Wilting leaves


Well-Known Member
So i just put her under my hps, got a little hot in there last night so thats pretty much my diagnosis but would like to hear what other people have to say, any chance of a survival?


Active Member
Doesn't look to bad. Think she will be OK. Just give her some recovery time and try not to cook her again.



Active Member
So i just put her under my hps, got a little hot in there last night so thats pretty much my diagnosis but would like to hear what other people have to say, any chance of a survival?
Hi , No doubt you're right. Just wondering tho what your watering pattern is? Sometimes extra wet roots will cause leaf droop too. Did it perk back up after a while despite the heat and how hot was it anyway? Happy Gardening! GrowIT!:weed:


Well-Known Member
it was extremely hot im pretty certain its the heat, before i put her under the hps she was under cfls and looked perfectly fine, shes starting to perk up a little now that shes back under the cfls but still looking bad


Active Member
Yeah, then I agree with your take on it....now one more thought....how are her roots developing? Often times a weak root system or under developed one will not be able to keep up with the evaporation demand put on it by a hotter light. (can you see hairs out of the drain hole in the pot yet?) I recommend using a little bloom food with your starts regular food, helps ensure root growth. (a little B-1 with yucca will help as well) (also don't forget that potting soils only have a month or so of nutrient and then you need to feed.) People used to come to me all the time at the garden center I worked at and ask why their tomatos were wilting in the mid day sun. Usually it was associated with over watering and under feeding. Too frequent a watering schedual drowned and reduced the size of the root mass, also flushed nutrients away from the root zone. The result was not enough 'straws' sucking water when the heat was on the plants so they wilted during the day. The real test was when the sun went down did they recover...if yes then they had plenty of water just not enough roots to meet demand at peak heat times. If not....well then they were just a bit too dry and need more water... As you probably already know, rule of thumb for watering in soil is to let the top half of the root ball dry before watering again. IF you're watering and the surface or just beneath the surface is still wet it's too soon to water and you should wait. I used to mark when I watered on the calender and then let the plant and roots dry to just barely wilting and then I'd subtract a day and that was about the right watering pattern. Anyway good luck, it looks like no worries! Happy gardening! GrowIT!


Well-Known Member
ya thanks, shes looking much better now...leaves have perked up alot since this morning..i really believe it was just to hot, it blew me away when i opened the door this morning with how hot it was, i need to start thinking about repotting but i do not believe this is the cause of my root system..good thing to take into consideration though