White Widow Vs White Widow


Well-Known Member
Greenhouse Seeds is by far my favorite.

I always get good results when I use their seeds and everyone of their strains is great. They are really not that expensive either. So yeah on this one especially I say go with the original! :)


New Member
clones aren't mutually exclusive. they go where you take them, as much as you take them. since the break-up of GH with apparently several ex-employees being so bitter, don't you think with a green house full of clones (even the males) some may "walk away".

just a thought.


Active Member
what a waste of a post.

im going to go with the orginial here as while my white widow is good - it's not as good as it should be. it's from nirvana.
This isnt a wasted post i wan't to know the same question. I have Green House Widow seeds i went with them because thee are the original breeders. I,ve smoked whats supposed to be white widow but half the time i barly get a buzz.Its the old looks good smells good but don't do shit.


Active Member
nirvana also has their top strains... ive heard nothing but good stuff from their bubblecious, aurora indica, raspberry cough. low ryder


Well-Known Member
Green House is a GREAT company. Always Trust the Original!
get the fuck outta here o god what a comedian lol. always trust the original lol. arjan runs that shit of a company now and he did not make the original.


Well-Known Member
i did 2 pax of duch passion reg. white widow seeds couple yrs ago and got huge yields and very hashy sweet tastin weed.


New Member
i got mine from marijuana-seeds nl. i will let you know..
Thats where I got mine and I have to say this is the most amazing plant Ive seen much less ever grown. Its about 4 to 10 days untell I chop the top half of the plant. Ill let the bottom buds fatten up for about two weeks and Ill ether pull her or reveg her. The buds on this plant are bigger, have the less leaf and the most crystals of anything Ive ever seen. These buds look much better then the pic on there site!!


Well-Known Member
my widow is an F2 knockoff from bcseedking....I'd put it up against ANY widow! the 'cherry pez' is the shiznaticus rex! it makes believers! and it's my favorite smell EVER! there may be some pheno, from the original guy(ingemar? shanti?) that is a little better, but I doubt it, 'cause cherry pez really kicks some serious ass for being only 40%sativa.


I got some widows in the works right now from none other than........hold your breath....bcseeds. I'm still in veg though but they look to be legit so far. I so feel like I'm treading uncharted waters so I've had my fingers crossed this entire grow haha. I'm gonna try another companies' version someday to compare the results. If this goes good I may be immortalized as the young buck who wasn't scared to give bcseeds a shot lol haha maybe not but I can always dream.....


Well-Known Member
the name of the game is PHENOS...you get your pheno, you clone the livin' shit out of it. it's that simple...the only problem is the time it takes. I bet that any joe schmo F2 seed pack will contain at least one keeper(often more), and at least one of those will be damn close to the 'original'...the beauty of the F2 is variety. I can dissect a strain for a favored trait. a good example would be 'super star' by delta 9. you can take 'established' strains in any direction...it just takes time, and imagination...I'm also not a big believer in clone only: sure the original is a one of a kind, but after it's been backcrossed, a very close pheno can be found. also, it doesn't mean it's the end all- be all of that strain;again, super star being better than the original sensi star. my money is on pheno's of my personal crosses, like mungo jerry- she's not gonna' be the fastest, highest, biggest or whatever..what she is- UNIQUE- one of a kind...not bad all 'round; but exceptional taste. I like having something no one else has. kinda' makes me feel special.:dunce:


Active Member
grew some regular seeds from dutch passion WW it was okay i guess it depends on the pheno! I liked their Oasis better!