yea im a dumbass, wanna help me?


so when it comes to gardening period... im a complete dumbass... i know next to nothing, i water and provide light. In fact i just found out about better soil and nutrients lol.
i took the last hour or so reading the sticky on newbie growing and understood some, and basically was lost and know im still not prepared for anything.

What im looking for (indoors):
Dumbed down version of everything, until i get the hang of lingo and some experience under my belt. Now if i find someone patient enough to deal with me and my 1000+ questions at every turn, i will be happy and it will be greatly appriecated.

on to what i understand:
Germing - Ive read and heard both the freezing and not freezing, the putting in paper towel and wetting, and more recently the shot glass of distilled water in a warm dark humid location. (which is more recommended, i know its open for a lot of discussion, but overall for a newbie) Ive been testing out the pure water and shot glass and letting sit for two days to see if the seed is good and if it sinks, its good (so ive been told)

Planting (soil) - Ive heard everything from metal buckets are a no no, to making your own out of the plastic outdoor ribbed tubing (sorry dont know name, just can describe). I got the planting a seed an inch or so below surface and cover and water etc. i know not to use newts (nutrients) right away (plz correct if wrong) i know the timing 18/6 and 12/12 and understand those. i got the rule of thumb of one foot per gallon bucket.

Growing - i know to water if soil is more dry looking or leaves are looking bad, and not to water when they are turning more i belive yellow ish, its over newted.

Lighting - I know the basics, timing, and can look up the types of lights, but thats it.

Budding - nadda

Cloning - nothing

Current questions (ill try to stay somewhat in order, i apologize if its a lot to handle right away)

Is the germing process i have decent? (shot glass water)
Recommended Soil?
Size pot for starting plant?
Type of bucket recommend?
Color pref? (heard stay away from clear)
about what size till first transplant?
problems to look for?
Early Pest control?
Should i put a thin layer of plastic wrap over top of pot to help strengthen stem?
Problems to look for on stems? Early problems to watch for in general?
At what point should i be lookin for possible cloans?
When should i start adjusting the light timing?
What timing should i be changing the lighting type?
Length away from the plants at stages? *lighting*
Recommended lighting types bulbs and overal set up for small area?
How much light for amounts of plants? (wattage)
pH levels recommended for stages of growth?
Recommended tester for ph and water saturation?
Sex of the plant? (i know the budding give away, but i believe the mid growth is seeing two small growths at the end of a stem connecting to the main stem)
How to know what to start flowering/budding?
Should i always try to cloan then bud/flower?
How do you cloan?
What solutions would i use?
Can you do cloan using soil? or only the wool blocks?
How to harvest? best way?
Drying? Hang to dry?
Climate needed for drying?
How to know when its time to harvest?

These are the questions i can think ive had over the last 2 months of trying without research, im sure once things are being explained ill have 50 more lol.
I do good with pics aswell. Even if someone is willing to pm me back and forth that would be ok too.


ps all for indoor growing, currently testing things out on mids, once i get the grasp on things ill move on up, if it means anything i am a cert MI patient and my own caregiver (cert caregiver aswell for others) so this is possibly looking to grow bigger aswel.


Well-Known Member
Every single question is answered in the stickies or can be found with a quick search.


Well-Known Member
slow down jr. one step at a time. why don't you start off by telling us what you have and want. for starters, what's your grow area like?

so when it comes to gardening period... im a complete dumbass... i know next to nothing, i water and provide light. In fact i just found out about better soil and nutrients lol.
i took the last hour or so reading the sticky on newbie growing and understood some, and basically was lost and know im still not prepared for anything.

What im looking for (indoors):
Dumbed down version of everything, until i get the hang of lingo and some experience under my belt. Now if i find someone patient enough to deal with me and my 1000+ questions at every turn, i will be happy and it will be greatly appriecated.

on to what i understand:
Germing - Ive read and heard both the freezing and not freezing, the putting in paper towel and wetting, and more recently the shot glass of distilled water in a warm dark humid location. (which is more recommended, i know its open for a lot of discussion, but overall for a newbie) Ive been testing out the pure water and shot glass and letting sit for two days to see if the seed is good and if it sinks, its good (so ive been told)

Planting (soil) - Ive heard everything from metal buckets are a no no, to making your own out of the plastic outdoor ribbed tubing (sorry dont know name, just can describe). I got the planting a seed an inch or so below surface and cover and water etc. i know not to use newts (nutrients) right away (plz correct if wrong) i know the timing 18/6 and 12/12 and understand those. i got the rule of thumb of one foot per gallon bucket.

Growing - i know to water if soil is more dry looking or leaves are looking bad, and not to water when they are turning more i belive yellow ish, its over newted.

Lighting - I know the basics, timing, and can look up the types of lights, but thats it.

Budding - nadda

Cloning - nothing

Current questions (ill try to stay somewhat in order, i apologize if its a lot to handle right away)

Is the germing process i have decent? (shot glass water)
Recommended Soil?
Size pot for starting plant?
Type of bucket recommend?
Color pref? (heard stay away from clear)
about what size till first transplant?
problems to look for?
Early Pest control?
Should i put a thin layer of plastic wrap over top of pot to help strengthen stem?
Problems to look for on stems? Early problems to watch for in general?
At what point should i be lookin for possible cloans?
When should i start adjusting the light timing?
What timing should i be changing the lighting type?
Length away from the plants at stages? *lighting*
Recommended lighting types bulbs and overal set up for small area?
How much light for amounts of plants? (wattage)
pH levels recommended for stages of growth?
Recommended tester for ph and water saturation?
Sex of the plant? (i know the budding give away, but i believe the mid growth is seeing two small growths at the end of a stem connecting to the main stem)
How to know what to start flowering/budding?
Should i always try to cloan then bud/flower?
How do you cloan?
What solutions would i use?
Can you do cloan using soil? or only the wool blocks?
How to harvest? best way?
Drying? Hang to dry?
Climate needed for drying?
How to know when its time to harvest?

These are the questions i can think ive had over the last 2 months of trying without research, im sure once things are being explained ill have 50 more lol.
I do good with pics aswell. Even if someone is willing to pm me back and forth that would be ok too.


ps all for indoor growing, currently testing things out on mids, once i get the grasp on things ill move on up, if it means anything i am a cert MI patient and my own caregiver (cert caregiver aswell for others) so this is possibly looking to grow bigger aswel.


Grow area is a smaller area, would estimate 3-4ft wide by 8-9ft long, reflective surfaces on all the walls, hanging lamp, (overall its a closet i completely converted, the best i could while being a newbie)

I have a smaller light source currently, but may be upgrading very soon to the blue spectrum type of light (free of charge, woot woot), i have a few fans to use to help circulate the air and control the temp, i have water i leave on top of the fridge to allow the bleach to die off so it doesnt damage the leaves/plant, and i just recently got miracle grow soil and newts, but after re-reading the sticky about growing within this topic, i realize that was a bad choice :(


Active Member
What lights do you plan on using?
Where are you growing?

I'll help you out every step of the way, just PM when you have the priveleges to do so


honestly, i do not have much, i simply aquired some mids with seeds, stored the seeds, half in fridge, 1/4 in freezer, and 1/4 on counter in prescip bottle, and did a few test runs without something more than just soil from outside and bought a few items, now that im certified, i want to take this seriously


everything you need to know is here man you just got to browse and read! read! read! and re read!
i see that, i just got lost and then confused and didnt even know where to begin at all.. i know im making people either repete things or redirect me, i just have no idea where to begin on a site this indepth... most definitly some helpfull people here, its great :)


Is it Metal Halide? High Pressure Sodium? Compact Fluorescent? Regular incandescent light?
one i have currently i believe is a small metal halide, but could be wrong (the light i have was basically something i found that could produce uv rays and heats and wouldnt start a fire, one i may be recieving from a family member is a hps (apparently he paid like 800+ in like 97 so its a good light i suppose?)


Well-Known Member
don't get scared of the mg soil, that's what i use and i have great results. just leave those nutes alone for the first 4 weeks or so. what type of light you are using? there is a great section on here for cfl's if your on a budget. keep in mind that the bigger the light the bigger the heat issues.


ok, after taking a quick min to look at the bulb and quickly look it up on google, its a halogen, nothign special, but when i started i had $6 to work with lol, right now im on a $100 or so budge till the end of the month, then opitions open up a little bit


Well-Known Member
ok, after taking a quick min to look at the bulb and quickly look it up on google, its a halogen, nothign special, but when i started i had $6 to work with lol, right now im on a $100 or so budge till the end of the month, then opitions open up a little bit
You need a new light, halogens are worthless.