Samwell Seed Well
Well-Known Member
this guys got itIn all honesty, Pad ... I think it's a lost cause. Imo (and the opinion of another whose judgment I've grown to trust implicitly) the big and now intractable problem is the culture of "self-esteem" that has completely divorced acclaim from performance. Today's up&coming generation feels *entitled* to their mistakes, peccadillos and simple lapses of decency. it's their inalienable right ... even by aliens, ~sour smirk~.
Bottom line ... the capacity to fruitfully point out a mistake *depends* on the recipient's capacity to feel even a speck of shame and to want to do it better. That is the thing that we've lost with the "no child left behind" mentality and its Pied Piper entourage of un(??)intended consequences. one tired old bear's view. cn
i always like your post Even If i Dont Agree with em every time
shitty part about the newer entitled generations . . . . . .pretty soon they will be the majority and only their kids will be able to make a change after growing up in a society dominated by people who choose to not accept responsibility for there actions