yellow spots on leaves


Active Member
This is my First grow. Okay....SO I did something really stupid. I found a seed in one of my bags. I got over excited and germinated before I was ready. Long story short, I went outside and got some dirt put the seed in that dirt and got a beautiful little seedling.

Here's the Problem. I started to read more and more about growing and decided to transplant the little seedling (7days growth) to Black Gold Potting soil. Not only that but I also put one of those stupid 10-10-4 flower spikes. Then I read how that was too much for such a little thing (DUH!). So I flushed it with water. It seems to be getting better now but is there more that I can do?

I started it out as a window sill plant. But quickly re-thought that and got a couple of 42w cfl's. I live under my landlord so can't get any higher it the watt department. I've got the bug now and I want to get it right!

Any-hoo, I love this site and hope that someone will hear my cries and HELP!


Well-Known Member
well a few things here. we need to get back to a clean slate. flushing helps with this. you will need to find out the ph of your soil and water your are using. get the ph of both to be between 6.0 - 7.0. no need to give your plant any nutes right now. move the cfls about an inch from the plants and get a fan. also get a timer for your lights and set it for 18 light hours and 6 dark hours. Read this post and check out this post of growing videos.


Active Member
Thank you so much for you reply. Y'all give such great words of wisdom! I am so in awe!

I'm sorry a totally forgot about the fan and timer thing. I did have both of those things going (18/6 on the lighting). Just moved my lights in closer.
I need to get one of those ph meters right away! Are there any other things that I have to get right away? (Aside from a better light, can't use that much energy)

Thank You