Will she do it with herself

milk man

Active Member
OK I cant wait to hear the opinions on this one. When I first put it to flower I thought it was a male I took it out of the flower room and watched it for a few days. I looked again and saw female flowers thought I was wrong put it back to flower. A few days latter I wondered could this be the dreded hermi. Let me know your thoughts. Logging out for the night but cant wait to hear your thoughts.hermi 007.jpg

hermi 009.jpg

hermi 010.jpg

hermi 005.jpg


Well-Known Member
Its hard to say even when I zoom in on the pictures... I wouldn't take it out of flower quiet yet tho... Not till I was sure. If it is a hermie you can always cut the pollon sacks off with a exacto knife


Well-Known Member
It looks like a hermie to me. That sucks as it is pretty rare to get one. If you can, separate it from the other plants as not to pollinate them. I really wouldn't mess with the pollen sacks as they may open with figidy hands.

milk man

Active Member
Thanks to all the good comments. fdd2blk I didnt interrup the light cycle I took it out of the flower room but it still was under 12/12 I think it is a hermi. I really doubt that you can turn a plant to a hermi by changing the light cycles twice. If so we better not put our plants under 12/12 for 2 weeks to sex them and then put the girls back to veg! I dont have the room or time to fool with it. I will give it a few more days and look into nuttering it. Thanks again