White Widow, Northern Lights, & Auto Ak47 Grow


Active Member
Waddup Im hella excidted for this grow. Im pretty high :leaf::bigjoint: I just got started on the germination process of my seeds. I am growing 1 white widow(feminized), 1 autoflowering ak47, and 1 or 2 Northern Lights. I am just germinating white widow and ak47 because i dont have enough lights yet. I am growing this in a Refridgerator, lol. I completley gutted it, took out the motor and tank on the bottom, washed it and made it look brand new. Then I drilled a Hole at the top of the referidgerator part. I put 1 CFL above vertical and one hanging down along the back side wall so it can get to the undersides of leaves & stems. I plan ong getting 2 or 3 more lights, CFL's. 23 watt. Idk Im wondering what lights i should use, help me out so I can have a sucessful grow. I will put a fan in there to circulate air throughout the space, should i do intake/outake? Im also wondering if I should do a 12/12 or 18/6 light cycle knowing that auto ak47 grows in any on/off schedule and will be done before WW & Northen Lights. I dont plan on really using any nutes, unless you would reccommend it. I havent tooken pictures yet, Im going to upload some pictures of my setup tommarow. I am going to stick with this grow, unlike my other one, I ended moving to a different city and I had no choice but to kill my plant :"'(( I was doing a stealth grow and didnt have a choice.

I am glad I knew of this site, because there is such good helpful people to help you through every aspect of this adventureee :wink: Please Help me complete my first successful grow.


Active Member
Woke up today and it looks like my seeds are aboutaa pop lol. I just got done building my setup. I took pictures so you can see what im working with. I have 3 CFL's. should I get more? I also have a fan in there to circulate the air. Im planning on planting them tonight, im waiting for the seeds to have ther little tale. Using Miracle Grow, i used it on my last grow and it worked excelltent.



Active Member
Update: 1:00 PM 10/11

My Auto AK47 has revealed its tap root, but my white widow has not yet.
I put both seeds in a cup of water, so my auto ak47 tap root can get a lil longer.
If my WW does not germinate by the end of today im going to plant my auto ak47.
I also plan on starting the germination of my Northern Lights either today or tommmarow.