When should I turn these puppies


Well-Known Member
I repotted these today, into TERRAZILLA grow soil (anyone used this?). They have been vegging for one week now, Ive been feeding them water and Rhiozone by Canna (root grow), about 500ml every 3days (not getting any run off?!). They were clones, the small ones root structure is about the size of a golf ball, whereas the larger takes the whole pot (both have had frequent abuse and left the nursery early). Would it be suggested to let them train the whole way around the pots edge before turning? And how do I know if I should add nutes if the soil already has them?!

Cheers guys



Active Member
I repotted these today, into TERRAZILLA grow soil (anyone used this?). They have been vegging for one week now, Ive been feeding them water and Rhiozone by Canna (root grow), about 500ml every 3days (not getting any run off?!). They were clones, the small ones root structure is about the size of a golf ball, whereas the larger takes the whole pot (both have had frequent abuse and left the nursery early). Would it be suggested to let them train the whole way around the pots edge before turning? And how do I know if I should add nutes if the soil already has them?!

Cheers guys
Looking good! Nice plants! To answer your question...Switching them to flower kind of depends on how tall you can grow them. Assuming you're indoors as the pics suggest and height is limited then I'd start flowering them at the first sign of multiple branches. In general they'll grow anywhere from 12 to 24 inches when started to flower this early ( I do this and get about 1.5 oz's per avg. 18inch plant (each plant has 3 to 4 good colas). Rooting will progress rapidly as you fertilize with flowering nutes (the phosphorus and potassium are root food)
With no indoor height restrictions I'd veg them for a month or so until well rooted and branched feeding them growth food, then at about 18 to 24 inches switch them to 12 & 12hours of light and watch as they elongate a bit more and stack on the buds finishing at around 30 to 36 inches about 8 weeks later.
More vegitative growth/height than this seems a waste of time and plant energy. Taller plants don't necesarily make a lot more bud, well branched ones do. Taller takes time & = a slower turn around. I like to rotate 3 at a time, meaning cut 3 clones, move 3 rooted clones to flower, harvest 3 mature plants. Because I flower them after 2 weeks of vegitative growth i.e. 5 inches tall, I can harvest 3 plants every 2 weeks on a regular basis...I can't smoke it fast enough at that rate...though I try :mrgreen:.
Out doors naturally they just do their thing. I still try to form as many bud sites as possible by bending and pinching tho.
Hope this helps, Happy Gardening! GrowIT!:weed:



Well-Known Member
Looking good! Nice plants! To answer your question...Switching them to flower kind of depends on how tall you can grow them. Assuming you're indoors as the pics suggest and height is limited then I'd start flowering them at the first sign of multiple branches. In general they'll grow anywhere from 12 to 24 inches when started to flower this early ( I do this and get about 1.5 oz's per avg. 18inch plant (each plant has 3 to 4 good colas). Rooting will progress rapidly as you fertilize with flowering nutes (the phosphorus and potassium are root food)
With no indoor height restrictions I'd veg them for a month or so until well rooted and branched feeding them growth food, then at about 18 to 24 inches switch them to 12 & 12hours of light and watch as they elongate a bit more and stack on the buds finishing at around 30 to 36 inches about 8 weeks later.
More vegitative growth/height than this seems a waste of time and plant energy. Taller plants don't necesarily make a lot more bud, well branched ones do. Taller takes time & = a slower turn around. I like to rotate 3 at a time, meaning cut 3 clones, move 3 rooted clones to flower, harvest 3 mature plants. Because I flower them after 2 weeks of vegitative growth i.e. 5 inches tall, I can harvest 3 plants every 2 weeks on a regular basis...I can't smoke it fast enough at that rate...though I try :mrgreen:.
Out doors naturally they just do their thing. I still try to form as many bud sites as possible by bending and pinching tho.
Hope this helps, Happy Gardening! GrowIT!:weed:
Im going to lst them so may let them grow another 2 weeks. Should i foliar feed them the nutes I have? (Buzilla veg A+B) and if so how often

thanks a million!


Active Member
Im going to lst them so may let them grow another 2 weeks. Should i foliar feed them the nutes I have? (Buzilla veg A+B) and if so how often

thanks a million!
Hi, Your welcome! *warning epic follows*
I'd hold off on foliar feeding untill they have 6 branches (lots of leaves and hardened off to the light) I generally don't foliar feed. If I do it's with a seaweed extract which helps do preventative protection as well as feeds. I'd stay away from hormones, Super thrive, VF-11, etc and other urban myths. get the basic gardening down THEN experiment.
I grow great plants and buds with Earth Juice and nothing else. When I take them from the clone room I dunk them in Neem 2 just to help them through the initial couple weeks in the flower room (this time of year theres fungus, summer time theres mites Neem2 kicks butt) then I treat ailments with what ever is available and is ORGANIC.
Anyway see how you do with just straight gardening so then you've got something to compare to when you start trying performance enhancing things.
Watch out for over fertilization and over watering. Hydroponicly I cut the recomended nutrient dosages by half and work up from there. The manufacture recomendations are usually a tad too strong.
Gardening in soil is a little different in that you may not want to feed every time you water as the fertilizer can build up in the soil and cause 'salt' issues. I feed every other time or third time outdoors, still diluting, depends on drainage. For soil indoors the same is true, over fertilizing leads to salt build up in the soil.
Let me under line drying out the top half of the root zone between waterings in soil (not just the top of the soil). Constantly wet roots tell the plant in essence it's the rainy season and so the plants response is to make fewer and smaller flowers if at all. Roots don't develop and eventually rot. The 'drought' you create between waterings is as important as the water. Plants feeling the 'drought' in their roots will flower really hard in order to try to make seed to get through the 'drought'. If you're not sure what your watering interval should be try watering them thoroughly...then wait and watch carefully.
After a day or two or three you will see the plan wilt slightly. However many days it took till it wilted minus one is the correct interval for the plant at that time. As plants get bigger the interval can change drasticly with increased respiration and the container staying the same size. When in doubt dry it out!
OK sorry got carried away with the know it all thing! Happy Gardening! GrowIT!:weed: