will a male plant produce decent smoke?


Well-Known Member
yep one of my grrrls aint I just found male sacs forming and pinched them all off....shoot..thing is this is a nice bushy three foot tall KC33... can I keep pinching off the sacs as they form and get decent enough bud? or is it a total loss?
thanks for the help!


Well-Known Member
its a total loss, kill it NOW , you will not get all the sacks and will end up will seeds all over the place


Active Member
well dude theres a couple things..

1. kill the bastard if a fer sure male. he could ruin the whole project.
2. if the sacks on female (aka hermie) pinch and save sacks b4 they open. later pollonate same strain with the FEMALE POLLEN and get some nice FEMINIZED seeds.

if u do that seperate into another room.


Active Member
male plants dont produce buds , female plants only make buds , hermie make both, kill the male and or hermie before he fucks your girls

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
male plants dont produce buds , female plants only make buds , hermie make both, kill the male and or hermie before he fucks your girls
Yeah thats pretty much it^^

Next time you could try using Sensa spray at an earlier age to increase your chances of getting females.