When to Flower?


Well-Known Member
I'm currently growing a single marijuana plant and it is 34 days old. Will I get a good amount of buuud if I flower now? Or should I leave 'er in veg for a bit longer?

day 32 (13).jpgday 32 (14).jpgday 32 (12).jpg


Well-Known Member
All depends on the space you have. If you flower now you will have a decent amount of bud. But if you have the space, time and lighting to veg longer..go head and do the damn thing. she looks great by the way rep+. Either way your winning!


Well-Known Member
thnks for the advive cannaboy! I think I'll veg for around 2 more weeks and then flower. And thanks haha, shes a bit mutated though, for some reason the node that coming in right now is triploid, It'll be interesting to see how she fairs in flowering.


Well-Known Member
Would it help alot if I fimmed a couple of the secondary growth now and let it veg for 1-2 more weeks and then flowered her? I think that way the cola's from the secondary shoots would be alot fatter