when in flower can you move the plant out of the closet into shower to water them?


Well-Known Member
when in flower can you move the plant out of the closet into shower to water them? That way all excess water would go down the drain in about 10 to 15 minutes then i would put them back under the 12/12 light regiment. Would do this however often the plants would need watering. Using 5 gallon jugs so im thinking i would do this every 5 days or so. :-P im currently doing that through my vegetative stage.


Active Member
Your over waterin your plants if it takes 15 min to drain off you really should not have that much run off lol you can move your plants as long as your not disrupting the dark cycle

Move em when the lights on...


Well-Known Member
It sounds like a lot of work. You can make up a drain table with random "garage" stuff.
It just sounds like too much work to me.
Maybe your plants are on the ground and you do not want to fuck with it? i understand.

I would just be gentle. Trich heads damage easily.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the reply. im in vegetative cycle right now and I do it this way because when I put them back in the closet there is hardly anymore runoff. makes it less complicated that way then making a water recovering set up in my bedroom walkin closet. 99 percent of the extra water that is not absorbed by the soil comes out of the pots in a few minutes but I like to keep them in the shower for a few more minutes so that it does not drain more in the closet on the tarp.


Well-Known Member
you water to the point where there is just a little runoff , a saucer under the pots will catch the SMALL amount of runoff you're SUPPOSED to have.
Woah man.. your way over watering your plants that way, i'd suggest not doing that it'll drown the roots and your plants will die, get some buckets or plates and put them under your pots and put the pots in buckets for the run off and then just empty it as needed thats pretty easy and a lot better for your plants, also get a mister and spray them down with a mister every few days they love that.


Well-Known Member
sounds like im overwatering then. I do have the saucers but wanted to keep everything dry besides the soil off course. They are too small to post pics. Nothing too impressive.


Well-Known Member
Never 'too small'. Every plant starts 'small' LOL
Try cat litter trays with a layer of gravel in the bottom to elevate the pot just a bit so it doesn't sit in runoff.