Well-Known Member
Do you have a link to support this accusation?Naw ... O'Bama is a speed freak. Palin, on the other hand ...
Do you have a link to support this accusation?Naw ... O'Bama is a speed freak. Palin, on the other hand ...
I am not trying to tell you who to vote for but I would point out that Obama has gotten a lot of young people like myself fired up about politics. Something I NEVER gave two shits about. It would be cool for my generation to have our "defining moment" and give someone fresh a chance. Then we all just cross our fingers and hope that he can deliver. Plus you have to give Barack some credit, at least when asked about smoking pot he said "I inhaled, I thought that was kind of the point." In my opinion writing in our voting independent would not really help although you are obviously entitled to do so. Peace.i "like" obama, but it's just the flip side of the other guy. if fact, lately, both sides seems to be saying the same thing. "change".
i could "write in" or vote independent to "send a message", but will it really help?
what to do, what to do.
Yes, it would really help. I don't know how many other websites you use, but I'm gonna be a broken record on this one, if all the people who were voting for Obama simply because they detest McCain were to write in Ron Paul, The Establishment would be sorely shaken up. The only votes that can be tossed are those that are writing in an unqualified candidate.i "like" obama, but it's just the flip side of the other guy. if fact, lately, both sides seems to be saying the same thing. "change".
i could "write in" or vote independent to "send a message", but will it really help?
what to do, what to do.
Bong, how do you explain the Democrat dominated house and Senate passing the very legislation that's what is fucking us now?I'm not a young person, but I'm still firmly for Obama. I've done some canvassing and other volunteer work, donated some money, and bought some merchandise to give him a bit more money yet. I've actually never been this involved before, but then, I've never seen this country in such sorry shape before. The Republicans did huge damage to this country, especially in the six years that they controlled everything, and I'll do whatever I can to prevent four more years of walking down this road.
I don't mind the poll being like it is. The write-ins and third party guys aren't going to win, so they're almost irrelevant. Not quite totally irrelevant, because in a close race they could tip the scales from Obama to McCain, or vice versa. But they're as close to irrelevant as one can get without being *completely* irrelevant. Just having one choice for 'other' is really enough.
Why would anyone not voting for McBush or Obama even go out and vote? If you're a Ron Paul guy, then *not* voting for McBush is the effect your vote would have, and you can accomplish that from bed while smoking a phatty. Same goes for Barr and the rest -- your vote for them doesn't matter, it's your *lack* of a vote for one of the potential winners that matters, and you need not exert any effort or spend any time *not* to vote. If I wasn't going to vote for Obama or McBush, I'd personally just stay in bed and get wasted.
Yes, it would really help. I don't know how many other websites you use, but I'm gonna be a broken record on this one, if all the people who were voting for Obama simply because they detest McCain were to write in Ron Paul, The Establishment would be sorely shaken up. The only votes that can be tossed are those that are writing in an unqualified candidate.
I haven't been through the politics kitchen or Toke n Talk, but has anyone posted about Obama's efforts to convince the Iraqi government to DELAY agreement on U.S. troop withdrawal? He wants to make Bush & Co. look bad, damn the casualties.
If it hasn't been posted, let me know, I'll find the story. I think it was in the New York Times.
Dank ...Do you have a link to support this accusation?
Hmm..like how? i don't get it. any scenario? it's still gonna leave us with Obama or McCain. but shaken up, right? and then, ........................ ?
so is he a bad guy for doing coke or a good guy for being honest about it?Dank ...
Its been how many years? And you have to ask that question? Why do you continue to doubt me? You should know better by now. ~lol~
O'Bama's cocaine use is documented in his book. He admitted it. Here's a link: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/01/02/AR2007010201359_pf.html
Hmm.., yet another good question (by the way, it appears that entrance/exit pollsters do not ask for any personal information).
Well, for one thing, it would make the races much, much closer. Because the vote would be more divided up it would mean that no one candidate could (or would, usually) be the "landslide" winner. This would require a closer examination of the votes themselves. For another thing, when the people show true support not for that which is presented to the people as the only viable option(s), then the demand will be filled, if that makes sense, because in some ways our government is a microcosm of capitalism. By that I mean that, somewhat like companies marketing in ways that bring the customers, politicians speak to their constituents. Just look at all the wrangling that happens during election years, the legislation, etcetera.
Kudos to him for admitting it before it becomes a campaign issue. Same with Palin admitting to smoking weed. Neither one makes one a good person though. Not saying that it makes one a bad person ... just that it, in itself, doesn't turn a person into a good person.so is he a bad guy for doing coke or a good guy for being honest about it?