Will this some what stress or stunt the growth of my plants?

un named

Active Member
Long story short i germed my seeds had it under a 400 watt hps for 18 hours 4 two days and then swapped it to cfl's since i made a shitty veg case. They were on for 12 hours then off for 2 hours and now being back on for another hour and a half they will be turning off for 9 hours and then it will be back to 18/4 light schedule. (all this changing has reasons even if they were stupid reasons) lol but yer thanks for any feedback
i would not stress, your plants will be fine i would think
smart not to have your seedlings under 400 hps too, lots of wasted light they cant use


Active Member
yea should be fine. just dnt make a habit of it. guessing timer problems. mine went during flower and didnt have issues so dnt worrybongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Yeh i went through 2 shitty timers which died in the arse during 12/12 and saw no ill effects. You will be fine this early in the game but like mrblue said dont make a habit of it. Get a heavy duty timer (especially if you dont have one at all and thats why the scheduale was all over the shop). You will be right. What are ya growin by the way??