Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

Don’t touch the super secret intriguing gun …… ok I won’t :o! My old man was a super safe responsible gun owner up to the day he accidentally left one shell chambered in his model 12 after duck hunting and put it in the closet. Little Budley (4years old) found it and pushed on the trigger. Little Budley shot a big giant hole through the ceiling :o! The old man bought a locked gun cabinet after that, I still use 58 years later and have the same model 12.

Thank you for sharing that which could've been a tragedy and another statistic; lived to tell about it stories are what we learn most from.

What would the loss of Little Budley have sown? Your family would've gone on without you heavy friends and colleagues never met- a wife and family never and memories never to be made.

How bad did mom freak? I'm curious because I'm the mom it would've been me.
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the deer there are huge. i live in Tn now, the deer here are the size of german shepherds...i wouldn't bother shooting one unless i was starving

There's something about Minnesota and these other meat/dairy processing states. The men native to Colorado are quite tall and the animals are Hella huge. Had to wait for Elks until the town sheriff came by and whooped whooped the horns they moved their asses back over the fence that was broke.

The ones with horns were as close in size to my Prius.

Florida has Key Deer and it's illegal to hunt them..same size; large dog if that.
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I can't believe you're married to a cop. That's crazy. How long have you guys been together?

We were married for 11 years until they day he was going to hit me over the head with my children's step stool; cornered me in the kitchen wild eyes with said step stool fully engaged over his head..never before had I seen him like this. I know the signs and I wasn't going to be another Dateline episode. Done with walls, doors and anything else he could take his frustrations out on. I filed.
There's something about Minnesota and these other meat/dairy processing states. The men native to Colorado are quite tall and the animals are Hella huge. Had to wait for Elks until the town sheriff came by and whooped whooped the horns they moved their asses back over the fence that was broke.

The ones with horns were as close in size to my Prius.

Florida has Key Deer and it's illegal to hunt them..same size; large dog if that.
they reintroduced elk into the park quite a while ago, and if you go over towards Cade's Cove, you can see them, they sometimes block the road for quite a while. they're huge, but the local deer are the size of fawns in Mn.
Thank you for sharing that which could've been a tragedy and another statistic; lived to tell about it stories are what we learn most from.

What would the loss of Little Budley have sown? Your family would've gone on without you heavy friends and colleagues never met- a wife and family never and memories never to be made.

How bad did mom freak? I'm curious because I'm the mom it would've been me.
They both freaked, mom having two boys was versed in panic lol. Yes it could have been way worse than ceiling repair and a few fishing rods stacked in same closet corner.
they reintroduced elk into the park quite a while ago, and if you go over towards Cade's Cove, you can see them, they sometimes block the road for quite a while. they're huge, but the local deer are the size of fawns in Mn.

They don't move..I'm thinking to make certain the whole herd in the back realizes they're on the move and to stop grazing.
We were married for 11 years until they day he was going to hit me over the head with my children's step stool; cornered me in the kitchen wild eyes with said step stool fully engaged over his head..never before had I seen him like this. I know the signs and I wasn't going to be another Dateline episode. Done with walls, doors and anything else he could take his frustrations out on. I filed.
My cousin was married to a WA State Patrol. He seemed like a cool guy and helped paint my first car and would give me fireworks he'd confiscate from other kids. He was showing me the way back to the highway one time when I had a 280Z and he had a V6 Accord. I was following him at 110MPH at one point, :lol:.

But he eventually got abusive. So my cousin got a divorce. I do know they have a hard job though. He had to deal with a car crash once with a couple dead kids. One reminded him of his daughter and when he got home, he just hugged her and wouldn't let go. That's only one of the stories of the shit those guys have to deal with. Not that there's any excuse for abuse though.
Get them for the kids before they sell out. It's Christmas. What better toy for those young boys to find wrapped in shiny paper under the tree Christmas morning than their own Glock Gel Blaster.

Make sure your child is armed and ready. Available at Walmart. Get it now before they're gone.

Screenshot 2022-12-02 130912.jpg

Get them for the kids before they sell out. It's Christmas. What better toy for those young boys to find wrapped in shiny paper under the tree Christmas morning than their own Glock Gel Blaster.

Make sure your child is armed and ready. Available at Walmart. Get it now before they're gone.

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Somewhere an old cigarette advertising guy is nodding his head knowing that getting them while they are young is where it is at.
I know this isn't what you were intending but I want one of those
No joke, I am having one of those 'kids these days have everything' moments.

I went to look for old cap guns from my childhood, and saw this. It is not hard to imagine all these forty-ish and younger boogaloo boys with their gun fetish starting out with this for Christmas.
Screen Shot 2022-12-02 at 4.56.37 PM.png
No joke, I am having one of those 'kids these days have everything' moments.

I went to look for old cap guns from my childhood, and saw this. It is not hard to imagine all these forty-ish and younger boogaloo boys with their gun fetish starting out with this for Christmas.
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Ya well I remember the lever action smoke gun I had at like 8, figured out you could stuff play doo in it and fire it at my older brother :o! Lol