why are the top leaves upturned?

what up? i have a problem that i need quick help with. the top leaves on my 5week old marijuana plant are upturned like they are praising the light. if i had pics i know it would be better, but i dont. she has a good bud formming but the sourrounding leaves look crazy.i think bleach got into my res. this is my 1st 12/12 from seed and she already had a stretchy start. i already changed the rs. but will that do it.? ne advice would be usful.
it took some doing but i found out that it was heat stress and since i reduced the light it brought the heat way down and the leaves are looking like they should i think! @brimck325 i was using a 6light fluoro panel with mixed spectrum tubes, and 6 2700k 26 watt cfls, and 1 20 watt full spectrum cfl, but ive since turned the fluoros off, and kept the cfls. i heard that cfls wont burn your plants but learned thats a lie. my girl grew into the 20watter and burnt her top, she recovered as with everything else that shes been through! shes truly a rider.