will my girls turn hermi?


Active Member
the timer that i got was working fine untill one day i went to check on them and the light was on! im 2 weeks in flower and for the last two days they have been getting about 15-16 hours of light because the timer doesn't work anymore. it spins and makes that clicking sound it always makes and the light is on when the pins are not pushed down. (pushed down means light on) Pls help im super worried that I just wasted all this money because ive been told they will probably hermi now.


Active Member
thanks you for your help! more feedback would be appreciated. They are so beautiful and perfect. Just to have them ruined because my timer stopped working would be so brutal!


Active Member
Id move the on off time to a time you can just unplug and plug in the light until you can get a new timer. If it is already then just manually turn it on and off for now.


Active Member
well yeah im manually turning the light off at 9am and back on at 9 pm. i woke up at 1pm today to find the light on. so i immediately turned it off.


Active Member
Anyone know in their past experiences if this has caused your crop to hermi with two days of wrong lighting?

need words of comfort...


Active Member
I wouldn't worry.

Mostly it depends on the strain and the specific traits that plant has, however, most can handle a few days. Any more stressors in the short term will increase the risk.

And yes I've had a couple interrupted sleep schedules with no issues. I currently have one that's closing in on 6 weeks of flower that was crushed. Nearly split in two pieces and most of those being folded in half or nearly ripped of in the case of one bud. And it's not showing any signs of herming. 5-6 bottom buds were seeded, however, I'm uncertain if that does help in staving off herm's.

Edit: for superstitious paranoid moment. "Knock on wood" it's not showing any signs of herming at the moment.


Well-Known Member
about four years ago I was growing a skunk cross. I had to move, and their light cycle was off during normal daylight hours, I had moved them with 3 plastic bags over each one to ensure no light got in. This was 7-8 weeks into flower.

I got them into the new house then while traveling back to my old house had been pulled over and had pot on me...bla bla..went to jail for 3 days!

3 days while under plastic bags. When I got home I ripped them off ......finished them out. no hermi.

I have also been in the same situation as you while I was growing querkle, for 5 days they received 24 hour light, never hermed on me.

I really believe its strain dependent as shadeslay said. It's really all up to exactly how much stress the strain can withstand.


Active Member
well i have one blackberry and 3 strawberry diesel. i dropped the ball again today and got up 3 hours after the light was supposed to be off. (my last day off from work) so i slept in not thinking about the fact i woke up at 8:55 thinking i should go turn that light off. but woke at 12:30 and turned it off. im getting a new timer today so hopefully it all works out. So its been 3 days where it has gotten 15-16 hours of light now.

so i just tested my timer out on a different outlet it works fine i go and put it back in the same outlet it was in earlier and plug the light back in and it doesnt come on! which is what its supposed to be right now. So i dont know if it will work tonight but lets all hope. ill put some pics in for sure.

Green Apple

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't let it go much longer slexdex (why push your luck...lol), but you should be fine. How do you like the strawberry diesel? I just started flowering 6 of them (looking great so far). Is yours from holysmoke? Good luck with your grow.


Active Member
I'm actually not having much success with the strawberry diesel. They are moving sooo slow. The first few weeks there was noticeable growth everyday. Now they dont get any taller or fatter. The buds are gonna take like 12 weeks just to mature. The blackberry is doing amazing. Wish I had more of those. Check my current grow linked through my signature to see for yourself!

ps. I got the strawberry diesel from a buddy as a clone.