Where are the crystals on my Big Bud????


Active Member
I just added a few pics so if you get a chance, please take a look at them and let me know what you guys think...


Well-Known Member
Natrone is right, you have a problem with lighting. either you don't have them low enough or you have old bulbs or are covering way too much area with them or something.

The stretching on those girls is insane!


Well-Known Member
There is a way to fix those if you are brave. You need to double them over and get them closer together if you can, and shrink your room and the height of the plants and drop the lights as low as possible.

You may be able to tie a string to the tops and bend them all the way over and tie the top down to the top of the pot but if they aren't flexible enough you'll have to crush the stems in one area between your fingers to get them flexible enough to bend over.

They'll still grow and be fine if you do it right.

How far away are the lights from the tops, how tall are the plants, how big is the grow space, and is there reflective material close in to the plants?


Active Member
I dont know wtf is going on with these plants... i started the lights literally 12 inches above the plants, just enough so that it would not fry them... they instantly grew insanely fast and directly into the light, i have to keep moving the light up in order to avoid burning the shit out of them... it doesnt make any sense... i can either burn the shit out of them or have them stretch like crazy... i dont get it...


Active Member
How far away are the lights from the tops - MAYBE 8-10 Inches

how tall are the plants - 3 to 4 Feet

how big is the grow space - HUGE (10x12 room)

and is there reflective material close in to the plants - They are sitting on mylar reflector material and the walls behind them are pained flat white...


Active Member
So you think i should literally bend the plants over and tie them up so that the tops are facing the gorund and then lower the lights? i don't get it?