coverage for grandma's feet? She broke her toe at a Beatles concert.



Well-Known Member
Does anyone know how to have a conversation anymore?
Conversation? Discussion? Debate? Trollfest?

Conversation comes in many flavors....

I dont think it is realistic to expect anything from this politics forum....


Well-Known Member
Conversation? Discussion? Debate? Trollfest?

Conversation comes in many flavors....

I dont think it is realistic to expect anything from this politics forum....
I hear that. Politics is always a topic that leads to conversational bliss right ? HA HA ya whatever.

I consider myself lucky to have a couple of friends that are intelligent enough to hold some serious conversations with.


Well-Known Member
I hear that. Politics is always a topic that leads to conversational bliss HA HA. whatever.

I consider myself lucky to have a couple of friends that are intelligent enough to hold some serious conversations with.
Go spew your "intelligence" onto them, then. Leave the real talk to the big boys.


Well-Known Member
I hear that. Politics is always a topic that leads to conversational bliss right ? HA HA ya whatever.

I consider myself lucky to have a couple of friends that are intelligent enough to hold some serious conversations with.
It really isnt too bad until Uncle Buck and posse wake up and cause all kinds of shit... Then you just have to log off until he passes out because he feels the need to disrupt every conversation.


Well-Known Member
It really isnt too bad until Uncle Buck and posse wake up and cause all kinds of shit... Then you just have to log off until he passes out because he feels the need to disrupt every conversation.
That's to be found on almost all the public forums.


Well-Known Member
It really isnt too bad until Uncle Buck and posse wake up and cause all kinds of shit... Then you just have to log off until he passes out because he feels the need to disrupt every conversation.
where the hell is the LIKE tab for this this post?