When should i plant out door plants?


This is pretty strait forward. I would just like to know what the requirements are to plant seeds outside. Info like temperature, light hours(should they be planted during the longer days or the end of the short days(please try and comprehend what I'm typing ,I was never an A eng student))And should i protect my plants form the rain.

Please and thank you .
Im growing AK 47 and my own lil stain....i called it nigga flower cause i got the seeds in africa and breed it with OG. Its grows in one big main cola(you can see pics in my album or somethin.

Have a nice day/night bros


Well-Known Member
Germ the seeds indoors.. they like 80-82° and humidity
once you've got a nice seedling, plant outside when you think there won't be another freeze..obviously that depends on your location. They can be planted outdoors late winter and be in veg


Well-Known Member
I would find out your last possible frost day, and plant them then. In my neck of the woods, that's the end of May. It varies greatly, depending on your location. No need to protect themfrom rain, unless you get torrential downpours where you live.


Well-Known Member
Depending on your area the last frost is the best time to plant out, which can very each time of the year, ask the tomato growers in your hood

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
like what vostok said, go to the nursery (plant place) and tell them you want to try your hand at growing tomatos this year and they will tell you everything you need to know about your area.


I live in Belgium.... the weather is unpredictable(last two years it snowed and this year shit barely froze)
my questions have been answered for now and i thank thee for the soraka worth support. :p


LOL slow day in the name department eh?
what is a better way to name a strain than being higher then a motherfucker on it. Me and my bro named it tripping mighty balls so I have no regrets. Just you wait man Nigga flower will be in coffee shops soon.
Ya really depends where you live im in socal so I germ seeds in Feb that will veg all spring and summer. If you dont have to worry about frost you can really plant them whenever.