why arent the buds forming?

the plant is into her 3rd week of flowering and the hairs have turned reddish already. over night they went from white to reddish most of them but no buds have even really grown yet i can see maybe couple lil buds but the plant has potential to carry atleast 2 ounces its like 5ft so can anyone help me out or anyone same experience?
yo ,nah theyre definately female and theres 2 but i have no clue what strain coz its bagseeds but i know its a mainly a sativa. its under a 400wt hps and using this random nute brand i know its not the best nutes for flowering although its supposed to be but i dont think its really the nutes because we used same nutes for another grow and they grew big buds soo yeh im stuck
oh true yeh they in 3rd/4th week but why are the hairs turnin red already its pretty much 70% reds isnt that a sign they are ready? thats why im puzzled out oh i forgot to mention they dont smell like buds usually do its got this manure sorta smell but its growing in perlite and to mexsinsemila its on 12/12 light cycle and i dont know bout ph but the plant looks healthy also i did have another plant and it died it looked like wat happens when u get root rot but when i pulled it out the roots where white as they get that also puzzled me out but that gone now i just dont wanna lose the other 2, im always unluky when i get happy shit its bullshit haha


Well-Known Member
amber colored trichs are what you look for to see if your plant is done, alot of times bagseeds have unstable genetics and this sounds like what it is, have you grown any of these particular bagseeds before?
nah no light leaks i try my best not to let any light in, sumtimes a bit of light may travel in from the other room but its still pretty much pitch dark u cant see the plants so most likely not due to light leak (its in a built in robe btw)
and no i havent grown any of those seeds before, i have a feeling you might be right with the unstable genetics part beacuse i had another one in there which was also female and it randomly just died, it had the symptoms for underwatering or overwatering but it wasnt either of those and then i thought must be root rot but when i took it out the roots seemed ok


Well-Known Member
ya im gunna say unstable genetics, the bagseed im growing right now refuses to get passed the sprout level in miracle grow soil but thrives in literally any other soil. thats the thing about bagseed though, you dont know what your gunna get, but hey thats why they came in a bag of dank instead of costing you more money so you can practice before you move onto the good stuff


it dont matter if the hairs turn orange has long has new pitals are forming be patiant
thanks for reassurance dudes i already got alot of shit not goin good for me i need these bitches to come through for me lol
thought id share the good and bad news
good news is one of the plants is startin to grow buds but bad news is the other one turned out to be a hermi which i should of spotted and asked about earlier but knowing my luck the other one making progress is probably now infected by the hermi, shit happens ay anyways il let know what the outcome is with the last one standing later on the week if anyone interested